HELP !!!!!

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HELP !!!!!
« on: September 29, 2009, 21:51 »
Hi Everyone,
I have recently joined the forum as I am in the process of sectioning off part of my garden to grow my own vegetables, which I have never done before, Ive never even managed to grow anything from a seed, it gets to 1 inch then dies, so as you can imagine i'm being very adventurous!!! anyway, I am also considering getting chickens, 3 to be precise, yes ive already chosen their names, masie, mildred and matilda, ive prepared my son and shown him photos of what he is to build for me next, which is the hen house and run, so this is our first step, just wandered if anyone could give us any advice before I actually commit to getting chickens or growing vegetables as I dont want to get it wrong, especially with the chickens !!!
Vickie  :D



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Re: HELP !!!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2009, 21:52 »
Just wanted to add that its not all bad, i have got a fantastic herb garden !!!!!!
if i do say so myself as its still alive  :happy:



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Re: HELP !!!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2009, 23:03 »
I am more of a tesco chicken person but there are some excellent information things on this site.
Your main requirement will be a camera, to keep us all happy.
Self-sufficient in rasberries and bindweed. Slug pellets can be handy.



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Re: HELP !!!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2009, 00:05 »
Hi Vickie...  We are all novices at first, some (like me) take it really slowly...  I started about 6 years ago growing veg, one bed at first then each year I added another.  We all get failures sometimes.   It is so rewarding when we get our successes and it more than makes up for any crops that go wrong...
I have had chickens now for about 6 years too... I LOVE them, much more than I could have imagined.  Sometimes they are a bit of a worry, but the people here are sooooo helpful that you cannot go too far wrong for long :D
Browse some of the info, the stickies and just look around the site and you will find most of what you want... if not.... ask and I am sure you will get some help.
Good luck in all that you do....



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Re: HELP !!!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2009, 00:54 »
Some advice on chickens.
Vital though it is to choose the names of your chickens first off, definitely the next most important thing is to find out about chicken keeping.  This web site is definitely a great resource to help you however there are lots of differing opinions which might confuse you as a beginner so I'suggest that you buy a very basic keepers book such as Kate Thears "Starting with Chickens" which is a pretty good guide for beginners and you won't go far wrong following this.  Use the site stickies and browse this site but don't be too surprised if you find conficting advice.  As you get more experienced you will get to filter it for your own requirements.  The only other thing I'd say about starting with chx is don't rush out and build a house without spending a lot of time and thought about what the design should be.  They may look simple but there's a lot of science and good husbandry practice needed to avoid making a mistake which you'll regret for the rest of your chicken keeping.  A good design will make cleaning and the everyday tasks easy as well as providing a secure and comfortable home for your birds.  Get it wrong and it'll be a red mite infested damp and smelly eyesore with sick unproductive chickens.  When you know a bit more about what features you need you should look at professionally made houses for example Forsham Cottage Arks who are market leaders and see how they are constructed.  Note the materials and internal design as well as the features intended to make cleaning and everyday jobs like egg collection easy.   

You need to tailor your husbandry method and house design to suit your available space and lifestyle.  For example have you the space for a movable ark with integral run or are you going to let your hens range over the garden and have a fixed hose.  I know this is unglamorous and all you want to do is go out and buy masie, mildred and matilda but time spent now on planning the basics will pay off many fold in the enjoyment of having an easy to maintain healthy flock in the future.
Best wishes
Truth through science.



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Re: HELP !!!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2009, 09:53 »
Gosh hillfooter, is this what happens to you in the week small hours of the morning?  You get your serious head on?  :D

Good advice though, admittedly...



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Re: HELP !!!!!
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2009, 10:03 »
The main thing is to get the housing right.  Keeping chickens is very addictive and you might find yourself wanting a few more next year so plan ahead and make the house big enough.  I did quite a bit of research on the hen house construction to get the nest boxes and perches in the right positions.  We have adapted our hen house (made out of an old shed) and run a few times to improve things and after year of learning have got it just about right, for now :) 

We have done a lot of learning as we have gone along, but there is always more to find out  so don't be overwhelmed by all  the information out there about all the potential 'problems'.   There is always some here that can help.   Keeping chickens is great fun and very rewarding.

You may find that you will want to keep the chickens away from your vegetables.  Their feet are very destructive!



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Re: HELP !!!!!
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2009, 10:24 »
Hi Vickie01,
With regards to growing veg. Grow things that are virtually bomb proof first. That will give you success which in turn will give you confidence. Eating veg. and fruit from your own garden is well worth the effort. I'm dreading having to go back to eating supermarket tomatoes.
With regards to chickens. I'm no expert but have found out only recently that they are partial to young sprouts plants. Poppy stood in the middle of a row last evening and demolished them. I forgave her naturally.
Your chickens will bring you lots of joy and eggs hopefully.
Cheers and have fun!!



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Re: HELP !!!!!
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2009, 11:52 »
I have felt great joy since growing my own and keeping the girls. OH made me 18" raised beds last year (ANOTHER one this w/e Brambles. Strange how they multiply!) and when I got the chooks I just needed to stake chicken wire round in panels. Chooks and veg beds don't mix but they love greens and lettuce so I'm growing stuff for them as well as us!!
I've spent a fortune putting up 6' fencing but that needed doing anyway ::) and I've lost plants where the girls dig holes and scratch but I'm growing more fruit trees/bushes instead.
I love my girls and they reciprocate by laying me gorgeous eggs, filling my compost bins with poo and making me laugh! I get exercise and pleasure from growing our veg (the enjoyment from planning and ordering next year's seeds...wonderful!)
So, good luck to you. There are mistakes to be made along the way but it's all worth it!!!



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Re: HELP !!!!!
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2009, 13:24 »
Yup, now we have the hens, we're redesigning the entire garden around them, and the raised veg beds will have to be my next Christmas and Birthday presents combined!
two daughters, nine hens, two goldfish, three cats ...


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Re: HELP !!!!!
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2009, 14:04 »
I am more of a tesco chicken person

Free Range I hope  :ohmy:



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Re: HELP !!!!!
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2009, 14:19 »
Just bremember to plant the veg, not the chickens,a nd you'll be off to a good start! ;)



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Re: HELP !!!!!
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2009, 20:16 »
Thank you everyone for your replies and help, im onto amazon now to buy the book recommended, have already bought vegetable growing month by month so now its the book on chickens.
Thank you  :D  :D  :D
p.s. will try not to plant the chickens veggirl, lol  :D 
oh and ive got the camera ready so be prepared for some terrible photo's as i generally get the fence, sky or wall and not the kids or dogs. ha ha


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