Unusual egg laying goings on...

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Unusual egg laying goings on...
« on: October 11, 2010, 21:02 »
I have 3 lovely exbatties which I adopted in June this year.... they've come on leaps n bounds since I've had them and are very much our family pets. 
As I consider them in 'retirement' I've never had much expectation of many eggs but have been nicely suprised at getting between 1-2 eggs daily from them - until now.
All hens look well, no sign of any illness to look at them ie no wheezing,  nice bright red wattles and appearance sprightly.  However, about just over a week ago I noticed Ginger was a little slower than usual (its normal for her to be the most reserved) and altho still drinking and eating was not doing so with much gusto.  The next day I found what appeared to be a number of yolks condensed into one impacted oblong lump? Ginger that day appeared to be brighter.  The following day one of my other hens (Barbara) retreated to a nesting box early afternoon and would not come out.  I found that day an egg that had been laid in their run which had a powder around the shell plus an additional yolk spilt on the floor?
All the hens today appeared to be well and perky but when I went to their nesting boxes I found one egg but without a shell (that's a first for me).
I feed them layers pellets plus they get a corn on the cob between them later in the afternoons (my dad's a market gardener so they're free!).  I've wormed them once since they arrived.  I've checked their coop for redmite and can find no sign.  I regularly clean their coop, poultry shield it every 2 weeks and Jeyes disinfectant every month.
Sorry if this is too much info but thought more is better than less???
Oh yes and other than the shell-less egg today there has been just the one egg every other day for about a week.
Should I be worried?  They appear to be fine in themselves but I just want to be sure.
Any advice on this would be v much appreciated



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Re: Unusual egg laying goings on...
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2010, 21:37 »
sounds like they are coming to the end of their laying days.
the impacted oblong lump sounds like a lash - which is part of the reproductive tract - so this hen will lay no more. As for the others you could try giving them some calcium in the form of oyster shell or crushed baked egg shells - however if they already have this then you may need to get some limestone flour (from pet shops for horses or reptiles) and give them each a pinch on something like a half a grape for a few days to improve the shell. In the meantime keep an eye on them as laying softees can take it out of them and also if one breaks inside them then they can get infections
Staffies are softer than you think.



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Re: Unusual egg laying goings on...
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2010, 02:37 »
sounds like they are coming to the end of their laying days.
the impacted oblong lump sounds like a lash - which is part of the reproductive tract - so this hen will lay no more. As for the others you could try giving them some calcium in the form of oyster shell or crushed baked egg shells - however if they already have this then you may need to get some limestone flour (from pet shops for horses or reptiles) and give them each a pinch on something like a half a grape for a few days to improve the shell. In the meantime keep an eye on them as laying softees can take it out of them and also if one breaks inside them then they can get infections

Joy's covered the most likely causes but I'd add at this time of year it's not unusual to get poor egg shell quality as they go into moult.  I suspect the laying will stop soon and may well resume early in the new year after any feather renewal.  It's perfectly normal for hens to show signs of depression when passing soft shelled eggs (or shell less eggs) as the oviduct can't transport them with the usual muscle contractions and as Joy says egg binding is a potential problem.

It's not necessarily the end of their laying if they are in their second season however exbatts have these problems more regularly than hens bred for less intensive free range conditions.

Good basic nutrition is essential which you seem to be providing but in addition a multivitamin supplement will help with laying and in maintaining their condition at this time of year.  Reducing daylight means they won't be making as much vit D which is essential for calcium take up for egg laying.  Try this vit available on line or in specialist farmers feed stores.  One sachet lasts well and is cheap compared with Life Guard or patent tonics and multivits intended for chicken hodbyists.

Best of luck
« Last Edit: October 12, 2010, 23:47 by hillfooter »
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Re: Unusual egg laying goings on...
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2010, 11:48 »
Thank you Joyfull and Hillfooter.....  Multivit now all on order for my girls. You've put my mind at rest.. many thanks   :D



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Re: Unusual egg laying goings on...
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2010, 14:52 »
I'm afraid I'm still getting what looks like condensed egg yolk from one of my hens, Ginger every morning now in her nesting box.  When I first added the recommended mulitvit it looked like she actually laid me an egg (I don't think Ginger actually lays eggs at all normally).  However, she did lay an egg a couple of times that week but after that she stopped again.  I'm not worried about not having an egg but I am about her producing this condensed egg yolk thing in the mornings(my exbatties sleep in their nesting boxes).
I did notice that since this has been going on her stature in the group has been lowered and the bossiest/smallest chicken will bully her now and then (chase her about and see her off from food).  They do have a large run and I've a couple of eating stations for them so she doesn't go without.  They have access to Oyster shell/Grit plus I do add this to their normal food and I give them some maze/corn of cob most afternoons as a treat.  She shows no other sign of feeling unwell - but I'm worried that this is a sign something else is going on?  Also, she always sleeps in the same nesting box and another one of the hens will snuggle up to her.....  do you think she may be stressed by this?
Any help would be really appreciated................ ???



