How long did you have to wait to get your allotment ?

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How long did you have to wait to get your allotment ?
« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2007, 16:23 »
Hi Flowergirl,
If a plot is vacant, the council gets no rent.  If a tenant has paid, then the council do not need to chase it up any further, regardless of whether it is in full production or not.

HOWEVER, if a plot becomes dangerous through neglect or improper use, then within the tenant's agreement, the council must take action if a complaint is made.
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Petite graine

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How long did you have to wait to get your allotment ?
« Reply #31 on: July 26, 2007, 16:57 »
(a nice one that is already dug over as i havent much time for digging and dont realy like that bit i just want to plant stuff i want one with a little shed on it with a varanda so i can sit and sunbate on in the summer, one that has nice people next to me so we can have a jolly good laugh , it sounds so realy jolly having one but how much do you think sombody would charge me to dig it for me as i have a bad back, i want one i can cover in flowers i dont want to grow veg ).

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: If you get one like that, I want it too lol !  :D[/img]Froggy with a little piece of England...



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How long did you have to wait to get your allotment ?
« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2007, 18:05 »
added your name to the list petite i will be getting in touch when one like that comes up next  probably about the turn of the next millenium lol dont forget being the lettings manager has its perks as i get to see which plot is comming up for letting first thing i look at is does it have a greenhouse, how good is the shed, any water buts any nice plants mmm yes it does have its perks lol.


geordie lee

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How long did you have to wait to get your allotment ?
« Reply #33 on: August 05, 2007, 22:32 »
i waited about 5 days for my plot, it's not what you know but who you know? by all accounts there is a waiting list. if there is i wish they'd hurry up because the two plots next to mine have weeds 5-6 foot tall. i've strimmed them twice already this year. just to stop them spreading back into mine. i've got enough weeds of my own. (if anyone wants some i'll post them lol) :D


sweet nasturtium

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How long did you have to wait to get your allotment ?
« Reply #34 on: August 07, 2007, 12:45 »
I share mine with a friend who had been waiting for three years.  That's in London (inner) and wasn't bad- many of them have waiting lists that are closed.  

HOWEVER, since joining I have found many people have two or three plots which I think is totally unfair as I know lots of people with children or who don't have gardens or both who would really benefit.

Many of the people with several plots are good at maintaining them, but I can't believe that they quite need more than one.  They also have expensive rotovators and tools and labour-saving devices which many of us can't afford.

Sorry to rant...



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How long did you have to wait to get your allotment ?
« Reply #35 on: August 07, 2007, 18:26 »
I just asked if I could have the plot next to ours, we do have a waiting list and I did feel a bit guilty about asking. The site manager said he would rather let someone like us have it, as he can see that we have filled the one we have in only three months and it is small. I did justify it to myself because I know some people are going to be leaving in October, so those plots will be up for let, and it seemed too good an opportunity to have the one next door as well.
But still feel guilty, and don't know if he will let us have it.



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How long did you have to wait to get your allotment ?
« Reply #36 on: August 07, 2007, 18:47 »
I've visited 2 of my nearest sites and one has at least 5 plot with 6 foot high weeds and i'm number 60 odd on the list!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also other list i'm number 22nd and they're are plots that are completely abandoned!!!!

I feel ANOTHER firm email to the council coming on!!!! I just keep prompting them at regular intervals in the hope that they might move a little quicker :?  :?  :?  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

I live in hope!!!!!!

J x



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How long did you have to wait to get your allotment ?
« Reply #37 on: August 07, 2007, 19:09 »
Quote from: "wildeone"
I've visited 2 of my nearest sites and one has at least 5 plot with 6 foot high weeds and i'm number 60 odd on the list!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also other list i'm number 22nd and they're are plots that are completely abandoned!!!!

I feel ANOTHER firm email to the council coming on!!!! I just keep prompting them at regular intervals in the hope that they might move a little quicker :?  :?  :?  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

I live in hope!!!!!!

J x

The story you tell is similar to the one where I live.
On our site there were a number of plots really overgrown and some that were totally abandoned. I contacted the council on a number of occasions who assured me that all plots were let and being cultivated.
I said that was not the case and I arranged to see the Councils lettings Officer at my local site. Before we went onto the site he again assured me that all plots were let and cultivated. When we walked around the site and I pointed out the overgrown plots to the Council Official he was pompous and couldn't just admit that he and the Council had taken there respective eyes off the ball.

Now our site is still owned by the Council but run and managed by our own Allotment Association, all plots are now let and the ones that are overgrown the owners are contacted and reminded of their obligation to either cultivate the plot or give back their lease so that others can take it on. We have got one Lottie holder who has only been to the site once this year and that was for two hours, she will soon be receiving a phone call from our Chairperson asking her to (politely of course) either cultivate or release.
99% Organic and 1% Slug Pellets.

Allotment holder since 27th May 2007.



