Never ever having hamsters again

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Beetroot queen

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Never ever having hamsters again
« on: June 09, 2010, 21:18 »
We got two little hamsters about 18 months ago, we puchased them as a pair as they were for sale as a pair, I questioned it at the time, but she assured me they would be great mates, they lived fairly happily in a three storey house with not too many problems.

We went to a major pet store at the weekend as the kids had saved a lot of money and wanted to buy a super new cage with tubes, we explained to the lady we wanted to upgrade and how old and sex the hamsters were.

She told us we couldnt go wrong with the rotastake cages as we could have fun adding new bits on.

The kids picked all the bits and more accessories than you can shake a stick at.

got home put it all together added all the fab bits and accessories and put in clean sawdust etc

They went in on sunday afternoon and seemed happy with the whole layout.

Today during my lunch break I heard an almighty racket going on, the two hamsters were rolling around play fightining (or so I thought until I looked closer) I saw blood I quicly took the lid off to try and seperate the pair and wish I hadnt, my hands show the scars, I rushed to the kitchen and grabbed two tea towels, one on each hand I grabbed and seperated the pair, teeth were gnashing, claws going like mad, I was covered in blood, so were they. I managed to stick one each in seperate bits of the cage and frantically managed to block the three tubes connecting them, they were mad.  :mad:

I made sure they were safely apart and rang the vet, she was fab and said they cant be put back together EVER ( I had already guessed that) she said to keep them quiet for the rest of the day and to see what tomorrow brings, she said it would be the fact they were put into a new cage, they were trying to be chief hammy and would have happily fought to the death. I explained we didnt know and just assumed the girl in the pet store knew (never will I trust them again) I am too trusting for my own good.)

I told the vet the kids had paid and had been so excited and she advised telling the kids they have just got too old to be together rather than the new cage playing a part in it.

I feel awful, we have had single hamsters before and never had problems I wish 18 months ago I had stood my ground and just looked for one.



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Re: Never ever having hamsters again
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2010, 22:10 »
So sorry to hear of your nasty experience, hope the hamsters are individually OK tomorrow.
I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days all attack me at once...



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Re: Never ever having hamsters again
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2010, 22:34 »
I friend of mine was looking after a hamster who  had new born baby hamsters for a neighbour .  She had them on a table in her dining room.  One lunch time they were all eating lunch and she thought there seemed to be a lot of squeaking coming from the cage . When she looked the mother hamster was eating the babies. :blink:

What sex are your two.  I didn't think you could keep a male and female hamster together, or is that gerbils :unsure:



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Re: Never ever having hamsters again
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2010, 23:28 »
I knew a bloke who kept hamsters in the garden in a pen. His neighbour popped in one day just as he was skinning it to put in the stew. Never spoke to him again. :nowink:



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Re: Never ever having hamsters again
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2010, 01:13 »
The problem with the 'major pet store' is that their staff are usually from the same mould as he staff from Dixons. We pointed out a while ago to one member of staff that their tropical fish had whitespot and ought to be treated and definitely not sold. She just replied that she thought the white spots made them look pretty. Suffice to say we never bought any animals from there again.

Hopefully your hamsters will now be happy with their separate bits of their house.
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Paul Plots

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Re: Never ever having hamsters again
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2010, 01:41 »
I knew a bloke who kept hamsters in the garden in a pen. His neighbour popped in one day just as he was skinning it to put in the stew. Never spoke to him again. :nowink:

Guinea-pigs?  ???
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Re: Never ever having hamsters again
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2010, 09:46 »
We had a curry shop near us that kept guinea pigs in their back yard, but strangely the numbers went down............then the shop got closed down by environmental health......wonder why??? lololol



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Re: Never ever having hamsters again
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2010, 13:19 »
Your average standard hamster should always be kept on their own, they don't like company, you were lucky that your two lived in relative harmony for most of their lives. Hope they are OK after their fight.

By the way, hamsters hate being handled too, which is why so many of them bite. We had hamsters for years, always solitary but with plenty of activities and toys, but never handled at all. They were very cheerful characters to have around.



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Re: Never ever having hamsters again
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2010, 13:22 »

If they are the big syrian hamsters/golden type, than you can only keep 1 per cage.
They will only tolerate each other for breeding.

Some dwarfs can be housed communerly.