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Re: Unusual egg laying goings on...
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2010, 15:18 »
I think she will be coming to the end of her laying and probably nothing you do will help on that score. In the wild with most animals when they are beyond reproducing they do lose their status (the same with males - as the young upstarts take over) so she would accept this as normal once she has been put into her place.



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Re: Unusual egg laying goings on...
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2010, 15:35 »
thanks Joyful - I shouldn't be worried about this yolk thingy in the am's then?



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Re: Unusual egg laying goings on...
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2010, 15:40 »
just keep an eye on her, it does sound like they are shell less eggs, if she goes off colour then get her to a vets just to be sure.



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Re: Unusual egg laying goings on...
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2010, 15:59 »
thanks Joyful - I'll keep a good eye on her



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Re: Unusual egg laying goings on...
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2010, 19:25 »
Hi there, the saga continues! I went up to let the girls out yesterday morning and Ginger was looking quite sorry for herself.  She was all fluffed up and not too lively looking.  I had a quick look at her and there was nothing obviously wrong.  I didn't get home last nite til gone 5pm so it was dark when I went up to see her and put the girls to bed.  She was tucked up in the nest box and had been out as she was looking a bit wet from the dreadful rain we had all day!  So this morning I went up and she was all huddled up in the coop.  I felt dreadful for her - she's had the runs as well. 
She did come out the coop with the other girls and was drinking but refused any food.  I called the vet and took her up to see them straight away.  Unfortunately they're not chicken vets as the nearest one is over 20 miles away.  They kept her for a few hours as her temperature was really high (42 I think she said) and she was quite puffy.  They gave her a Baytril and Metacam injection.  I picked her up about 5 but they said her temperature had not come down.  Altho this time they tried to take it she gave the quite a battle (so must of felt a bit better!).
I've got her in the Utility room in a big box with water n food.  I've given her a warm bath for 30 mins as I think she may well be egg bound??? 
Sorry to rattle on (again) but would anyone have any ideas??  If she's not ok by Monday my OH is recommending despatch but I'd hate to loose her without a good fight!
Would I be able to feel any lumps on her tummy or by her vent if she was egg bound?



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Re: Unusual egg laying goings on...
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2010, 21:26 »
Sorry to hear this but it does sounds like it could be septic Egg Yolk Peritonitis see http://www.thepoultrysite.com/forums/showthread.php?t=807
The past history is consistent as is high temperature.  If it is I'm affraid the prognosis isn't good.  It can be cured but it needs very quick veterinary attention and the right antibiotics and some longer term treatment to stop her laying would be advisable as it can recur.  If it has taken hold it usually is too late.  Does her under carriage feel soft and bloated?  This is another sign.  If she shows no sign of responding to the vets injection and she deteriorates at all it maybe kinder to do as your OH suggests.  

It's difficult to be certain about a diagnosis when you can't see the bird but if you are proposing to continue to nurse her she needs to see a bird specialist vet soonest.  The added suffering and cost of treatment needs to be balanced against the prospects of a successful recovery and I can't really help you with that decision.
Best wishes
« Last Edit: November 13, 2010, 21:30 by hillfooter »



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Re: Unusual egg laying goings on...
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2010, 13:32 »
Hi Hillfooter, thanks for you help here.  Ginger is quite a bit chirpier this am and is eating again.  I'm going to keep her in the quiet/dark part of the utility for the next few days and as long as she doesn't appear to be in any discomfort will keep giving her the meds.  I thought I'd give her another warm bath today as she did perk up a bit after one yesterday.
I can't feel anything awry in or around her abdomen/vent ?  So keep your fingers crossed for me!  If she doesn't get considerable better in the next couple of day or starts to go back down hill I think like you say it will be kinder to let her go.

Strange goings on

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