what's doing well!

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what's doing well!
« on: July 11, 2012, 18:01 »
We've all had tales of woe about this dreadful summer weather. My spuds are a write-ff as are my brassicas but outside of the tunnel and greenhouse there are a few success stories:

Beetroot (Golden, Boltardy and Chiogga) are the best I've ever grown
Onions and shallots from sets look brilliant
Leeks are now growing strongly and are about an inch in diameter
Parsnips look better than ever, and ......... best of all.............
Rhubarb looks to be show quality although I'll stop taking any after the middle of this month

Anyone else anything to brag about?



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Re: what's doing well!
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2012, 18:06 »
Peas are great this year  :D not much else though :(



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Re: what's doing well!
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2012, 18:15 »
I wouldn't say brag, but outdoors potatoes are doing well.

Also beetroot (red, golden and chioggia), parsnips, spinach, rainbow chard, little gem lettuce and leeks.

Oca plants are growing up nicely, but as its the first year growing it here I'm not sure exactly what it is supposed to do.

The garlic seems to be fine but isn't ready, but the shallots don't look as though they are going to give much of a crop.

The two different varieties of tomato growing outside in containers are struggling on, growing slowly and producing flower, but I think if they manage to make fruits at all due to the lack of temperature, they will be too late.

Indoor tomatoes, minipop corn, beans and cucumbers doing fine.

Outdoor beans are struggling and this year's sowing of herbs is a disaster as was the kale kailaan and landcress to name a couple of others.

Oh, and the n-th sowing of carrots in pots has finally worked. ::)
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 18:16 by argyllie »
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Re: what's doing well!
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2012, 18:24 »
have to agree with Alan, we are taking great cabbage, caulis and now calabrese, early potato are OK but no more than that. Rhubarb and rasps and blackberries excellent --strawberries vary -- very good on newer plants-- big and clean berries but older ones where mass of fruit and leaves packed together there are losses to mould. Gooseberries good. Carrots look promising as do leeks parsnips beetroot and celery. Marrow and pumpkin plants are badly muddied but seem to be rooting and leafing up well enough
Chard and spinach good and so are lettuce, rocket etc though muddy and slus are a pain. Watercress not surprisingly is very good as are most of the herbs after some early losses.
peas and B/Beans good but late/slow but dwarf and runner beans promising and catching up fast.
Apples, pears and cherries look good but plums bit slow.
Elsewhere grass and hedges, flowers etc all look surprising good especially hostas and shrubs etc. Paths a bit mossy so there is a job needs doing.
Everything in polytunnel and both greenhouses good such as earliest potatos, dwarf beans, squash, toms, cues, carrots, salad stuff, basil and coriander though tehre was much earlier sulking by cucumbers. Already had two (bit average yield but tasty)rows each of B/beans and peas out of p/t.
Whilst my solar panels are a bit disappointing after great yields in March/April at least the water butts and ponds are all full
My happy acre is at home so perhaps I can pick out the positives more easily so I am lucky but it is not all bad news



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Re: what's doing well!
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2012, 19:07 »
my sugar snaps, courgette, cabbage and kale are all doing very well.



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Re: what's doing well!
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2012, 19:25 »
I have the bigest and best weeds I have ever grown this year, and the slugs are monumental.   :D



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Re: what's doing well!
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2012, 19:57 »
the slugs are monumental.   :D
Main garden pest problem here is snails but they're easy to find and deal with,unlike those tiny slugs. These slug(ettes) have taken to being transported into the house on the dogs' fur leaving us with a treasure hunt to follow the silvery trails to evict the little blighters.

Back to crops, black currants are great but you get soaked picking them. Plums were killed off by frost and high winds and the only apples that look half  decent are Egremont Russets.

Peas and mangetout LOOK OK so far but well see what develops in the way of pods. Runnerbeans are at the top of their 8ft wigwams but short on flowers at the moment

Broadbeans look healthy but not too many pods of any size yet so jury is out on those



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Re: what's doing well!
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2012, 21:36 »
I was late sowing stuff and held back planting heat loving plants outside when temperatures started to drop and kept in the greenhouse until I couldn't keep them indoors any longer so I don't seem to have had total disasters yet.

