Meet the Team ...... the Chucky Team. If you need cheering up, if no-one can help and and if you can find them, maybe you can have the C Team add a little to your day
EddieHead honcho, international playboy (in his own backyard) and king of the hill is Eddie. A Sizzle (frizzle/silkie cross) rooster who is only just over a year old and very much still a terrible teen

Not adverse to the odd tantrum, attacking my gardening boots (with me still in them!) and being a pest. This is the evil eye I get when he has hogged the bench and I arrive hopefully with my cup of coffee in hand.
If he thinks I have grapes, this all changes into an immediate 'Who me. I would never even think about being a brat - honest'.
Next up
Patsy and Naomi.
Naomi is the one on the right and is a bantam orpington and her colouring is black silver birchen, from a local breeder who developed those markings himself. She is and always was a supermodel. At 9 years old the thought has never even crossed her little chicken brain that she is not fabulous, not in charge and that you are in any way worthy

Grumpy old gal, but she has her moments and we get along well.
Patsy in on the left and is a 7 year old blue laced bantam wyandotte. She is named after the Ab Fab character and is very much like her namesake. Fairly daft, but loves a good time. Her version of a glass of bolly and a cigarette are grapes with a side of meal worms. She is first there for any treats and can sprint down the garden in times Usain Bolt would be proud of. She also has a very croaky cluck and does sound like she has been smoking unfiltered Woodbines for years.
Last of all
MillieMillie is a 6 year old barred wyandotte bantam and is a bit of a loner. She is always bottom of the pecking order, no matter who else joins the gang. She is very friendly and amenable, but just is not good at the social stuff. Millie has discovered how to work this to her advantage though. She will sit next to me on the bench to share lunch (her idea - my lunch!) when the others are far too important or full of themselves to do such a thing

She has been laying eggs up to this year, but has only laid a few so far this spring.
The plan was to get some new girls to bolster the gang, but this was scuppered by Beyonce deciding to set herself up in the granny annex a.k.a. the eglu. She passed on a few weeks ago, but newbies can wait awhile yet I think. Lots of new adventures to come though and the team will be back soon with more stories