Eddie’s diaryWell what a wash out last winter was. Bird flu and we were locked down good and proper
We had a couple of losses over winter as well

Naomi went first at 11 years old. Just went to sleep and didn’t wake up. Then Patsy went a few weeks ago the same way. She didn’t make it to 11 but still had a good old innings.
So that left me with Millie, my first friend when I got here and still my best bud, but she’s gone a bit power mad. Millie was always bottom of the heap, but she outlived the rest and is now queen hen. Trouble is, she quite likes that role and is not so keen to share me.
The new girls Babs and Ginger were still in their own set-up when the Flockdown order came, so we spent a lot of months apart and now reconnecting is proving … well fraught

I’m not sure what is going on. I know I am supposed to be happy there are more girls around and want them in my gang, but I’m not sure about it all, so we have had a few real good dust-ups in the garden. After getting fed up of refereeing, mum said we were paying house calls through the run mesh until we all learned to play nice

I’ve made a few overtures, but I keep getting caught sneaking over to them, then Millie comes to reel me back in and scold me

Babs and Ginger do come and say Hi to me as well, but will we ever be a big happy family

Chicken politics are not a simple matter you know …