Newbie wants to keep quails - any advice?

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Newbie wants to keep quails - any advice?
« on: April 18, 2012, 20:13 » anyone keeping quails? I have the house, I have the I need the quails.I want to have quails for their eggs only.I have an 8sq.feet run attached to a wooden house which is 4 sq.ft..I thought I'd have 4 quails to begin with.I have read that quails need a half sq. foot each so thought I'd have enough room.Is that right?

Can anyone suggest what type I should start with please?What I should be looking for when I buy,how old they should be?

Any information will be gratefully received as there is so much out there I thought I'd just ask the people who have them.

Many thanks........ :wacko:


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Re: Newbie wants to keep quails - any advice?
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2012, 04:44 »
Hi half a sqare foot isnt realy enough for each bird they will fight, i breed CPQ which are the smallest of the quail group and i give them 2 sq foot each ie; a treo in a large rabbit hutch, if you only want eggs then you would want one of the larger breeds ie jap quails there eggs are the ones that you usualy find for sale, these would need more space as they are bigger, space is a controvertial point the law states chickens can be kept in cages with a minimum of 1 sq foot each but that is no where near enough and the general rule of thumb is 10sq foot per bird. i would say that jap quails would need about 4 sq foot each, I cant find actual law on space for quails but the more you can give them the better  :D
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Re: Newbie wants to keep quails - any advice?
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2012, 07:57 »

I have Japanese and Italian.

I keep them in a chicken coop and covered run. (OH is building a walk in aviary this w/e, more for my benefit than theirs as cleaning would be easier)

They dont really go in to sleep at night like chickens do and they nest on the floor.

They like a dust bath. I use dry sand with a generous dosing of diatom powder.

If you want to eat the eggs and are feeding them chick crumbs, make sure they are non medicated chick crumbs. They will also eat a variety of aviary bird seed, and like to peck at an orange cut in half, spring greens etc.

Try to get younger birds than older ones, i think they start laying as young as 6-8 weeks depending on the type you get.

They can be quite jumpy and flighty.

If you are not planning on breeding them you wont need a male.
If you do get a male, best to have 1 male to 3 females as they are quite active in their attempts of procreation.
Males are terratorial and will fight with other males quite aggresively.



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Re: Newbie wants to keep quails - any advice?
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2012, 08:45 »
You can go onto the DEFRA website to get info re space requirements but please note that that is the very minimum and I would NEVER advocate using that. The height of their run is important as when startled they take off vertically and can injure/kill themselves.

Splash101 has given good advice. I happen to use dust extracted shavings (large bales available from horsey shops for about £8. It will be very expensive to use the pet sized ones!!), but there is nothing wrong with sand. The shavings can be put on the compost heap although they do take a while to break down.

Depending upon where you live you may need to bring them in in the winter - advice on this is very mixed on the internet. I keep mine under the window in a stable and on very cold nights just put a piece of carpet over their run. You will find they do not nest and will lay any and everywhere. I think you may find it very difficult to add to the 'flock' as they are so territorial and the girls can be just as vicious as the boys so would advise getting the number you wish to keep and sticking with it until their demise. Others may offer different advice to this.

They are rewarding to keep and I have found lay well. I have Italian quail and will get more when their time comes. Children seem very drawn to them, more than my hens and ducks! They are noted for being flighty but I have to say mine have been fine but they are unlikely to be up for a cuddle. Care is required when handling as it is easy to break bones, apparently. There is much spoken of them being smelly, but I have not found this to be the case. :)
Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted!!



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Re: Newbie wants to keep quails - any advice?
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2012, 10:40 »
Brilliant advice...and now lots to think about...thankyou all...least of which is extending the run I think for more space.Think I'm just going to look at getting 3 or 4 to start with as my first family and go on a learning curve with them until time for a new family.

Many thanks...please continue to send any advice as you think it...all welcome... :)



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Re: Newbie wants to keep quails - any advice?
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2012, 16:49 »
Hi Jual and welcome to the site.

I have 10 coturnix quail all female, 7 are Italian and 3 Japanese.  Mine are currently in a chicken ark and seem really happy.  It is not huge about 3' x 6' so 18' square.  Hubby is going to convert a shed to an aviary for them but that is after making a walk in run for the hens.  ::) :lol:

I have found my Japanese are less flighty than the Italian ones but this might be down to breeding.  You will need to look out for toe balling which is when poo/bedding gets stuck to their feet and dries on. 

As the others have said they are territorial so I would suggest you get atleast 6 girls so that you will get 1 dozen eggs every 2-3 days.  I have had to relocate my quail to neutral territory when introducing new ones so it is much easier to get them all together.

If you can get them at around 8 weeks old you should be able to guarantee their sex and avoid getting a male.  This is harder to do by feather colouring in the paler coloured Italian and impossible in white coturnix quail.   ;)

Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens!
Bagpuss RIP 1992 - June 2012, 1 huge grass carp (RIP "Jaws" July 2001 - December 2011), 4 golden orfe, 1 goldfish and 1 fantail fish (also huge)! plus 4 Italian quail, 1 Japanese quail, 1 Rosetta quail.



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Re: Newbie wants to keep quails - any advice?
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2012, 06:17 »
 :D Just to let you know that having set up, bought 5 quails,then another 5...I am up and in business with 7 left! 1 flew over the 8 ft fence and onto the building site next door, never to be seen again  :( :(and I  rehomed the 2 males as they were pecking merry h*ll out of the others! I extended the run after 2 weeks and 'my girls' are now a very happy bunch going about their daily business.I am currently getting 5 eggs a day and hope to get 7 a day very soon.I have pickled,fried,boiled and poached my eggs and am just getting ready to sell 2 dozen a week to pay for their food!Still leaves me enough to pickle.

Many thanks to everyone for all advice......



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Re: Newbie wants to keep quails - any advice?
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2012, 07:12 »
Glad they are all doing nicely and yes, soon you will have more eggs than you'll know what to do with. I thought mine had stopped laying but they hadnt, they were just getting creative in where they were laying. How they expect me to reach into some of their hidey holes.

My golden ones are quite flightly but not so much the japanese ones.



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Re: Newbie wants to keep quails - any advice?
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2012, 19:41 »
Glad you have finally got your birds Jual and that they are settled.

Came back from holiday yesterday and everything seemed fine with hens, chicks and quail.  I did notice that there was a lot of scurring about in the quail house last night but no injuries.  Today I noticed one of my Japanese quail was harassing three of my Italian quail but again no injuries.  I checked again around 5pm and the Japanese was still having a go at the Italian quail and it had injured an eye of one of them.

I have separated the three of my Italian that were being attacked into a hospital cage and they seem really happy.  I am hoping the injured quail has not lost its sight in one eye but it is too early to tell.

The only thing I can see as a reason for the attacks is that the Japanese quail seems very protective of the eggs.  I know they don't normally become broody but I think this could be the cause.  I will have to see if I can get them some male company for the attacker and see if that solves the problem.   :unsure:



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Re: Newbie wants to keep quails - any advice?
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2012, 22:19 »
ANHBUC, my Japanese ones are more aggressive than the Italian too and the male tries to mount the Italian females which is quite funny because of the size difference.

Hope yours recover soon



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Re: Newbie wants to keep quails - any advice?
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2012, 16:22 »
Thanks splash101 she is doing fine but has a scabby eye.  Will have to wait and see how bad the damage is once it heals.

I was a bit concerned as the bully is the sister of the male I had to cull due to savage attacks on females.  I hope it does not run in the family!

Hubby will be converting a shed for the quail soon so I will probably keep them separately to save on the bullying.

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