Second Thoughts

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Ma Lowe

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Second Thoughts
« on: September 06, 2009, 08:41 »
This site has been a source of very useful information and I have spent all week reading different posts getting a good picture of the ups and downs of keeping chickens, however I am now having second thoughts as to wether this is right for me.

I am not an early riser so the chickens would not be let out at the crack of dawn.

The thought of cleaning all that poo out EVERYDAY is something I do not relish though I have kept many rabbits before now so have some experience of cleaning pets out.

The thought of RedMite fills me with dread.

I know that there are mice in our garden and having an allotment at the bottom of the garden would only entice more mice and maybe rats into our garden for the chicken feed which is something else I do not relish.

We live in a town and have a very long garden with neighbours either side. We have mentioned that we are thinking of keeping some chickens to both parties and they seem to be ok with it especially as it means some free eggs. We have more than enough space to keep chickens and a large garden but after hearing that they wreck the lawn and garden I do not want them to run free  through the garden as we had planned.

So now I am having second thoughts. Ok I have only mentioned the negatives above but I need convincing that the positives will be enough to change my mind.



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Re: Second Thoughts
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2009, 08:54 »
Hello Ma Lowe.

Oh, please don't be put off - keeping chooks is hugely rewarding and they are much more entertaining than rabbits!  Once they get to know you, they are so affectionate.

Most of your negatives are easily dealt with:

1.  You can get an automatic door opener, so that the chooks can be let out at the crack of dawn with you having to get out of bed.  I don't have one as I have a three year old whose preferred time of wakening is usually c. 5.30am so don't need one but I am sure someone on here can tell you more about them.

2.  Chicken poo isn't offensive as some.  If you have cats or dogs then chicken poo is nothing by comparison.  It barely smells and is (mostly) easily picked up.  If you are going to have an every day clean-up, it should only take ten minutes or so (assuming you're not taking on hundreds of hens).

3.  Red mite happens, like cat or dog fleas, although some never experience it.  However, if you do get red mite, there are lots of people on here who can help.

4.  Keep your chicken feed in rodent-proof containers so they won't be tempted!  

5.  We have a small garden but don't care about it much  :D  Yes, they can trash the garden but there are ways of keeping them off your prize veggies (sure there are some threads on here about it - as I remember, those little short wire fences are enough) or you can build a big enough run so they don't need to be out free-ranging (again, there are guidelines on here somewhere as to recommended size).

Honestly, they are great fun and it's lovely to sit out and watch them mooching about.  And there is the happy side effect of a few eggs - plus knowing that the girls that laid them were happy hens.  It does take a bit of work initially, getting everything set up and getting the girls settled in but, once you have, you won't regret it!  :D



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Re: Second Thoughts
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2009, 09:31 »
If you don't like poo picking I wouldn't bother as that's mostly what you'll be doing if you get chooks

I clean mine out daily and wonder at the mess they make and I've only got three! I get mine up early as they go bonkers if they don't get let out. They can let themselves out but would rather get me out of bed  :mad:

They are an undertaking as with all animals and you can't enter into it if you're heart's not really in it



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Re: Second Thoughts
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2009, 09:32 »
As has already been said get an automatic pop hole opener if you are not up early (usually I am awake before my girls), mice - chickens love them it is so funny watching them when one catches a mouse, chicken pooh is nothing like rabbits pooh and wee it is less smelly and all you have to do is pick up the large bits daily, keep your coop clean and spray several times a year with poultry shield (or even only you see them - touch wood so far I haven't seen any), when you do clean out the coup (fortnightly - although this time mine have gone 3 weeks  :ohmy:) dust round with diatom and put some in the nest boxes, mine free range and I still have grass (have 12 hens and 2 cockerels), and the eggs are just the best - especially as you will know when they were laid (most in the shops are several weeks old before you get them), you know what they have been fed on, the conditions they have been kept in etc. The only downside is when you go on holiday - they can't really go to kennels - do you have anybody local that could sort out your girls - perhaps in exchange for free eggs. I am away fairly soon and have a friend who has 50 bantams coming over to see to mine - she doesn't need the eggs so they are going to another friend  :). If you are still in any doubt my previous offer still stands  :). Joy xx
« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 09:38 by joyfull »
Staffies are softer than you think.



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Re: Second Thoughts
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2009, 09:34 »
Hi Ma Lowe, i think if you are having second thoughts, then perhaps chickens aren't for you, sorry but you have to be dedicated, also winter is just around the corner. There are more negatives that you haven't mentioned, vets bills plus other costs, bullying, pet sitters etc.
        At least you haven't just dived in and regretted it after, good luck whatever you decide :)
We have 17 chickens, 3 quail, 2 dogs, 3 cats and that's enough (for this week)



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Re: Second Thoughts
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2009, 10:26 »
I'm new to chicken keeping and only have the two, which is fine for the two of us. 12 weeks in, they are very tame and one particularly loves to be stroked. They are also entertaining. I plan to get an automatic pop hole but as they're about a £100 will leave that a while. They are let out between 7.30 and 8 and by then they're up and waiting, but not noisy because it's what they're used to. They're in a secure run so if I go out in the evening I don't worry if I haven't closed the door till I get back. Cleaning is a matter of getting all the stuff - I wish I'd got a diatom puffer - in my ignorance got a normal container - so more outlay there. Setting up with the right cleaning stuff is important - again I got powder cleaner initially - great for sprinkling but still had to get the poultry shield for the crevices up high.  I got through summer no red mite and I do a quick poo pick each morning when I let them out and give them their pellets. All takes less than 5 minutes. On a daily basis that's about it, then I've been doing a thirty minute clean every week or so - not too hard on a Sunday but I might not enjoy it so much in winter!  I wouldn't be without them now but I do have  a neighbour who will do the daily stuff if I go away, and I know I'm away for two weeks next summer, so checked that would be okay before getting the chooks. But they're less trouble than my cat, what with the dead and alive victims he brings in and the attention he demands in the way of fuss!