If you read the wicki link, does not reccomend hamsters for children under 7, must say I agree. Bitey at the best of times.

Rats, gerbils & G pigs much more suitable.  :)

Chinchillas can be kept as mixed pairs, but not same sex groups. A breeder told me this, my neighbour said she was wrong (the breeder).
He had 2 males together, best of friends. One day one vanished, we asked the neighbour  where he was " Ah, he replied, they had a big fight & 1 killed the other "!!!  :ohmy:



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Re: Never ever having hamsters again
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2010, 13:28 »
The problem with the 'major pet store' is that their staff are usually from the same mould as he staff from Dixons. We pointed out a while ago to one member of staff that their tropical fish had whitespot and ought to be treated and definitely not sold. She just replied that she thought the white spots made them look pretty. Suffice to say we never bought any animals from there again..

I thought I would mention this place, I can guess who we are talking here, do not name them, they must sue people, an old forum I used, had lots of alias's for them,for that reason.

They always have dead & dying fish!  >:(
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 13:42 by spottymint »


Pretty Chick

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Re: Never ever having hamsters again
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2010, 21:02 »
How are your hamsters today Beetroot queen? Hope they're okay.
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Re: Never ever having hamsters again
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2010, 00:03 »

I thought I would mention this place, I can guess who we are talking here, do not name them, they must sue people, an old forum I used, had lots of alias's for them,for that reason.

They always have dead & dying fish!  >:(

Yes, as 'small people' the 'major pet stores' just have to wave the threat of litigation to silence us, its a sad state of affairs which is why (without good proof at least) I will keep my counsel.



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Re: Never ever having hamsters again
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2010, 09:42 »
The problem with the 'major pet store' is that their staff are usually from the same mould as he staff from Dixons. We pointed out a while ago to one member of staff that their tropical fish had whitespot and ought to be treated and definitely not sold. She just replied that she thought the white spots made them look pretty. Suffice to say we never bought any animals from there

How are agree with that.  They are just so ignorant.  The trade should be better regulated.

Twice my adult daughter bought to 'male'  hamster only to find a litter a few months later.

Roborovski hamster in particular can be really agressive and the sellers should be aware of that and they should be able to sex them too.

I was looking at sexing hamsters on the internet after one of the litters and my son who has remote access (he's my IT guru) wondered why I was looking at hamster porn!  :) :) :)
:) :)

Seriously though, we managed to sex them as we were passing them on to someone else and we checked with a vet that we were right (which we were) so it isn't that hard.



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Re: Never ever having hamsters again
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2010, 10:55 »
Hi, I have had about 20 hamsters over many years , one of which had 11 babies.
18 months is quite old for a hamster, they are certainly 'pensioners' by then.  I have never heard of Syrian Hamsters living together, introducing hamsters for mating requires constant supervision as they will fight  to the death!  The babies will start to fight from about 6 weeks.  I presume you had dwarf hamsters.
I have had russian hamsters and did not find them so appealing as they could not be cuddles and had a tendancy to nip, but they could be kept in groups.
I have to disagree that hamsters bite, or hate being handled.  In my years of keeping hamsters, I have never been bitten, and handled my hamsters everyday. 
I think SYRIAN hamsters are a perfect pet especially for children, they teach respect, patience and about death ( difficult at times) and can be left at home for a weekend.
Hamsters require taming, they should not be bought from a pet shop and expected to be picked up straight away.  At food times, they should be stroked, then over a week or so stroked down the sides, then very gradually, picked up.  Each is different, sometimes this takes weeks sometimes days. My sister, who has cerebral palsy, and can be quite heavy with her hands still has hamsters and after a few weeks of taming, she is able to handle her hamsters, they giver her so much joy.
Mine would come out in the evening when called, lick food from my fingers, and show affection.
I have loved Syrian hamsters, an hate to hear that they do not make good pets, they just require a little work at the beginning, much less than training a dog!
The only reason I do not have hamsters now is that we moved to the country and now have a Jack Russel, who would see the hamster as more of a snack!
I would reconsider especially as your children have bought a fancy new cage,  One Syrian hamster, tamed with patience and care will make a perfect pet.



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Re: Never ever having hamsters again
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2010, 13:08 »
Sounds like the hamster and jack russell have the same temperament.
I know our little jack is a bit of a handfull.


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