So, whats going well for you at your plot?

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Re: So, whats going well for you at your plot?
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2011, 13:21 »
Very interesting read through all the comments. and then see where people live.
Here in North Wales, runner beans of all types seem to be very slow with everyone I have talked to. Mine have hardly moved in over a month.
Mixed Beetroot are doing very well, already picked loads.
Two types of Shallots, not as well as hoped, but still okay.
Peas, like a lot of other people, been amazed at the quantity off one short row (about 8').
Broad beans, seem to be doing okay and ready for picking.
Salad stuff of mixed lettuce & endives have been fine as well.
When I saw how old the packets were, I'm surprised any came up !
Courgettes .. slow but starting to move.
Same with the tomatoes (all outside), very slow.
Bonus of the year has been the Garlic. After a rubbish year last year.
Brilliant !
A mixed year up to now, but pleased overall.
Then again ... what year doesn't have its ups & downs ?



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Re: So, whats going well for you at your plot?
« Reply #16 on: July 22, 2011, 13:31 »
It's our first full year, so everything is all help u sto learn!

Our stand out crop is the raspberries (10 Glen Ample, 5 Fall Gold, 5 Autumn Bliss). Our autum ones are also flowering/setting.

Major successes, strawberries, carrots, lettuce, statice, sunflowers, onions, garlic, potatoes, mange tout, sugar snap.

Biggest surprise - spotting a romanescu throught the undergrowth - then spotting a cauliflower curd next to it! Closely followed by the asparagus

Biggest let down - turnips, kohl rabi, pak choi all of which have succumbed to flea beetle.

What was promising and then became useless - cabbages, despite heavy duty netting, the wind blew the netting off and allowed all of the cabbage whites in. Now shredded cabbage (not in a good way).



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Re: So, whats going well for you at your plot?
« Reply #17 on: July 22, 2011, 14:03 »
3rd year on our plot and best so far but whether that's because we're better organised, the soil is getting used to culitvation again after a long brek, the weather or as I suspect a combination of the above  who knows?

This year has been a good year for beetroot, potatos, greens and onions.

Peas have been ok though germination has not been particularly good. I say ok because the last two years peas did nothing so this was a final attempt before giving them up as not worth the hassle.

Carrots have been ok so far.

Spinach has been rubbish, either not germinating or bolting straight away. I've tried several different varieties and am now having a go with perpetual to see if that is any better.

Courgettes have been excellent but have tailed off drastically in the last week. Will see whether they recover.



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Re: So, whats going well for you at your plot?
« Reply #18 on: July 22, 2011, 14:03 »
Peas are doing well everything else is a little short of pathetic



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Re: So, whats going well for you at your plot?
« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2011, 14:48 »
Everything is going well so far, some things less well because I left it so late to get them in. Our grape vine in the greenhouse is going great guns, so many bunches that I have had to thin them out.
Okra have survived and two of them have flowers, I am hoping to get some fruit, even if it is only 1 ! Raspbs have been wonderful, picked pounds and pounds. The soft fruit was doing well until the mice got them :( Strawberries have been delicious
Onions (red, white nad silverskin) have done very well, shallots have been mainly good. Root veggies are growing well. Peas/mangetout etc have all suffered from leaving it too late to sow but what have survived are doing OK. Broad beans are really good, asparagus peas are like day of the triffids.
Padron peppers have been unexpectedly fruitful. Asparagus & artichoke seedlings are doing very well
All in all we've had a really good year. The only things which haven't done particularly well is the tomatoes because i let them get too dry - but I don't really do very well with them anyway.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 14:53 by fibilou »
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Re: So, whats going well for you at your plot?
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2011, 23:01 »
My first year so I'm not really sure whether our disappointments have been due to ignorance or just a bad year!

However, Courgettes, Spinach, Tomatoes (auld sod), Kale, Potatoes, Primo Cabbage and Pumpkins are all exceeding expectations so far.



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Re: So, whats going well for you at your plot?
« Reply #22 on: July 23, 2011, 08:30 »
Top successes! :)
Courgettes galore, loads of raspberries and a good return from my garlic

Top smilers! :D
Peas only one short row but after last years 6 pods was delighted to get a few good servings of "proper" peas
Cucumbers tried for the first time this year and touch wood 3 out of 4 survived and have 3 cucumbers so far, maybe not the biggest haul but very satisfying

Top must try agains! ???
Swiss Chard, grew well then kept the local birds stuffed, better netting next year
Rhubarb, think it needed watering more during the dry spell, finally growing now



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Re: So, whats going well for you at your plot?
« Reply #23 on: July 23, 2011, 10:18 »
Not a bad sort of season at all,best summer cauliflowers ever (F1 Gypsy),same with summer cabbage (Guardian),cucumbers (F1 Passandra) in my allotment greenhouse (3 plants) 15 cucumbers this week, 56 so far this season and as for raspberrys,its raspberry heaven  :D .



