New to allotments, have plan but would like some assistance.

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Evening all!

So I just signed the forms on my new allotment, and I have A LOT of work ahead to bring it up to scratch. I've done a lot of research, but if anyone is able to view the photo's and critique the plan I have on how to tackle it, that would be fantastic.

The plan:

1. Clear site
2. Pull up the turf/weeds etc that have grown
3. Mark out the site (stakes + string)
4. Double dig entire plot (look forward to that part!)
5. Mix in the compost
6. Divide and generally organise
7. Cover w/tarp until ready to plant (wont be long)

I'm still finalising what to grow, but something along these lines:

Broad Beans

Please don't hold back - I've never done this before so fully understand I'm in the deep end and have a lot to learn.

Some guidance on the pictures: The grass strip to the left is the path, and my plot is essentially the width of the blue tarp, all the way to the sheds at the back. The black tarp is next door. The 2nd picture is of the HUGE composter the previous owners left!

Thanks again.

« Last Edit: February 15, 2015, 18:11 by Yorkie »



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Re: New to allotments, have plan but would like some assistance.
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2015, 18:15 »
Congrats on your new lotty.  I've edited your post so your photos show in it  :)

You're on the right lines.  There's a useful article on the main website here.

I'd avoid doing asparagus for a year until you've got a feel for how your plot works overall.  It's a long-term plant which needs careful consideration as to whether you've got it in the right place from the start (and then no harvesting it for a couple of years until it's got properly established).

I think you'll struggle with peppers on the plot - they prefer greater warmth.

Also consider rotation - spuds & tomatoes are one group of veggies, carrot & parsnip another (don't put manure where you're going to grow them), peas and BBeans another.
I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days all attack me at once...



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Re: New to allotments, have plan but would like some assistance.
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2015, 18:39 »

Thanks for your response and article, great to hear I'm on the right track.

Funny you mention asparagus - after I'd posted this I was browsing through some other posts and saw that asparagus took 3 years to grow, that came straight off the list! 

I've read briefly about rotation as well, so will be sure to implement that.

Thanks again,



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Re: New to allotments, have plan but would like some assistance.
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2015, 19:24 »
i would say to mark out rough area's first and dig a few test holes to see if the ground is the same every where.

carrots and parsnips will be better in a part that has least or no stones in it, ideally need sieving before planting so a few bit stones will be easier to get rid of than littler ones that will find their way through the sieve. these will also not need any manure for this season, compost will be ok but prob better off somewhere else for now.

first bed that needs digging and fully preping would be for your onions so get that bed ready first.

there are a lot of vegetables for the first year so if i were you i would put in plenty of potatoes (you'll break the soil up when you dig them so no need to double dig if you run out of time and enthusiasm). they're also pretty easy to grow, minimal maintenance and pretty easy to store.

toms and peppers will need the sunniest spot ideally.

brussels and any other brassicas will benefit most from manure or similar. if your not sheltered you will need to trample over the soil to compact it.

rather than get frustrated and force yourself to do everything for this year, take your time and enjoy it. what you can't get done with out breaking you back and your spirit cover for this year to rot the weeds down and go for it next year. i tried to do all mine in one go and started to hate it and wanted to jack it in.



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Re: New to allotments, have plan but would like some assistance.
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2015, 20:26 »

That is one serious compost bin! Looks like it's made from decking boards, surprised the previous tenant didn't take it.   I would be inclined to strip it down and rebuild as pens , say three, each one the floor area of a pallet and start filling. I have a three bin system - one filling , one maturing and the last one being used.  Works well.

As has been mentioned, wheel barrow loads of advice on these pages and plenty of people waiting to answer any questions that crop up. 

we also rescue rabbits and guinea pigs, grow own veg



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Re: New to allotments, have plan but would like some assistance.
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2015, 20:35 »
I'm just popping by to wish you well and to say hi.

I see lots of advice coming your way! There's lots of it here!

Enjoy here and your lotty!
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Re: New to allotments, have plan but would like some assistance.
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2015, 21:00 »
Thanks everyone for the responses, they're very much appreciated.

Tenhens, I like your suggestion for the compost bin - it is a bit large.  There are some pallets further up the allotment, so should be able to craft something.



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Re: New to allotments, have plan but would like some assistance.
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2015, 22:25 »
My 2 pence worth from a similar perspective (I've had an allotment since June last year, and didn't grow a thing due to the plot being waist high in weeds when I took it on)

1) Don't go at it like a bull at a a gate - resign yourself to the fact it will take time. Most likely twice the time you think it will
2) By all means clear the site initially to stop weeds going crazy, but then section the plot and fully prep each section, rather than try and dig it all over before you do any prep of growing beds. This way you'll be able to get early veg on early, and you'll actually see things happening rather than chasing a "one day it'll be ready" idea
3) Don't lose heart - It's a long term investment and it's not easy.
4) have a think about using raised beds as they can be easier to maintain - though appreciate not everyone likes them
5) Get your mates involved - many hands make light work, especially if the lure of beer is dangled as a reward
6) Good luck


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Re: New to allotments, have plan but would like some assistance.
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2015, 11:36 »
Good luck. Contrary to other thoughts it might be worth getting your asparagus bed ready first.
Then it will crop when you have finished the rest of the allotment. Think of a time scale in years to be fully productive.

Cheers HH
Keep digging



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Re: New to allotments, have plan but would like some assistance.
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2015, 12:02 »
I echo everone's advice on here, plus don't get carried away trying to grow everything in the first year. Make a list of your priority veg and grow those first to see how your plot works out.
I work very hard so don't expect me to think as well.



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Re: New to allotments, have plan but would like some assistance.
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2015, 15:06 »
One other aspect to consider is how you would like to organise your growing areas. Some folk have narrow(ish) beds that are rarely walked on, other have  amore "traditional " approach with rows of veg organised into families and narrow walkways between them.

Be good to have a walk around and see what others on your site have done, and what might suit you.

And don't forget to leave somewhere to sit and recover relax, too  :nowink:

 Best of luck and lots of enjoyment  :D
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Re: New to allotments, have plan but would like some assistance.
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2015, 16:50 »
Ah the pictures take me back to my plot three years ago.  I took mine on in September and hand dug half of it by Christmas.  I covered it with black plastic to weaken any weeds underneath ( couch grass, nettles and dock), then planned my beds and stuck to pure veg.  Fruit beds, greenhouse and polytunnel up and running for the following season. 

I would echo others.  Don't try to do it all in one go.  Get some return for your efforts and that will keep you going.  I personally don't see a reason to double dig - I'd like to see someone do it on our clay....

Fruit is also a long term project as most bushes etc that you buy don't produce much, if anything in the first year.



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Re: New to allotments, have plan but would like some assistance.
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2015, 11:57 »
Forgot to mention on my earlier post, keep a diary.It is so easy to forget when you planted, maybe record the weather conditions - especially frosts!  and when you first harvested.  Having kept a record , keep it so that you can refer back to what went well (which it will!)  and what didn't do well (which it will ,as well!)



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Re: New to allotments, have plan but would like some assistance.
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2015, 13:58 »
Even better keep a diary on here



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Re: New to allotments, have plan but would like some assistance.
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2015, 20:37 »
Could someone give us a run through of a "how to do it" for setting up a diary

Some assistance please

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