Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel

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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #240 on: May 08, 2021, 10:42 »
Eddie’s diary

It’s chicken wars here you know  :ohmy:

The new girls are a bit adept at making a break for it whenever the run door is opened, so have been named Babs and Ginger.  They are a blond and a redhead, so I thought it was that, but it is something to do with Chicken Run, whatever that is.  A film so I am told.  I am baffled, but they think they are movie stars, that is for sure.

Naomi, resident grumpy old lady, is not at all impressed by them.  I keep having to head her off from standing at the run wire getting cross with them.  Sheeesshhhh ... nice sunny day and we are out in the garden and she keeps heading straight for them to stand there and grumble.  They ignore her and she ends up circling the eglu looking for trouble.

I ended up doing laps as I tried to keep her in order, then racing off down the other end of the garden to see what the other two were up to.  Built up an appetite I can tell you, so when we heard the back door open and expected the treats to come out to get us back home, Patsy and I were there like a shot.  Guess what though.  Naomi must have moved at the speed of light because she was over from the eglu and first in line before we even made it down the steps.  Patsy and I didn’t know whether to risk pushing her out of the way or not.  Patsy was all for ‘Go on.  Show her who is boss then’.  That’s OK for you to say Pats, but mess with the aging supermodel, who is still determined she is queen of the flock ....hhhmmmmmm  :unsure:
« Last Edit: May 08, 2021, 10:46 by New shoot »



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #241 on: May 08, 2021, 11:01 »
You do have your work cut out don’t you Eddie?  :lol:
A woman's place is in her garden.

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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #242 on: May 08, 2021, 19:37 »
I do love to hear what is happening in 'your world' Eddie.  You have a far more exciting   life than I do.


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #243 on: June 12, 2021, 08:06 »
Eddie’s diary

Summer afternoons in the garden. Doesn’t get much better, but as the girls head off into the undergrowth to have an explore, I keep getting distracted.

Those new girls are very quiet at the moment and I am not at all sure what they are up to.  Even having a good hard spy on them isn’t throwing much light on the matter.

Then someone notices and starts taking the mickey. This time Patsy, who alerted all the othes by shouting ‘you mooning over them again’.  No way! I was just standing here like you do …

Apparently I have no chance at the moment, because their heads are full of nesting and they are taking turns in being broody, or even teaming up with a joint effort  ???  ::)
« Last Edit: June 12, 2021, 08:08 by New shoot »



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #244 on: June 12, 2021, 08:19 »
 :lol: poor Eddie, can’t get it right no matter what he does!


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #245 on: July 04, 2021, 08:36 »
Eddie’s diary

The new girls take over  :ohmy:

Well we were nesting, but bored of that now, so the big news is that we got our first go at a garden expedition.

We started small, with a wander round the grass but there was a bit of muttering coming from the big run, so we wandered across to have a look.  Eddie was straight over, but so were the older girls and they were not so happy to see us.

Eddie was whispering to back off and not push it, but we saw a chance of some fun, so headed round to the gate.  Then acted all innocent while he tried to keep the peace. They were still all arguing in there as we sauntered back home to our run  :lol:

Eddie’s diary

I have only one thing to say diary - flipping’ women !!!

Actually two things - how the heck do I keep in with both lots of them without getting a severe hen pecking   ???  ::)
« Last Edit: July 04, 2021, 08:40 by New shoot »



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #246 on: July 04, 2021, 16:03 »
Oh dear Eddie, you'll just have to realise that women rule the world! :D


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #247 on: August 10, 2021, 18:46 »
New girls pushing their luck

We got a bit of a telling off last time for hijacking the diary, but guess what … we’re back  :lol:

We love our Eglu and our run, oh and corn and running about in the garden, but what we like most is digging.

Mum says she had never had a more destructive little duo and good job she is not precious about the grass.  First thing we do is take a fast and fluttery tour of the garden, then we picks our spot and gets our concentration faces on.  We know there are worms and all sorts under there somewhere and if you dig enough, they will find their way into our beaks.

Our run is testament to our efforts and we can do this to any bit of grass within a couple of days tops.  We think this is a great achievement, but it seems to generate sighs every time the run is moved. Out comes the soil and grass seeds and we just watch and wonder how soon it will grow again and we can launch another attack  :D

As for being told off, his royal highness Eddie will not even notice us sneaking in here again ….

‘Ahem girls’ says New shoot.  ‘I think the diary owner is wise to you and he doesn’t look too impressed!’

… uh oh … we had better scarper  :ohmy:
« Last Edit: August 10, 2021, 18:47 by New shoot »


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #248 on: August 31, 2021, 16:07 »
Eddie’s diary

There wuz a monster in my run. Mum says no it was just them replacing the roof, but it must have been a monster really.  We had ivy growing over from next door and it was ruining our old roof. Then we got new neighbours and they hacked the ivy down their side. That made the ivy monster move from next door to us  :ohmy:

It ripped off the roof and gathered up the remaining ivy. I bet it was taking it to its lair. We were at the other end of the garden where we found lots of new stuff to inspect.  I reckon me shouting at the monster to stay away was what kept us safe.

