Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel

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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #225 on: September 18, 2019, 10:40 »
Gosh isn't he gorgeous??? :blush:   Eddie calendar 2020!!xx
One grandma and 4 baby Pekins.


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #226 on: September 25, 2019, 20:12 »
Eddie's diary

I've discovered a new superhero power diary - jumping!  I tried to jump up on Beyonce's eglu coop, but that didn't go so well.  I slid off fairly quickly and mum said the look on my face as skidded down the back of it was a picture.  Pure Tom and Jerry whatever that means  :unsure:

Well I showed here.  The girls sit on the bench seat quite often, but I went one better and was up on the back of it crowing away.  Mum said it was all very well parading up there, but had I planned my route down?  Actually all of a sudden it did seem a bit high up.  Eeerr I might need a hand down here mum, but she just laughed and said you got up there mate, so you can get down.  Well I did, but it was a bit of a crash onto the lawn.  Not the most graceful landing anyone had ever seen  :lol:

The only trouble is that I thought I had claimed the bench as mine, but mum thinks she gets to sit on it whenever she likes.  She was relaxing out there earlier with a coffee and how ever many times I circled round her making disapproving noises, she just stayed put.  Even my best hard stare didn't get a flicker out of her  >:(    I mean, it was my best stare and everything.  I think I need a new plan, but what to do?  ???
« Last Edit: September 25, 2019, 20:15 by New shoot »


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #227 on: March 02, 2020, 11:44 »
Eddie's diary

Hi Eddie fans  :D  Did you miss me?  I've been hunkered down weathering the storms and winter downpours with the girls. but I reckon spring is on the way now and there is no stopping me.

One bit of bad news.  Beyonce went to the big henhouse in the sky.  She wasn't at all keen on me and insisted on moving out to the Eglu when I joined the big run.  She lived very happily there for her last few months, but mum says she was 9 and she had just gone to sleep one night and not woken up, so sad but not such a terrible way to go.

Meanwhile the remaining girls and me have been getting on great.  There is stuff starting to grow in the garden now, so we love getting out there to sample it all.  Patsy and Millie were enjoying the comfrey in the spring sunshine only yesterday. 

The disputed bench is in the background and we are still making take over bids on this.  Mum was sat there drinking her coffee this weekend and we were sure she had food hidden about her somewhere.  I got the team together and briefed them.  Agent Naomi - you go right, Agent Patsy Left, Agent Millie straight up to her and employ distraction techniques.  I though we were being dead sneaky, but we got spotted.  this is where Eddie's 'who me' plan comes into play.  Right girls, about turn and we are just pecking the grass, doing nuffin' OK.  Phew, got away with it  :)

It works when you get caught investigating things you have been told to leave alone as well.  I know the pots are out of bounds and eating anything out of them is BIG trouble.  Sometimes I just can't help but look and then of course I spot a morsel I want.  You have to have lightening responses on this one.  At the first sounds of 'What are you up to' from mum, I can snap back into full innocence mode.  "Wwwwwhhat - I was just standing here looking lovely like I do - honest'  :lol:



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #228 on: March 27, 2020, 09:26 »
Eddie's diary  Eddie's message to everyone

It was going to be diary entry, but he had something important he wanted to say.  This is a short video - he is easily distracted  :lol:




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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #229 on: March 27, 2020, 09:50 »
 :lol: :lol: I’ll pass the message on to any one I ......ooh look seeds...... :lol: :lol:
A woman's place is in her garden.

See my diary pages here
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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #230 on: April 03, 2020, 13:16 »
Meet the Team ...

... the Chucky Team.  If you need cheering up, if no-one can help and and if you  can find them, maybe you can have the C Team add a little to your day


Head honcho, international playboy (in his own backyard) and king of the hill is Eddie.  A Sizzle (frizzle/silkie cross) rooster who is only just over a year old and very much still a terrible teen  ::)  Not adverse to the odd tantrum, attacking my gardening boots (with me still in them!) and being a pest.  This is the evil eye I get when he has hogged the bench and I arrive hopefully with my cup of coffee in hand. 

If he thinks I have grapes, this all changes into an immediate 'Who me.  I would never even think about being a brat - honest'.

