Mid Season Conclusions

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Re: Mid Season Conclusions
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2009, 19:28 »
I'm going to have to come and see what you folks are doing right, 3rd year running and quite badly so far.
Carrots = rubbish, Fruit bushes are tiny & potatoes seemingly put all their effort in haulms...

I'm going to have to invest in a new hose.

Congratulations to everyone doing well so far.


barney rubble

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Re: Mid Season Conclusions
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2009, 19:54 »
Its my first year on the veggies proper...so, as my glass is always half full - the good bits first

asparagus - chuffed to bits (even tho I can't eat any) 1st year crowns going great guns
                                                                                     Seeds a wopping 97% success rate

Leeks - thickening by the day, but still not pencil thick

Caulis & cabbage - just getting round to re planting the seedlings

Onions & shallots - potashing now so looking even more promising

Beetroot - looking bushy, but a while to go

Potatoes - still not harvested but furking tells me there are some little beauties there

Potato trees - gawd knows (see other thread)!!

Peas - well they've just never made it to the pan and provide a lovely breafast, mid morning, lunchtime, afternoon tea, dinner, supper snack as situation dictates :D

Mangetout - flowering nicely

Fennel - still growing

Celery - still growing

Beans - dwarf and runner - just flowering so promising

Rhubarb - wow - what can I say my absolute pride and joy- a wopping 91% success rate across all three varieties sown, and the repotted ones are coming on so strong , they need repotting again soon

Fruit ticking along nicely with my gooses, apples, blueberries, rasps, strawbs, existing rhubarb crowns etc.

Bad bits

Horseraddish - rotted in their pots (had to buy some ready made plants in
- gutted after everyone else has trouble with the stuff invading everywhere)

Tomatoes - went out too early with them(I'm all outdoors), so have to wait and see if a flower appears

Peppers ditto

Mushrooms - failed in the hot spell but were going nicely

i'm sure theres lots I can do better next year, but given that I'm all outside with no greenhouse, 5 on 10 so far???? Ok 3

« Last Edit: July 05, 2009, 20:04 by barney rubble »



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Re: Mid Season Conclusions
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2009, 19:57 »
Resonably happy with my crops...  Sorry cannot agree with rocket - I ditched most of my lettuce planting and concentrated on rocket... I LOVE IT :)  Will deffo be growing next year and it is so very good for you... full of vits and minerals...
Cucumbers are my best crop so far this year... Lost half broad beans to blackfly as was not on top of it in time >:(  All else going on nicely...  Except carrots and beetroot.. OH decided to build path wider and what was not dug up was spoilt by stones and wood on them (Good reason for divorce me thinks :D)



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Re: Mid Season Conclusions
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2009, 20:16 »
Not bad so far swift potatoes very good , broad beans first time any success and peas not to bad though having been ubnable to get to plot this past week mange tout are now grown up :) beetroot coming on but beans still struggling mind you  I was a couple of weeks  late sowing this year. Red bull sprouts so far looking good and sweetcorn romping away about 2' 6" now and big sturdy plants even pumkins look healthy and I spotted a couple of courgettes on the way today - you can't beat this growing your own.



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Re: Mid Season Conclusions
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2009, 20:23 »
Resonably happy with my crops...  Sorry cannot agree with rocket - I ditched most of my lettuce planting and concentrated on rocket... I LOVE IT :)  Will deffo be growing next year and it is so very good for you... full of vits and minerals...
Cucumbers are my best crop so far this year... Lost half broad beans to blackfly as was not on top of it in time >:(  All else going on nicely...  Except carrots and beetroot.. OH decided to build path wider and what was not dug up was spoilt by stones and wood on them (Good reason for divorce me thinks :D)
Im a big rocket fan as well,lovely stuff,after holidays in turkey i also grow a bit of coriander to liven the salads up a bit,its too strong alone but lovely mixed in a salad.



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Re: Mid Season Conclusions
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2009, 20:59 »
By Rocket i did mean the spud variety.  :)

And I think Matron has figured out the cause of the poor crop for me.... Site location.

Will try them again next year but obviously in a different area with more sun on the backs.

Thanks Matron, never thought about the location on the plot as where the maris peers are, they get better sunshine.

Will keep the shaded areas for my caulies.  ;)




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Re: Mid Season Conclusions
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2009, 22:03 »
This could take a while..... :lol:  :D

Onions - white, red and shallots all bulking up now
Carrots - had first crop luckily I done a few sowings
Cabbages - Spring been harvesting for about a month, primo starting to heart up, savoy lovely seedlings coming along
Potatoes - charlottes harvested were lovely
Lettuce - butterhead been harvesting for about a month done a second sowing, little gem coming along nicely
Tomatoes - outdoors shooting up, bush ones in flower pouch flowering
Peas - harvesting
Turnip - had a couple were lovely waiting for rest
Cauli - still waiting but no probs up to now
Broccoli - 2 sowings coming along nicely now catapillars have been removed
Garlic - no problems
Beetroot - lovely
Courgettes - getting flower buds
Sweetcorn - seem to be ok (first time)
Spinach - looking good
Rocket - doing good

Herbs - bit iffy apart from coriander  :unsure:

Strawberries - lovely
Gooseberry - new bush no berries
Raspberry - same
Loganberry - same