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How long did you have to wait to get your allotment ?
« Reply #38 on: August 08, 2007, 09:05 »
I make a trip each month into the village to see the parish council officer to remind them about the uncultivated plots and that I am still waiting on the list.  I do wonder how much plot shifting and favouratism goes on with allocation before the waiting list people are contacted to take on a plot.  I'd be very cross and probably write a letter of complaint if I knew it actually did go on because so many people are waiting for one half plot, why should existing allotment holders, often with two or three 1/2 plots (some with 3 full plots) however consientious, get first look in? We have more than 30 people on our wiat list (I am now no. 3, yea!).  I know a lady who leases two  plots and next to one of her plots is a very overgrown and poorly maintained plot covered in trees (fruit) and with a bit of space for veges.  She said she had volunteered to take it on as no one else is likely to because of it's condition but I would if it was offered.  But it's been tidied up a bit recently though still isn't briliant.

Then again a plot I'd really like was given away a couple of months ago and STILL hasn't been touched.  

Getting fed up here waiting, even thought about digging up more of the garden for next year but have so far resisted the urge!!  Really feel for those at no. 30 and above who are going to likely wait 5 years or more for a plot.
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I've told this tale before on here ...
« Reply #39 on: August 08, 2007, 09:40 »
... but I didn't have to wait at all for mine.

I was approached about helping Charlie out.  Charlie had had the plot for years and worked it with his brother when they both retired.  When the brother died Charlie had carried on alone, but it was all getting too much for him.

I worked with Charlie's daughter in law, she knew I was green fingered and asked if I would be interested in sharing the plot with him.  I jumped at the chance.

But the reality of situation is that Charlie really wasn't able to carry on, due to ill health.  He just didn't want to say he couldn't.  So for the first few months I worked the plot and did what I wanted and Charlie came down occassionally, gave me advice, sat in the chair and drank tea.  When the time came to pay the rental Charlie finally admitted he couldn't carry on, so the plot was transferred to my name.  He didn't want his beloved plot going to someone he didn't know, who wouldn't care for it the way he did.

When I agreed to take it on, I had no idea that there was a waiting list for plots and that I was effectively "jumping the queue", but having said that it was a good way of allowing Charlie to admit defeat with grace.

Charlie is still welcome, but comes less and less these day ... he has keys to my plot and his straw hat and deckchair are right there waiting for him.  It's sad really because I haven't seen him on the plot at all this year, but I send him photos and ask him to advice.  I think some of my plans amuse him ... like my planned lavender bed for next year.

I am not looking forward to the day when I to go to the shed and find his old straw hat gone ...  :(



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How long did you have to wait to get your allotment ?
« Reply #40 on: August 08, 2007, 10:28 »

The private landowner has a number of empty plots but has no interest in filling them because he says the rents are too low and he has no time to check up on the site !!!!!!!

thats where if you play your cards right you can be a great asset  you offer to manage the plots on his behalf etc  form a small commiteee and get the whole site into proper use then the landowner will come and see what a great guy you are and will want to keep you around  :wink:
still alive /............


Oscar Too

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Re: How long did you have to wait to get your allotment ?
« Reply #41 on: August 08, 2007, 13:15 »
Quote from: "Petite graine"

I've said it on this site before - the official response from my council was "Not a chance, mate - 1 year waiting list and rising".  I was digging my allotment two months later.  How?  I got down to the nearest site, met the manager, made contact, was ready to share, and generally showed my face.  

Try it out - you'll find out who is having trouble and might be happy to share.  You'll be showing commitment which will reassure the manager, and you may get a result.




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How long did you have to wait to get your allotment ?
« Reply #42 on: August 08, 2007, 15:16 »
Depends how the site is run though oscar.  And for me if there is a waiting list, then much as I have hated waiting, it's only fair to offer vacant plots in order of the wait list and not just to people who pester the site managers etc.  Taking on a plot from someone you have been working with for sometime is somewhat different but generally if there is a wait list it should be honoured and nepotism shouldn't come into it.  we have a rule on the one round the corner now that new plot holders cannot lease more than two plots, which is fair given the wait list, but older plot holders can hang onto the plots they already have, which I can live with, there aren't that many really with more than two plots (half plots)

been up to my friends lottie today and noticed the abandoned plot mentioned earlier so took a peek.  Weeds are are high as me in places (5 footish) but there are some sound looking pallets hiding in the undergrowth and a fairly well constructed pallet compost heap.  Hope he gets evicted in time for me to be offered it!!  really like this plot, it's right at the end, got its own parking (once the weeds are cleared) and is already fenced, though not very securely.  Plus is slightly larger than the other plots being about a 3/4 size rather than a half.  But a lot of work to clear it which is probably why it hasn't been touched yet!



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Re: How long did you have to wait to get your allotment ?
« Reply #43 on: April 17, 2013, 10:57 »
was on the list for 3 years...was number 37!   then i had an email saying a plot very close to me was available and although i was only number 21 now they offered it to me as it was close and other persons were not interested in traveling a great distance to it



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Re: How long did you have to wait to get your allotment ?
« Reply #44 on: April 17, 2013, 11:08 »
I waited two and a half years for mine - I was offered one after about 18 months, but by that stage I'd got quite near the top of the list for the site I really wanted (closest to my house and nicest outlook) so I carried on waiting.  They seem to have cracked down on uncultivated plots recently though as there are loads of new people on the site (most of whom I have only seen once or twice) and the waiting lists seem to be much shorter.

how long to wait.

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