Next up Patsy and Naomi

Naomi is the one on the right and is a bantam orpington and her colouring is black silver birchen, from a local breeder who developed those markings himself.  She is and always was a supermodel.  At 9 years old the thought has never even crossed her little chicken brain that she is not fabulous, not in charge and that you are in any way worthy  :lol:  Grumpy old gal, but she has her moments and we get along well.

Patsy in on the left and is a 7 year old blue laced bantam wyandotte.  She is named after the Ab Fab character and is very much like her namesake.  Fairly daft, but loves a good time.  Her version of a glass of bolly and a cigarette are grapes with a side of meal worms.  She is first there for any treats and can sprint down the garden in times Usain Bolt would be proud of.  She also has a very croaky cluck and does sound like she has been smoking unfiltered Woodbines for years.

Last of all Millie

Millie is a 6 year old barred wyandotte bantam and is a bit of a loner.  She is always bottom of the pecking order, no matter who else joins the gang.  She is very friendly and amenable, but just is not good at the social stuff.  Millie has discovered how to work this to her advantage though.  She will sit next to me on the bench to share lunch (her idea - my lunch!) when the others are far too important or full of themselves to do such a thing  :lol:  She has been laying eggs up to this year, but has only laid a few so far this spring.

The plan was to get some new girls to bolster the gang, but this was scuppered by Beyonce deciding to set herself up in the granny annex a.k.a. the eglu.  She passed  on a few weeks ago, but newbies can wait awhile yet I think.  Lots of new adventures to come though and the team will be back soon with more stories  :)
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« Last Edit: April 03, 2020, 13:29 by New shoot »


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #231 on: April 10, 2020, 20:10 »
Eddie's Movie Debut

No diary today 'cos I am a movie star now  :D  So please enjoy my short video showing me and the girls up to no good in the garden.  We peck grit out of the pots (not allowed), sneak down the steps from the lawn to scratch up the gravel (really not allowed) and generally do as we please  :lol:

Don't miss Naomi's supermodel strut down the path as she stalks off into the sunset.  She got told off for digging where she shouldn't be and was not impressed  :lol:  I just concentrated on getting my close-ups right.  Well I am the star of the show after all  8)




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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #232 on: April 13, 2020, 16:22 »
Wonderful!  Shared on Facebook thank you very much!xxx


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #233 on: July 12, 2020, 17:49 »
Eddie's diary

Well it has been a while, but we have been busy in the garden and enjoying the summer.  Mum does get perplexed with us at times though  :lol:

Why do we lurk about in our run when the gate is open and we have the whole garden to play in.  Well to be fair, she had snuck in and left overgrown courgette and bolted lettuce for us.  When we found them, we decided home was the place to be  ;)

Then when I am out, I make a beeline for the Eglu run.  The coop is shut, but the run door is open as I moan a bit if I am shut out (.... A bit !  Something of an understatement there Eddie,  I never hear the end of it ... says NS)  What me!  I just like to check things out and I never make a fuss.  Well OK, maybe sometimes, but I'm not that bad.

Dunno, humans are odd.  I  don't get what mum finds so confusing.  I have discussed it with the girls, but they were no help.  Naomi just gives me looks.   Millie ... well Millie is just Millie and it is not often you get any sense out of her  :lol:  Patsy is a bit more down to earth, but even she just shrugged.   'Well it makes sense doesn't it' I say.  All I get back is shrug and 'Why worry mate. If the corn keeps coming, what's the issue?'.  Sigh  ::)  Here I am doing my patrols and making sure everything is in order and no-one understands just how important my job actually is   >:(
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« Last Edit: July 12, 2020, 17:53 by New shoot »


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #234 on: July 29, 2020, 11:44 »
The adventures of Eddie .. and his one tail feather

Well diary, we are making full use of the summer and getting out into the garden as often as we can.  It all needs careful planning of course as there are bits we get told off about if we start digging there.