  • The winter squash have revelled in the soggy plot for some reason and are taking off.  No flowers yet but then they are about on target anyway so not worried.  Courgettes just starting to flower and harvested a few babies last weekend (I had visions of going this weekend to find them either rotted or turned into marrows)
  • The sweetcorn are fine but do need a boost of prolonged warm sunlight soon
  • The outdoor cucumbers are surprisingly cracking on but then I did give them extra poo when planting out.
  • Broad bean harvest has been moderate but the good news is that there has been no blackfly this year
  • The french beans are slow but are fine - I think they just need some good sunlight now.
  • Summer cabbages once the gap in the cage was plugged to stop the pigeons are doing exceptionally well (never grown Kalibos before and they are enormous!  The Primo are heading up.  Unfortunately the Greyhound are swamped by the Kalibos due to not realising how big they grow, but almost ready to harvest)
  • Parsnips are fine but the bed is very weedy and you can barely see them.
  • The Japanese onion harvest was 100% rot free  :D (this is a 1st for me - proved a point that beds that have had compost dug in are responsible for bulbs to start rotting especially after very wet weather.  Last autumn I just dug in sharp sand and manure on a bed compost free for 2 years)
  • The first early potatoes Swift were better than expected, the Charlottes are huge.  Keeping a worryingly close eye on the others as blight is a strong possibility
  • The garlic and shallots were not looking clever so had to rescue and lift up early - about 30% lost to total rot and most of the Music are small.  The Illico being an early variety have come out better than expected
  • Carrots and beetroot have germinated well so fingers crossed
  • First time growing Oca but if the lush leafy tops are anything to go by, fingers crossed
  • All the currants (red, white and black) and gooseberries ripening and done well.  Also the raspberries, tayberries and loganberries.  Some of the blueberries look a good crop too - just waiting for them to ripen.  However, fruit trees (apple, pear, plum) are not going to be that clever this year
  • Peas - mangetout and soup peas - sowed late and they are growing but not as vigorous as I would have liked.  I'm not that hopeful of a crop unless the weather improves soon.
  • The celery, parsley and salad leaves are doing well

I have autumn/winter cabbages, calabrese, caulis and PSB drowning in pots at home while waiting for beds to empty but the cool summer has slowed things down (but not the brassicas  ::)) so starting to get a bit panicky.  The leeks are only just starting to get a move on but not the nice pencil thickness I would have liked to see before planting out.

I'd say my greatest loss has been the outdoor tomatoes - my plot at the bottom of the hill is blight central so I have been reluctant to plant out and as the weather does not look like it will improve that much, all the plants that haven't been planted in the greenhouses at home will have to be ditched.  Like wise the aubergines and chillies that I was going to plant outdoors have been moved into the greenhouses instead.  The melons are struggling and not taken off so they are another one about to be ditched.

Slugs and snails are breeding exponentially but I've been putting fresh doses of slug pellets down on a weekly basis and that seems to be keeping them at bay but I can't drop my guard.  Otherwise, all seems survivable for the moment  :)



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Re: what's doing well!
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2012, 21:40 »
the only good thing this year are my cabbages (greyhound) are doin great. Outdoor toms are struggling, carrots are looking  pathetic along with cauli and kale, peas  have never got going due to the rain   :mad: :mad:. spuds hopefully along with leeks and garlic might just give a decent crop but not holding my breath. On a positve note getting a lot of seeds for next year, always the optimist  :lol: :lol:
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Re: what's doing well!
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2012, 09:59 »
Sugarsnap peas absolutely rampant, carrots and parsnips coming along nicely, autumn raspberries look ready to take over the world, courgettes, runner beans and sweetcorn have recovered their colour but are well behind where they should be.

Sweetheart melons (which were very successful last year) and cucumbers are both in the greenhouse so luckily I don't have to mention them in this thread!  :nowink:
Sow your seeds, plant your plants. What's the difference? A couple of weeks or more when answering possible queries!

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Re: what's doing well!
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2012, 11:58 »
Best onions,garlic , pots and cabbage i have ever grown. Already picking tom's and cukes in the greenhouse. Loads of strawberries and raspberries but a complete lack of fruit on the apple pear and plum trees.



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Re: what's doing well!
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2012, 13:46 »
cabbages, peas and early broadbeans doing well



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Re: what's doing well!
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2012, 16:50 »
I spoke too soon about how well my onions were doing. A lot of them are rotting at the roots



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Re: what's doing well!
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2012, 19:14 »
beans are grown well but nothing else is.
Pumpkins - gone
toms - in the bin
chilli's - in the bin
spuds - dug 1 up - tiny
pfff cannot be bothered to type any more as it is annoying me :(



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Re: what's doing well!
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2012, 19:41 »
I'm waterlogged and have been for quite some time. Broad beans are prolific and so are the raspberries.
  • Spring onions have ground to a halt. Suppose if we get some dry weather they might catch up.
  • The peas have failed to thrive. First time in six years I've had a pea failure.
  • The beetroot haven't germinated at all well (same on a lot of other plots on site).
  • Surprised at how much garlic I have despite the rust.
  • Carrots are marginal, parsnips may well be good though.
  • Marrows we shall have prolifically, pattypan squash have flowers but nothing else and the courgette plant has only just decided to get to growing.
  • Runner beans, dwarf beans, climbing French are well maybe if the weather warms up.
  • Rhubarb has been good.
  • Thyme, mint, sage and such have been fine as they are established but things like rocket and coriander went straight to seed whilst the second sowing is doing nothing.
If it must rain all of June and so far all of July, am I really surprised that nothing is doing well.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 19:45 by Christine »


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