What is doing well for you this year?

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What is doing well for you this year?
« on: July 23, 2022, 14:15 »
So far this year I have had a bumper harvest of Longor shallots, the best I have ever had.  Very pleased and they store well too.
Also my Wizard field beans have given a good crop.
Calabrese and Kalibos red cabbage looking good.
Outdoor cucumbers are doing well, especially La Diva.  I think I might give up trying on indoor ones.
The peppers and chillies are looking good but none ripe yet.
Too early for a verdict on beans and courgettes although one plant is motoring.  Likewise tomatoes are not into their stride yet.
What is doing well for others?



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Re: What is doing well for you this year?
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2022, 15:31 »
We had a glut of strawberries 🍓 never thought I’d get sick of strawberries but turns out I can. Rest of the soft fruit are still getting established so while we’ve had some harvests it’s only enough for a taste.

Our shallots did great and I was pleased with the garlic, but the red onions grew flower stalks.

We’re doing well with beetroot, spring onions and outdoor cucumbers.

The real star has been the bush cherry tomatoes 🍅 last year blight destroyed everything before we got a harvest so we’re super pleased with how many cherry toms have already turned red.



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Re: What is doing well for you this year?
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2022, 20:24 »
Every type of green produced well, except that turnip greens were adequate, but not fantastic.  Lettuce, Swiss chard, spinach, and Malabar spinach all did well.  The chard and Malabar spinach are still producing well.

Carrots are doing well, and are still producing.

Gardener's Delight tomato are producing well, but I have fewer plants than I'd like.

Cucumbers are good, but it is pickle worm season, so I'm likely to lose those plants soon.  I have some new seedlings started to replace the first ones, I am hoping for some late season cucumbers.

The deer keep pruning off the peppers and okra, but those should recover.  Now that the fence is mended, I am hoping for some late-season production.  We will see.
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Re: What is doing well for you this year?
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2022, 21:13 »
peas are one of our best crops this year but having said that we have cut some good cauliflowers and cabbage I was pleasantly surprised when we went down the allotment on Friday we had beans of plenty both runner French and broad the only thing that mite not be of plenty is our onion crop because we should have been hoeing the weeds in the beds before the heat came upon us so there going to be left now until we pull them weeds and all

you know onions are my biggest problem they seem to attract the weeds so quickly no sooner have you weeded um there back growing again and I hate hoeing onions  I'm sure there's something one can do to stop these darn weeds I'm thinking about planting my next season's onions in ground cover woven matting to see if that does the trick  we raised our onions in the poly tunnel from seed including shallot seed and they where perfect soon as we planted out up come the weeds and plenty of um I went through with the hoe several time but this month I hold my hand up the weeds have beat me  :( never mind no good crying over spilt milk as they say just have to see what's under the weeds there mite be a few onions you never know  :D



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Re: What is doing well for you this year?
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2022, 22:02 »
Sugarsnap peas did well, the tall peas which were a bit later got scuppered by the heat  :(
The early brassica seedlings, didn't grow well enough to plant out, think it was useless compost, but the  later sown winter ones are looking much better. So fingers crossed!
Sweetcorn looks really good this year, as long as it doesn't rain just as they're beginning to flower.....
Squash are growing really fast, first fruits are set and swelling. Ate the first small Tromba today :)
Mennonite beans are really good, this year, I've been eating those for a week or so now, and white runners are setting as well, first picking today. Red runners in the garden were planted later and are only just beginning to flower, but as they're more protected than the plot ones, they usually carry on until it gets cold.
The potatoes in their pots are looking healthy, so far, and I've already had quite a decent yield from one of the Pentland Javelins tubs.
The Tayberries and Loganberries taste good, but the yield was only so, so. Huge crop on the Oregon Thornless Blackberry to make up for it , though:)
Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers are all late this year, they have now made a lot of growth, but not set a lot of fruit :(



