what stages are your veg at?

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Re: what stages are your veg at?
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2010, 21:52 »
Runners almost at the top with lots of flowers but no pods forming yet.
Picking mangetout every day now.
First broads will be picked tomorrow.
Dwarf French beans very sluggish....climbers look as though they are about to take off.
Swiss chard struggling.
Onions and garlic really good.
Sweetcorn well on it's way.
Radishes and brassicas plagued by flea beetles....brassicas almost past the damage stage but radishes a waste of time.
Courgettes and squashes slow to get going(early cold winds) but now looking pretty happy.



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Re: what stages are your veg at?
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2010, 22:04 »
Courgettes and squashes getting established - some flowering
Runner beans and climbing beans (Cobra) flowering and a few baby Cobras
Borlotti beans - v.slow to start and attacked by slugs, but starting to grow now
Sweet peas - slow start but getting going and have picked quite a lot
Peas - first lot over and new ones just germinating
Carrots - first lot in raised bed cropping and second ones in pot just germinated
Salad leaves - lots have run to seed but Salad Bowl (green) cropping brilliantly and Red a bit more sparse and attacked by slugs but a few good plants
Chard (rainbow) - first lot cropping well and second lot just germinated
Dwarf beans - late sowing just germinated
Potatoes - slow start but now flowering
Broad beans - just finished
Garlic - amazing crop - 65 bulbs drying on patio
Onions and shallots - nearly ready to crop
Sweet Williams - great crop - family love the bunches of flowers
Brussels Sprouts - planted last month - getting going now
Swede, Purple Sprouting and Cavolo Nero - in pots waiting for rain to be planted out
Tomatoes and peppers in greenhouse - lots of baby fruit
Aubergines in greenhouse - first flower recently opened - it is so pretty
Cucumbers in greenhouse - Tasty Burpless - five fruits picked - next batch growing fast
Basil in greenhouse - loads and loads


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Re: what stages are your veg at?
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2010, 23:11 »
So far I've harvested:
about 30lbs of new potatoes
7 heads of lettuce
5 bunches of spring onions
3 cucumbers
broad beans
overwintered onions which had bolted
various herbs

It seems that everything is trying to make up for lost time.



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Re: what stages are your veg at?
« Reply #18 on: June 26, 2010, 02:21 »
I was mega cautious and planted nothing out until the 20th May.
As a result I don't expect to even start on the 'early' spuds until mid to late July.



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Re: what stages are your veg at?
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2010, 04:54 »
toms are flowering, corjets are getting ready to harvest, had about 10 mange tout and my cauli are growing pretty fast and had plenty of lettce


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Re: what stages are your veg at?
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2010, 10:27 »
My brassicas that I saved and transplanted after cabbage root fly attack are massive...but problem is I have no idea what they are :unsure: so they will stay in their troughs until the middle of next month and if they haven't 'hearted up' or produced a flower head they will get eaten as 'greens'...waste not want not!!! :lol:

My greenhouse toms have 3 trusses of flowers and are just starting to set fruit, my outdoor ones on average have 2 trusses except for the 'tumbling' ones that put out one truss and then so far no more!

In small lean-to greenhouse nothing much is going on - peppers, chillis and cucumbers are growing foliage-wise but no sign of flowers. Then the other chillis and peppers some in the tomato greenhouse temporarily, others outside, are at various different stages - some are flowering, others aren't - def no fruit setting yet.

Aubergines are growing large fat leaves but no signs of flowers in the greenhouse or outside.

Outdoor cucumbers are now starting to take off - all are flowering and have tiny fruits but still far off being big enough to eat!

Set onions beginning to swell quite dramatically (first year growing these) and look like proper onions! Onions from seed and leeks are pathetic, neither are pencil sized yet!!!

Runner beans are climbing fast - can see flower buds but not flowering. Climbing french beans are pathetic - sowed direct a few more yesterday.

Bush french beans are at various stages - some have flowers, some got slugged and are catching up, others were sown direct and literally only have 2 seed leaves!

Pumpkins are growing slowly - no flowers but taking heart in the fact they are still further on than this time last year!

Sweetcorn growing well.

Picked mangetout for the last two days, still plenty of flowers. Pea pods starting to swell, again loads more flowers.

2nd early potatoes flowering, maincrop have flower buds.

Beetroot have been attacked by leaf minor and are looking v sorry for themselves, managed to have a small one with a salad last week, non of the others are big enough.

Carrots are pathetic - some look like they've only just germinated when they've been in for a couple of months!

Parsnips look amazing from their foliage but what they actually look like under the soil...who knows!

Just resowed a load of turnips and swedes - after the cabbage root fly incident I ripped them all out in a bit of a paddy. Looked at the seed packets yest whilst doing a tidy up and discovered I could resow, so thought 'what the heck?'

Sweet potatoes have been planted out - one in a bin on my patio which already looks really healthy, the other plants were put out yesterday in a raised bed under cloches.

Salad leaves are doing well and have been eating them for a while - cut and come again, little gem lettuces, pea shoots, spinach and rocket - though the latter two have just started to bolt so have resown.

Have eaten about 5 gooseberries and a tiny handful of blackcurrants and one strawberry! Loads more strawbs to come, only a few blackcurrants though and no more gooseberries as they were attacked both by aphids and my dog! My blackberries are currently a kind of deep pink colour.

Wow when I read all that back I wonder how I manage to have fitted all that in to my garden!



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Re: what stages are your veg at?
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2010, 11:21 »
30% of the runners are at the top of the frame with lots of flowers


  my onions and carrots are doing well


  i could possibly feed the 5000 on lettuce whoops

If the early bird gets the worm how come the 2nd mouse to the trap gets the cheese ??



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Re: what stages are your veg at?
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2010, 22:45 »
I am harvesting lettuce non stop, my lambs lettuce had sowed itself out and it was the first year that i had a massive crop, but they start flowering now. I cant believe the size of my radishes, they are the size of tennis balls.

First turnips are more than ready, the size of a big man's fist

Carrots and parsnips and swedes seem to come  on nicely, same with onions (I cant believe how big they are already, they're nearly bigger than last year at autumn time :blink: ), scallions already diminished

Broadbeans are about 2 inch long, peas only starting to show pods and beans went in very late so are only starting to climb

In the greenhouse there are 4 cucumbers ready on 2 plants, I've loads of tomatoes on the plants, the pepper plant is growing nicely (never ever had any luck with them so I won't count any chickens yet)
I had swiss chard already on goats cheese and I cant remember off hand the rest :)

onion sets - all at once or in stages ?

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