The minute we are out, we are plotting mayhem.  I scout it out and the girls move into action.  OK so we have the grass, we have the bits under the shrubs, but what about those pots again.  Patsy and Millie say ' We just get shouted at, you know that', but it doesn't stop me  :lol:

I am like a ninja hiding behind things and I never get spotted.  'See Patsy - you can peck gravel out of that pot and I will keep watch with no-one noticing a thing'.  'Ahem' says mum 'I can see you behind there so don't be leading your girls into trouble you little ragbag'  >:(  Oh .... well maybe my ninja skills need a bit more brushing up then  :blush:

Perhaps I should just brazen it out and show myself.  What are you on about mum?  Me and my tail feather strutting my stuff  ???  I think you will find my tail is nothing to be laughing at.  We are all moulting and look a bit tattered, I'll give you that, but really !!!

Honestly, the things I have to put up with.  I would go and tell her off, but she is a bit bigger than me.  Last time I had a tantrum and attacked her gardening boots, I got picked up and put in the run on my own, so I satisfied myself with a few hard stares and a bit of wing flapping.  That showed her  ;)
« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 11:45 by New shoot »


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #235 on: October 01, 2020, 14:39 »
The diary of All-Seeing Eddie

I have been accused of being nosey  :ohmy:  Just because I like to keep an eye on things, which is not the same thing at all.

You think you can sit at the garden table and drink coffee without supervision. I think all-seeing Eddie might just be keeping a sneaky eye on you.

Feel beady eyes upon you when weeding.  There may be a reason for that. I could just happen to be standing over you, watching your every move.

Even if you have been potting up bulbs quietly and I have been off rummaging around for ages, don’t think you are safe. What ... is there someone in the shadows there ... is it your imagination ?  a trick of the light maybe? ... or is all-seeing Eddie closer than you think  :unsure:

Well that would be telling  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
« Last Edit: October 01, 2020, 14:40 by New shoot »



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #236 on: October 01, 2020, 15:15 »
Lol, what a cheeky boy he is, probably plotting mischief or covering for his girls that may be up to no good perhaps?



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #237 on: October 01, 2020, 23:50 »
Lol!  Surveillance!!

xx :D


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #238 on: April 04, 2021, 17:13 »
Eddie’s diary ... I’m back  :D

I have been in lockdown for most of the winter because of bird flu, but not any more !

Mum says there were reports of chicken stampedes from other folk but I told her ‘Not my girls. I have complete control you know’.  There were a few sniggers at this point, but I ignored them.

Well the moment came, the run door opened and I sauntered out with my girls neatly following, then all hell broke loose. They were off in different directions before I even knew it  :mad:

I caught up with them under the bushes and tried to tell them off, but they were oblivious. There was so much chaos it took a while for anyone to realise the Eglu run door wasn’t open and there were 2 little reasons inside. We saw mum messing around yesterday putting sawdust in the coop, but it was getting late and everyone was a bit sleepy.

Naomi was over there like a shot getting grumpy. She is a bossy madam and usually bad tempered, but after a full inspection, she was in a vile mood and stomped off muttering about silly little airheads. She is over 10 now, being a muttering old lady comes naturally to her.

I thought they looked nice, but did not dare show too much interest. I don’t even think they have names yet, but I might see if I can have a sneaky chat with mum and see what she will tell me  ;)
« Last Edit: April 04, 2021, 17:15 by New shoot »


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #239 on: April 16, 2021, 16:59 »
Eddie and lock down locks 2021

Hi diary.  It feels like spring is back in the air and Millie celebrated by laying an egg.  It was a bit of a surprise all round, even to her and she laid it in the run.  At nearly 7 she did well even if it has been a one-off so far.

Last year there were going to be some new young girls, but it didn’t happen. This year there are 2 and they are growing up fast.  They have already mastered the ‘who us’ look of surprise when caught up to no good. Eating wood shavings out of the coop in this instance.  I have still not got near them yet ... I am slowly working up to it  though ;)

There are those round here who would say I can’t see the chickens for the feathers.  My new ‘do’ for 2021 was pretty spectacular I thought, but dad says I look like a crazy Cossack  ???

When mum told me that, I felt a stern word was in order. Have I commented on her lock down locks - nope... too gentlemanly for that, but things may change lady!  I don’t dish out my hard stares for nothing you know  >:(
« Last Edit: April 16, 2021, 17:03 by New shoot »

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