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Re: What is doing well for you this year?
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2022, 11:39 »
Earlier in the year, had a great crop of asparagus, gooseberries and strawberries.
Still picking the very last of the gooseberries and strawberries, both are coming to an end.
Broad beans did very well, but all dug up now and plenty frozen.
Rhubarb has done good, including a few transplants, that excelled, but it never really fails and still picking.
My mangetout and peas are finished now and had great crops. Now pods are turning brown, seed for saving.
My gherkins have all grown well and a good load already pickled. Have more setting nicely.
New potatoes have been great as ever like my usual Charlotte and Duke of York in raised beds and bags.
As I could not, like everyone else get any International kidney seed potatoes this year I replaced them with Sally and Nicola. Both grown in the same raised bed, Sally were a very good cropper and produced loads of good medium sized very tasty new potatoes. Nicola were an average cropper, all of a good medium size, but did not really think they were the best tasting new potato, a bit bland.
All my maincrop have luscious leaf and plenty of flowers.

Been picking my trusty Burpless cucumbers in the greenhouse for a few weeks and plenty setting and plenty to pick yet.
Greenhouse tomatoes, Golden Sunrise and Tigrella I have started picking this week.
Greenhouse tomatoes Nectar Rose, my saved seed are just on the verge of ripening and produce very well as they always have done.
I grew a new cherry tomato outside in pots and they have been flooding me with delicious cherry tomatoes, known as Bush Cherry Falls. 
My Marmande and San Marzano are all growing and setting tomatoes nicely. Glad, as I have created two raised beds in place this year for them, instead of the pots I used to grow them in and they are producing as well as they ever did, in the same location.
Sweetcorn Golden Bantam this year is growing taller, an extra foot or so to 7 1/2 to 8 foot high. Is setting three and some four cobs on each plant, some just turning for picking in a week or so.
Brussels Sprouts are all looking sturdy.
Picking loads of lettuce and spring onions a few times a week. Have tried growing lettuce at the base of some of my sweetcorn, regular seedlings planted for a month or so now and the lettuce seems to love it.
Spinach as reliable as ever and regular picking.
Chard, many different kinds and Nero and Russian kale has been delicious and healthy. Will be planting out more seedlings over the next few weeks.
I did sow some chard into a my old (San Marzano/Marmande) previous years tomato pots, and they are producing tons of tasty leaves from just four seedlings in each pot filled about half way, about six inches of soil/compost.
Leeks are all upright and bulking out nicely all ready.

Been picking Purple podded climbing beans and blue lake climbing beans for a week or so. My first year with both of these varieties, replacing my many years of growing Cobra and Purple Queen dwarf. The blue lake has cropped as well as the Cobra ever did, masses of beans and just as tasty. The purple podded is producing tons of purple beans and they are absolutely delicious, best tasting beans I have ever grown. Will stick with them for next year.
My runner beans are setting nicely and have already picked a few handfuls last week or so already.
My hunter flat beans have just started setting and have today picked a handful. I'm once again growing them on one end of my runner bean cane support and again this year it has worked well.
My baby carrots, a new variety, Burpees Short 'n' Sweet this year are doing nicely in pots. Too small to taste yet, hopefully will be as tasty as my many years of Touchon and Amsterdam.

A long dry month, just one day rain on the 22nd July, just 2mm, so lots of daily watering. But plenty of bright sunshine with mid 20s to 30c temps and of course those few very hot days.
All the veg and fruit seems to be loving this warmer than usual weather.
My basil in the greenhouse that I grow within the tomato beds and in pots beside the tomatoes has obviously loved the extra warmth and is producing the best I have known it, regular picking is essential as I notice its always on the verge of going to seed. Never seen that before at this stage.



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Re: What is doing well for you this year?
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2022, 08:46 »
Soft fruits like redcurrants, tayberries, raspberries have all done well and there is a bumper crop on the horizon of blueberries  and plums.

Lettuce has done extremely well, just pulled up my first sowing of it from late February and planted leeks in their place.

Brussels sprouts are charging ahead, theh are looking like they might be ready in September! Far to early for me but we will see.