Anyway it eventually left and our new roof got fixed in place. I have been assured that there was no monster and it was just people covered in leaves and dust, but I am taking no chances.  I’m at the run gate guarding the coop and making sure all scary beasts stay outside.  Who goes there and don’t bother trying to get in here unless you have food, preferably treats  :tongue2:

« Last Edit: August 31, 2021, 16:19 by New shoot »



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #249 on: September 01, 2021, 19:03 »
Lol Eddie, you may just be right & aren’t your girls lucky to have you to protect them! Right posh you’ll be now with a new roof :)


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #250 on: June 09, 2022, 20:24 »
Eddie’s diary

Well what a wash out last winter was.  Bird flu and we were locked down good and proper  :mad: 

We had a couple of losses over winter as well  :(  Naomi went first at 11 years old.  Just went to sleep and didn’t wake up.  Then Patsy went a few weeks ago the same way.  She didn’t make it to 11 but still had a good old innings.

So that left me with Millie, my first friend when I got here and still my best bud, but she’s gone a bit power mad.  Millie was always bottom of the heap, but she outlived the rest and is now queen hen.  Trouble is, she quite likes that role and is not so keen to share me.

The new girls Babs and Ginger were still in their own set-up when the Flockdown order came, so we spent a lot of months apart and now reconnecting is proving … well fraught  :wacko:  I’m not sure what is going on.  I know I am supposed to be happy there are more girls around and want them in my gang, but I’m not sure about it all, so we have had a few real good dust-ups in the garden.  After getting fed up of refereeing, mum said we were paying house calls through the run mesh until we all learned to play nice  :blush:

I’ve made a few overtures, but I keep getting caught sneaking over to them, then Millie comes to reel me back in and scold me  ::) Babs and Ginger do come and say Hi to me as well, but will we ever be a big happy family  ???  Chicken politics are not a simple matter you know …
« Last Edit: June 09, 2022, 20:25 by New shoot »


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #251 on: July 31, 2022, 08:37 »
Eddie’s diary

Well things are not going as planned.  I have tried to get to know the new girls, but they don’t seem to be that keen on me.  If they are safe in their run when they know I can’t get to them, they are up for being cheeky and chancing their luck.  Hmmmmmm … If I am in and they are out, they come and blow raspberries through the wire at me  :ohmy: 

Maybe it is Millie they are trying to wind up?  The scuffles with her are reaching new heights.  I don’t know what has happened to Millie.  She was always the one that got along with everyone, but now she is little miss feisty feathers and as soon as I take my eyes off her, she is causing a drama with Babs and Ginger.  Must be some female politics things that I would be well advised to stay out of  :wacko:

I try and make sure they behave themselves and hover around when the two sides meet, but they are sly.  I get distracted pecking something and uh-oh here we go again.  No I mean right now, so ‘scuse me folks while I try and diffuse this one  ::)
« Last Edit: July 31, 2022, 08:37 by New shoot »



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #252 on: July 31, 2022, 12:07 »
Oh dear Eddie, life’s not simple is it. Must be a hormone thing with your girls. Please keep us updated if you ever get to all live together, I’m sure Millie would settle down eventually, maybe she needs a bit of solitary?


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #253 on: August 28, 2022, 19:49 »
The return of Eddie and his one tail feather

Well to be fair, he has got about three, but it is that time of year and someone is a bit touchy about his moult.

Babs has no filter and straight out asked him ‘What’s the story with the tail mate?’

He was not amused. He wasn’t too thrilled about me taking pictures of him either.  The look I got, it is a wonder I did not burst into flames  :ohmy:

I did offer him a diary moment, but he’s indisposed. This means sulking far too much to even consider it, but don’t tell him I said that  :lol:

« Last Edit: August 28, 2022, 19:50 by New shoot »


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #254 on: July 06, 2023, 16:38 »
Eddie’s diary

Well another winter of flock down and into a summer where I can at least get out to inspect everything. It is a big worry when you are watching from your run and things keep happening. Unauthorised things to boot!

Take the new bench for a start. I don’t like it. The old one was one of my perching spots, but this new one looks suspicious to me.

I have checked it out many times. ‘What’s up Eddie’ I keep getting asked. What’s up!  Well no-one asked me about a new bench for a start. This one is different and that is an issue, plus it relocates around the garden much more. I’m told the old one had broken and this one is much more convenient as it can move sun to shade without being such a big heavy thing to shift. Pah! - I turn my back on you and let you have one of best ‘in a huff’ poses with a hard stare to boot  :mad:

Of course she doesn’t care. Too busy lolling in it with a cup of coffee to care about me, however much I stomp my feathery feet.  Even Millie can’t reason with this human. ‘Why do it’ she says ‘You know how he gets and it is me that has to live with him!’  ::)
« Last Edit: July 06, 2023, 16:41 by New shoot »

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