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Re: Second Thoughts
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2009, 10:37 »
Hi Ma,
I know you have asked before on another thread but surely someone on here must live closer than me to let you come around for a visit just to see and pick their brains. If not try the omlet course in October and go armed with a list of questions. Winter is the worse and this year we had lots of snow and frost but I came through it pretty unscathed (and if I can do it then I should imagine most can), vets bills are another matter. I'm lucky mine aren't too bad on the two occasions that I have needed them for my girls. Joyxx



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Re: Second Thoughts
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2009, 10:39 »
Where do you live, Ma?



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Re: Second Thoughts
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2009, 10:42 »
Oh, found you!  You're in Mansfield.  Wish I could help but in Bucks...


Ma Lowe

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Re: Second Thoughts
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2009, 10:46 »
I live near Mansfield Amanda.

Joyfull I have pm'd you as you were typing your message i think lol.

Thanks all for your thoughts I am really wanting to keep some chooks and think it's the pessamistic side of me worrying how I will manage. Hubby has said that it won't all be left to me and we have 3 teenage girls who can help out. I really like chickens and wish we had done this years ago. I am not after loads just maybe 4 so they should be ok to keep.
At least I am thinking seriously about everything to do with them and not just going in head first.  :D



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Re: Second Thoughts
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2009, 11:31 »
speaking the truth i felt exactely the same as you before i got my girls, i had been wanting chooks for ages but hubby wouldnt let me, then he did and i found this forum first.   I read everything trying to get as much knowledge as i could but then began reading all the not so nice things about chooks, the redmite, the poo, rats, mice, flies etc etc, i was sooo close to changing my mind but i didnt and went ahead with them.

4mths on and i have neve regretted it, its been fantastic i love my girlies.   I pick the poo everyday and im not bothered by it atall, can i just say rabbits are far more smelly than chickens, my friend breeds rabbits and when i go up they absoutely stink (poo).   Im surrounded by houses and there hasnt been a problem,  good husbandry is a must but once you get into a routine you dont even think about it, in this time they have become very friendly and there characters are wonderful, the eggs are to die for and i just love getting the  eggs in the morning, its great for the children aswell.  I only have 3 chickens which i feel is plenty, dont over chook yourself, prehaps 3-4 would be plenty for you.   I have a massive garden aswell which my girls free range and they have been on it for 4 mths now and as its so big theres no damage, they keep the grass down though, i think you will only start to see damage if you keep lots of chooks.     I think you should go for it as i know how you are feeling but its brillant and you wont regret it.   nickyx



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Re: Second Thoughts
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2009, 12:02 »
Unlike you Ma I just got "roped in"  as Daughter-in-Law had some eggs that she hatched for a neighbour...  the neighbour would not take them and there were NINE chooks to home...  I took four and rushed around getting the necessary gear that was needed.
I do not regret it for one minute.
I keep my feed in my house in the utillity area, in a large tub with a tight lid along with their bedding (to keep it dry)... I am sure that is not necessary but I have lots of room.
I pick up the eggs daily and it only takes a couple of minutes to scoop up any lumps of pooh.
Sure there have been problems, but chickens are a joy, and overall I would not be without my girls now.



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Re: Second Thoughts
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2009, 12:44 »
sorry i forgot to mention you will only bring rats etc to you if your leaving food for them.   My girls have their food left out all day for them and when they go to bed i sweep up everything and bring there food inside where i keep there big food bin.    The hens dont need to have food in with  them at nite.   nickyx


death of rats

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Re: Second Thoughts
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2009, 15:28 »
Had rats before the chickens, got rats still.
No food out for the chickens but rats still there.

If you dont think that it is a good idea because of the maintenance then you need to reconsider.
Now retired from the day job and working hard on my smallholding.



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Re: Second Thoughts
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2009, 16:01 »
The key to low maintenance chicken keeping is a really well thought through sustainable husbandry plan which includes the right type of housing (most important), feeding and ranging areas to suit your location and how much effort you want to put in.  It's harder to do this when you have limited space in a garden but if you are only going to keep 2 or 3 hens it can be done and the rewards are addictive as you will note from the replies and posts on this site. 

That said there is a commitment and they don't look after themselves though they can be left with little attention other than checking the feed & water and collecting the eggs for a long weekend or so.  Best to be sure you are prepared to buy the best housing you can and do the regular hygiene and maintenance tasks though, otherwise you may end up with a smelly, unhealthy eyesore rather than an idyllic scene of pastural tranquility!


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