Peas were good, replaced with radicchio.

Potatoes were a mixed bag, pentland javelin not so good on yield but yukon gold have been terrific. Will grow them again next year with Charlotte  I think. Planted kohlrabi, purple sprouting broccoli  and endives in their place.

The cool and overcast summer has  not been good for my tomatoes or chillis, although the capsicum pubescens are doing well as they like the cooler temps we have.

« Last Edit: July 25, 2022, 08:49 by Snow »



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Re: What is doing well for you this year?
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2022, 22:20 »
We had a good crop of sour cherries this year as the wind didn’t blow the blossom off in spring.

We had a good rocket harvest and second harvest earlier but it’s too hot now.

I’ve also been impressed with our Charlotte potatoes, they didn’t go in until the middle of April which is a month late for us. However 3 months later we had a great harvest despite the dry summer.



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Re: What is doing well for you this year?
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2022, 11:57 »
Potatoes not bad.
Shallots very good.
 Mice are generally ruining lots.
French beans look particular poor.
Sweet peppers in greenhouse look like a failure but okay in conservatory.
Tomatoes good I particularly like the store ones lovely and firm.
But yesterday night rain set everything to speed up. Courgettes turned into marrows overnight. Not sure I even like Courgettes been giving them away. Need a recipe for these extremely bland vegetable.
Arhhh I forgot tons and tons Perpetual spinach and chard. Zapp it in the microwave with a bit of salt superb.
Carrots grown in 4" and 5" troughs. Little fingers and parisian market all well out of reach of carrot fly. Excellent crops.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2022, 12:02 by cc »



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Re: What is doing well for you this year?
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2022, 15:40 »
Swedes are doing great..
Spring onions are mahoosive..
All potatoes are better than expected..
Sweetcorn is coming along nicely..
Tomatoes are all going great guns..
Lettuce are aplenty..
Leeks are growing champion..
Garlic is all dried and stored now..
Early onions are all pulled and drying out..
Exhibition, Ailsa Craig and Kelsae onions are fattening up lovely.. I'll be letting a couple go to seed for next year..
Apple trees have a few apples growing nicely..
Beetroot has been disappointing as have carrots in the raised beds.... carrots in the pots however are all great and we're harvesting when ready..
All in all.. a more productive year than last..  :)



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Re: What is doing well for you this year?
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2022, 20:46 »

They have been massive this year, 4 oz each, such a treat in salads or porridge.



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Re: What is doing well for you this year?
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2022, 22:52 »
French beans are now a bright spot.  The bush wax beans are good, but the Kentucky Wonder pole beans are producing heavily, as long as they get enough water.



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Re: What is doing well for you this year?
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2022, 11:55 »
Red onions: nice size and now drying on rack.
Zuccini: Good early crop and still going strong.
Good regular cropping of beetroot, radish and strawberries.
Spinach, lettuce and chard looking good and lots of leaf from the lettuce,
Both Sungold and Roma toms are starting to ripen and look plentiful.
Giant pumpkins have started well and look to be getting to a good size already,
Butternut squash a little too early to say but seems to be fruiting well with lots of squash starting to set.
Blueberries: Best crop for a few years.

Not so good:
Early potatoes: Yield was lower than normal but the spuds we did get were of a good quality
Carrots: really struggled to get good germination in one of the beds, once established seem to be ok.
Climbing French beans: bit of a disaster first sowing failed, second (late sowing) got established but then stalled, with a couple of plants just dying. Only two plants are anywhere close to flowering, suspect for the first year ever we won't have any french beans.
Sweet corn: limited cobs formed, have harvested first couple this weekend which were nice, but number of cobs will be low this year.
Cucumber: Started well and were cropping with lots of good-sized fruit but after the very hot days both plants just gave up and died.



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Re: What is doing well for you this year?
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2022, 12:41 »
Beetroot and for the first time ever Potatoes!



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Re: What is doing well for you this year?
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2022, 15:53 »
Best crop of greenhouse-grown tomatoes in 51 years of growing them


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