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Re: So, whats going well for you at your plot?
« Reply #24 on: July 23, 2011, 12:17 »
broad beans are looking fantastic and ready to pick now ,strawberrys have been superb this year, had my first colly this year a superb size ,beetroot as good as always lettuce and radish spring onion and carrots all giving good return on the crop .

not so good ,  garlic over winter onions was hopeless and spuds are smaller than last year
when im with my 9yr old she's the sensible one



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Re: So, whats going well for you at your plot?
« Reply #25 on: July 25, 2011, 12:24 »
Third year on the plot and have most of it ready for cultivation now but it's a very very mixed bag - last year, all the stuff that failed the year before grew, and vice versa but this year has been very strange!  :)

The good;
Sweetcorn - looking green, can see a few cobs forming, hopefully they won't get eaten by beasties this year!
Potatoes - no idea what's going on under the ground, but the foliage looked quite impressive - it's dying down now so will give it a couple of weeks before I start digging them up...
Herbs - I have actually managed not to kill the mint this year...
Courgettes - sowed these straight into the ground, so they're a bit slow, but starting to flower now
Parsnips - looking very healthy, despite the weeds trying their best..
Carrots - have germinated well, by the looks of things, just need to keep on top of the weeding
Shallots - about ready to come up, looking pretty good

The bad;
Broad beans - I don't even like them, and they got completely infested with blackfly
Runner beans - also got blackflied, though I noticed a plant has made a comeback and is flowering, despite being only a foot high  :tongue2:
Kale - got eaten, must resow
Pak Choi - got eaten by mealy aphids - must resow
Radishes - eaten by flea beetle, must try again
Rocket - more aphids...gave up and dug it up, wil ltry again///
Salsify - no evidence of germination, though it apparently looks like grass. Also not helped by me being unable to remember which side of the parsnips I sowed them   :blush:
Onions - have just disappeared. They were tiny anyway but they have been swallowed up by some horrible matty weed (which as of yesterday, got a dose of Roundup....)
Garlic - has a small bulb but is tiny and hasn't split.....had real success last couple of years, maybe shouldn't have moved it, it seems to like growing up the top end...
Rhubarb - as last year - grew well for a bit, but seemed to go black and die off before being big enough to eat

The ugly;
Dwarf purple beans - after the blackfly attack, they have grown but look a bit mutant.....I'm sure they'll taste fine though....
Raspberries are growing but not producing much fruit
Perpetual spinach keeps appearing randomly but at least I know what it is now
Weeds are growing really well, especially spurge, bindweed and dock. And that horrible matty stuff. Lovely  :mad:
Birds seem to keep drowning in my water butts. 4 so far this year  :(
I found a Harlequin ladybird on the allotment a couple of weeks ago. Haven't seen any more though. The good thing is I have seen loads of 2,7,14 spot and Adonis ladybirds, sometimes on the same plant.....

Hmm, didn't mean this to be quite as long.......  :D



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Re: So, whats going well for you at your plot?
« Reply #26 on: July 25, 2011, 21:37 »
can you not cover your butts with a mesh at all ?



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Re: So, whats going well for you at your plot?
« Reply #27 on: July 25, 2011, 22:50 »
this is our second year on lotty and so far very pleased with pickings
white and red onions most good size and drying off
silverskin onions a bumper crop some to big for pickling
garlic solent white most good size now drying
strawberries a fairly good crop (was very dry here so should have watered them more)
psb were doing very well inside cage but now infested with grey fly ?
cabbages cut a few some are being eaten but have grown to many
cauliflower had a few but the rest went to seed need to learn not to grow so many at same time
carrots under enviromesh good crop of small carrots this year  no carrot fly so far,  last year was a disaster most of them had fly
broad beans were good till they got infested with blackfly but i have cut them down and they now have flowers on again so will be ready with rubarb spray if i see any blackfly this time
peas have been very good loads in frezzer
french beans been picking for 2 weeks now
runner beans first ones last weekend
potatoes 1st earlies have scab  so abit dissapointing but still a good crop
sprouts are about 3ft tall with big enough sprouts to pick at bottom!!! shouldnt be ready yet
leeks seem to be growing well
sweetcorn short but branching out so should get a few cobs
so all in all better than last year for us



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Re: So, whats going well for you at your plot?
« Reply #28 on: July 25, 2011, 22:57 »
First year on the plot;
Still munching our way through 1st earlies (pentland javelins) Got 2nd & maincrop still in ground.
Carrots - amsterdam & early nantes, yum! More growing  :)
Peas keep on a growin' frozen in batches
overwintered garlic & onions storing well, this years onions, growing well
caulis- glut frozen
cabbages ready for harvesting
beetroot, radish, spring onions, swiss chard, little gems, strawberries, rhubarb, all done/ doing well.
Leeks, beans, corn, sprouts, calabrese, iceberg, toms, peppers, chillis, apples & pears making steady progress.
Only downers are squash, courgettes- still coming into flower, & cucs- died or didn't germinate.
Today was our first full homegrown salad, apart from eggs as we can't keep chucks.
More and more meals are largely  homegrown, isn't that what it's all about?
Am leuurrvin' it!  :lol:



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Re: So, whats going well for you at your plot?
« Reply #29 on: August 07, 2011, 22:36 »
My peas were brilliant, I can't pick my runner beans fast enough and my onions are all lifted and look great, I currently have a glut of tomatoes and loads coming on, I am trying celeriac for the 1st time so will see how that goes, I also have some wonderful fennel grown from seed, whoopee.

Whats out on the plot?

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