Chux Tux knitting pattern

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Chux Tux knitting pattern
« on: January 13, 2009, 10:00 »
Here's the Chux Tux knitting pattern, courtesy of 'Laughing Hens'....

Laughing Hens Pattern
Battery Chicken Jacket

Basic Chux Tux

k:   knit
p:   purl
k2tog:   knit two stitches together
tbl:   through back of loop
st:   stitch
rt:   right

Use up your odds and ends of wool. It probably takes about one ball in total and about six hours to knit
Using size 3.25mm-4mm needles and double knitting wool.
Cast on 100 stitches.

Work 20 rows k1p1 rib.
Start decreasing, right side of work is facing you.
Keep the continuity of the rib pattern throughout.

Rib4, k2togtbl, rib26, k2togtbl, rib31, k2tog, rib27, k2tog, rib4 (96st)
3 rows rib maintaining pattern.
Rib4, k2togtbl, rib25, k2togtbl, rib29, k2tog, rib26, k2tog, rib4 (92st)
3 rows rib
Rib4, k2togtbl, rib24, k2togtbl, rib27, k2tog, rib25, k2tog, rib4 (88st)
3 rows rib
Rib4, k2togtbl, rib23, k2togtbl, rib25, k2tog, rib24, k2tog, rib4 (84st)
3 rows rib

Continue decreasing but only in the centre of the work
Rib28, k2togtbl, rib23, k2tog, rib29 (82st)
3 rows rib
Rib28, k2togtbl, rib21, k2tog, rib29 (80st)
3 rows rib
Rib28, k2togtbl, rib19, k2tog, rib29 (78st)
1 row rib
Rib28, k2togtbl, rib17, k2tog, rib29 (76st)
1row rib
Rib28, k2togtbl, rib15, k2tog, rib29 (74st)
1 row rib
Continue decreasing like this until:
Rib 28, k2tog tbl, p1, k2tog, rib29 (60st)
1 row rib
Rib28, slip next st onto rt needle k2tog, pass slipped st back over to cast it off, rib29,
Continue without further shaping, k1p1 rib for 15 rows
Cast off loosely, in rib, in slightly smaller needles if possible.

Adjustable neck fastening.
Cast on 11sts
k1p1 moss stitch for 5 rows

6th row (working button hole)
work 6 st in moss st, cast off the last st worked (on the rt needle slip the 5th st worked over the 6th st)
work 1 st from left needle, pass the 5th st over the 6th st as before
work 1 st from left needle, pass the 5th st over the 6th st
moss st 3 remaining st.
(4st, gap for button hole, 4st)

7th row
moss st 3 st
next st, work into front but do not cast off needle, pass wool to back of work, and make second st into
the back, do not cast off, bring wool to front, and work third st into front, do not cast off, wool to
back, work fourth st into back of original st.

With 7 st on rt needle now release it from the left needle
work remaining 4 st from left needle in moss st (11st)

k1p1 moss st for 5 rows
repeat 6th row
repeat 7th row
k1p1 moss st for 5 rows
repeat 6th row
repeat 7th row
k1 p1 moss st for 2 rows
next row k2tog tbl, moss st 7, k2tog (9st)
next row k2tog tbl, moss st 5, k2tog (7st)
cast off in moss st

To make up
The wide end of the body shape is the tail end, the narrower end is the head end.
On main body of Chux Tux, sew together the first 20 rows of rib (at the wider end of the shape) only, to form a short tube, but leave open the rest of the garment.
Attach the cast on edge of the neck fastening to the side of the tux at the top.
Sew a button on the other side.

Deluxe Chux Tux
Make the basic Chux Tux and add the "Warming Flap".

Warming Flap
Cast on 25 st.
k1 p1 moss stitch, until work measures 14 cm
Next row, keeping continuity of moss st pattern
moss st 4, k2tog tbl, moss st to last 6 st , k2tog, moss st to end (23st)
next row, moss st
continue decreasing in this way (one decrease row, one moss st row) until 11 st remain
next two rows moss st
now work 6th and 7th row of adjustable neck fastening
moss st 5 rows
work 6th and 7th row of adjustable neck fastening
moss st 5 rows
cast off in moss st

To make up
Sew bottom (cast on edge) of Warming Flap to the cast on edge of the Tux placing
it centerally over the short back seam.

The Warming Flap adjusts and does up using the same
button that secures the neck fastening.

Fitting Instructions

These are fitting instructions from Brigitte who designed the jacket:

One person holds the chicken at ground level,with both hands wrapped around her body restraining her wings. The second person faces the chicken and gathers the Tux up (as if it were a sock or a leg of a pair of tights) and puts the Chux-Tux over the chicken's head and over the first person's hands, so that it is well down her body but in front of her legs.  The first person, with the second person's assistance, then gently manoeuvres one wing at a time, though the opening so that both wings are outside the Tux.  It is very important that whilst you are handling the chicken's wings and she feels your grip loosen to free the wing, that she does not flap and try to escape at this point, as she would easily be injured.

