introducing new hens

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introducing new hens
« on: September 10, 2010, 09:38 »
I recently ‘inherited’ a lone chicken from a neighbour who moved and was unable to take her with. When we collected her, she wasn’t at all happy: the other two hens had recently been taken by a fox leaving her all alone (and quite jumpy), the henhouse was infested with red mite and she had lice and worms. After a month or so of tlc, and getting the red mite (more or less) under control I’m now ready to get a couple of friends for her. I’m looking at 2 point-of-lay hens.

My question is, what is the best way to introduce the new chickens. Almost everyone I’ve asked has given me different advice on the best way to do it. I’m confused. 
Do I…
·   Let her out of her run into the garden, put the new hens into the run and let them meet through the fencing?
·   Leave her in the run and have the new ones in the garden to meet through the fence?
·   Keep her in her run and put the new hens in with her?
·   Wait until she’s shut up for the night, and put the new birds into the hen house with her?

She is now used to being on her own, and whilst I’m sure she will really appreciate some company, I don’t want her to feel she’s being ousted from her own home or to feel that the newcomers are pushing off her favourite perch.
What is the best and gentlest way to do introduce the newbies with minimum fighting?




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Re: introducing new hens
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2010, 09:57 »
I would suggest if you can acquire a cage of some sort to place this next to your resident hens run and put the new girls in there for the day time for a few days. They will be able to see each other and chat through the wire without being able to argue. If possible put a little corn on the ground inside both cages/runs as near to each other as possible so they are feeding very near each other. At dusk/nearly dark put the new girls gently onto perches in your hen house with your old girl. You may have to do a bit of chicken chasing in the morning to put the new girls back in their separate cage for the day but it should be worth it in the end. Or just invest in a cheap ark for the new girls and again keep it as close to your old girls run, once they are used to each other they should be fine. You can keep the cheap ark for further additions to your flock or as a broody coop or as a hospital wing! Also ensure there is lots to do in the runs, eg dangling cabbage leaves, an upturned bucket to jump on, maybe a bit of rotten wood to look for woodlouse in. Slightly bizarrely my hens love a very slowly dripping hose pipe if it's hung up within reach. Anything to keep everyone occupied and not bored. I've never suffered from feather pecking with my hens as they are all free range and can get away from each other if theres a problem but I'm sure being confined and bored is a contributing factor to this problem. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Best of luck.



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Re: introducing new hens
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2010, 12:08 »
I too was left with just one chook after losing all my other girls, and she was on her own for a good few days until she was well enough to accept new friends. I bought 4 POL girlies, brought them home, took the box into the henhouse, opened it up, tipped it up to get the newbies out, and shut the door.
Miss Gray took them under her wing straight away, and the new girls settled in very well. It was all new to all concerned. If I'd introduced one new hen to 4 oldies it would have been a different kettle of fish altogether. Im sure doing it this way round, you wont have any problems.

Good Luck.

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