Rasdish - rootfly
Cucumbers - 2 varieties/5 plants dead. Second attempt going better
Beans - germination not too good
Pumpkins - all dead  :lol:

all from my little garden  :D

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Michelle x



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Re: Mid Season Conclusions
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2009, 22:56 »
main conclusions
we don't eat anywhere near the amount of salad i thought we did
i shouldn't get carried away on the 3-for-2 offers on potatoes unless i get an additional lottie
blackbirds love gooseberries (3 bushes stripped for want of netting. grr)
need to plant twice the number of peas next year
OH will always re-claim the fruit trees as his when it comes to picking and make everything into alcohol (it's lovely stuff, but i'd like to eat some fruit occaisionally, rather than drink it all!)
people at work think i'm mental for spending 7 hours of a "relaxing" weekend at the lottie

sorrel (new discovery) is lovely, doesn't bolt, and keeps on cropping.
i seem to have half cracked the successional thing, and have plants ready to put in when the 100weight of potatoes get lifted
strawberries eaten warm and freshly picked while working on the lottie are gorgeous! and the plants were free!
people at work think it's fabulous when i take in freshly picked strawbs and they get a taste! (wait til I start leaving courgettes on everyone's desk when OH goes on courgette strike again)

this year overall has been great - it's the first year we've had the whole lottie cleared of the nettles, bindweek, brambles that it was covered in two years ago. and all done organically (all hail the rotavator), and it's getting praise from fellow lottie holders, which gives us a lovely glow of pride.

and i'm finally getting tanned legs.



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Re: Mid Season Conclusions
« Reply #23 on: July 06, 2009, 09:56 »
Well I only got started on 06 Jun, so I'm waaaaay behind.

however I can report:

Tomatoes - whoops seem to have gone overboard on plants - are now setting fruit and I'm waiting for the first one to turn red (or orange, or yellow, or brown/black or pink)

Courgettes - two of three plants are fruiting quite nicely, and I need to hunt out some recipes for stuffed round courgettes.

Leeks - were checked when I planted them out, so waiting for new growth

Beetroot - got stomped on by chickens having a dust bath and are only just recovering

ditto for the "Boule d'Or" turnips.

Carrots have germinated nicely and are growing away.

Spring onions are looking decidenly dodgy.  Germination was spotty and they haven't done anything since the second leaf.

Radishes are looking very - leafy

Cucumbers are looking great, and have just set thier first fruit

Butternut squash germinated quickly, and the little plants are looking very healthy.

Dwarf beans did fantastic in their paper pots, but when I planted them out did nothing for weeks.  Now they have finally decided they will not die and will grow another pair of leaves.

Climbing beans are climbing and are about to start on the sloping part of thier Munty.

Celery looks like it has receovered well from it's transplanation and has not died.

Cauli (Graffiti F1 - just for it's awsome colour! and All Year Round) , Brussels and Calabrese well settled into the ground and putting out new leaves.

Aubergines doing well, and have at least 1 fruit set (better than last year!)

Peppers still deciding on whether to flower or not.

Still waiting to taste the fruits of my labours, but can be patient (will be patient... must be patient)



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Re: Mid Season Conclusions
« Reply #24 on: July 06, 2009, 13:29 »
Well, i have a tiny tiny garden that i have managed to get so far:

Lettice - far too much! (Little gems were lovely though!
Radish - Far too much!
Broc - got 4 good heads off now side shoots are growing well
Collys -4 big heads, very tastey
Tumbling tom toms - very bush, loads of flowers, oly a couple of little toms yet
Indoor toms - huge plant lots of fruits all big and green
Peas - far too much!
marrows - just starting to explode into growth
Courgetts - first one rotted off, have 3 big ones growing now!
Squash - Litle yellow one the size of a pead, very cute!
Potatoes - so many i cant eat enough
Carrots - very long but still very thin - i think i may have needed to think them more!
herbs doing very well
Chill - hundres of chillies from 2 plants!
Pepers - large plants with lots of flowers, no peppers yet
Aubergine - several flowers and 2 very nice looking tiny things waiting to grow i hope!

I havnt done bad for my first year on a plot about 1.5mx1.5m, a flower border and some pots!

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Re: Mid Season Conclusions
« Reply #25 on: July 06, 2009, 14:05 »
Hello all

We took on our allotment on 4th June this year, although so far not much growing as we have mainly concentrated on getting the ground work done first.

However this is how ours is going:

marked out 10 large beds and paths, flattened and prepared the ground for the shed and small patio area (we don't have a garden so this is also going to be our garden as well as our allotment).    We built and errected the fence to keep out the bunnies (hoping the deer will just stay clear!)

We have sown Runner Beans, lettuice, beetroot, raddish, swede and something else which I have totally forgotten) - all have come up!

I have also created a very small area by the patio and shed for a very small flower garden and planted 2 small roses and lavender.

Also we have created 3 compost bins and built 2 gates - one for either end of the plot!

We cleared 5 plots and the other 5 are covered in weed suppressing membrane and garden pool lining which my parents had lying around.

Oh yes we managed to get some rhubarb corms which we planted and also a blackberry bush.

I also had a go at doing root cuttings for a rose, honeysuckle and jasmine from my a member of the family.

So far all looking good, the "neighbour" lottie holders are all new too as our site was extended for new plots however as we are so far advanced other neighbours are now asking our advice and I am not expert enough to provide it - but it looks like we know what we are doing (giggle)!

Oh yes, I have been asked to join the committee on our site!




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Re: Mid Season Conclusions
« Reply #26 on: July 06, 2009, 16:30 »
right then,
Strawberries about 70lb so far
raspberries 10lb but still cropping
gooseberries 14lb still cropping
red/black currants 6lb
cherries 1lb new tree
plums loaded having to support branches due to weight
apples loaded
pear about 12 fruits
new potatoes swift/foremost rubbish
2nd earlys wilja/kestral good tops holding my breath
late potatoes wilja same again
peas brilliant cropping well
pumpkins/squash looking good
everything else doing fine thanks to early hot weather

Odd one....Next season seeds from this season crops

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