Once the wings are out, the second person adjusts the fastening to a comfortable fit. Carefully release the chicken. and observe her to make sure all is well.  To take the Tux off, simply undo the button and slide the Tux off the back of the chicken, so as not to ruffle her feathers, making sure that her legs are not caught in the garment.  Again, this is best done by two people.

I think that if the 'Chux-Tux' is used as soon as the chicken is rescued, she may get used to it. Queenie did not enjoy her new look and her companions were also alarmed. Although my design has exceeded my expectations I have taken it off Queenie and I keep all the chickens warm with the infra red lamp, she is clever enough to stay in the shed most of the time and only ventures out for short periods.  Mo, one of her companions, had even fewer feathers than Queenie,  when they arrived,  and now you would not recognise her , she looks almost normal, so I am sure that  Queenie will be fine very shortly.

After I had knitted the Basic Chux Tux  I understood how the design could be adapted to produce the 'Deluxe Chux Tux'  with the added back warming feature .  A few of the rescued battery chickens have very few feathers indeed and are unkindly referred to as 'oven readies', they seem to have left only the larger flight feathers on the wings and a few stubbly tail feathers so as well as having a bare chest and bottom they also have a bare back and they dither and shiver in the cold,  wearing what is left of their wings curled around their poor scrawny bodies.  These chickens need the extra protection of the Deluxe version.  When fitting the Deluxe version, simply button the Warming Flap down after the wings have been eased out, using the same button that holds the neck fastening. At first sight, the Warming Flap may appear too short but when in place, it adapts to the shape of the chicken's back.

Rob 8)



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Chux Tux knitting pattern
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2009, 19:17 »
whats that in english  :lol:  :lol:  , my god are u supposed to understand any of that .

hehehe i can just see u now rob  knitting needles in one hand and a hug of cocoa in the other sitting in your rocking chair  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
"Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened."



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Chux Tux knitting pattern
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2009, 20:07 »
Who's been talking ??  :shock:  :oops:

I have knitted before but I can't cast on or off and can only do normal knit stitch. And it all goes wonky  :?

Rob 8)



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Chux Tux knitting pattern
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2009, 20:57 »
i can cast of but normally i have a fishing rod in my hand  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

u an knitting you are joking aint u



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Chux Tux knitting pattern
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2009, 21:00 »

Not tried it for years but my mum taught me when i was little. :lol:

No reason why a man shouldn't be able to knit, sew and do all the other stuff. Same as a woman wielding a hammer.  :D



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Chux Tux knitting pattern
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2009, 21:16 »
that true i have to say , i do love a guy whos willing to try other things .i can do most things wether its building something or working on my car  yet i know women that cant do one single thing , i could never live like that but i think i learnt that from my dad who used to be a builder . i used to go out on jobs with him when i was little and i loved it .



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Chux Tux knitting pattern
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2009, 21:21 »
Best thing. My dad's a lifelong DIYer. I caught the bug and hate payign anyone to do stuff. Luckily my OH is good at doing traditional 'lady things'.

I love nothing better than making and mending. :)

Whether it be carpentry, brickwork, plumbing or sewing a button on.




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Chux Tux knitting pattern
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2009, 21:26 »
can i just say. to anyone who gets a baldy ex batt that needs some protection and they cant get their hands around knitting. pm me and i will be happey to send them an eevie t shirt



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Chux Tux knitting pattern
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2009, 21:28 »
Ah bless. :)

Ages since we saw Evie. How's she getting on ?  :)



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Chux Tux knitting pattern
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2009, 21:31 »
hiya babe, if i ever manage to get any girls like that { hope i do in the best of ways seeing a animal go from yuk to yum is the best thing ever } then i will be calling u rite away  :D  :D  .if i had known when i first got my girls then i would of got one for little tassles she was pretty bald an yukky but now shes getting a really good feather all over  :)  :) .



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Chux Tux knitting pattern
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2009, 21:42 »
eevie and some of her sisters once they were all happy healthy and fully feathered, went to a friend who lost her girls to a fox. eevie is now top bird and you'd never guess what she went through. i'll try and get over at the weekend and get some new pictures



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Chux Tux knitting pattern
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2009, 21:44 »
Three cheers for the underdog(hen). :D

Be lovely for the new exbatt keepers to see what good they're doing. Thanks babe. :)

Rob 8)



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Chux tux knitting pattern
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2009, 11:42 »
Well done for knitting!  I taught my three sons and two grandsons to knit.  
What I'd like to see is a photo of your completed article.  Any chance?



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Chux Tux knitting pattern
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2009, 13:06 »
We've never had ex-batts, so haven't got any to show, unfortunately.

Some people have asked for the pattern in the past and may have an example. If you google chux tux, you may find a photo somewhere.

Babe's T-shirt worked brilliantly and looked very chic. :D

Rob 8)


too many girls

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Re: Chux Tux knitting pattern
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2009, 21:22 »
i'll 2nd that, Babes t-shirts work really well, not just for keeping chilly girlies warm but also for protection against bullying, stopped the other girls in their tracks when they saw Lonely with her t-shirt on, they didn't know what to make of it, Lonely's all better now.


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