We started a veg patch in our garden about six years ago, the land had been rough pasture land prior to this. Even after six seasons, if we dig over an area and and leave it, an excellent crop of docks, buttercups and other "field" weeds quickly pop up, admittedly not as much as our first season but still enough to be annoying.
We have managed to purchas a 1/2 acre field next to our garden (again rough pasture land) and want to extend our veg patch into part of this. What I'd like is some advice on getting this into shape for growing, would getting it ploughed be a good idea? or will this just bring years of weed seeds to the surface?, or the other option might be to mow it right down, cover it with cardboard and lay 6 inches of compost on type, a sort of no dig system to stop the masses of weed seeds in the ground constantly germinating as we've had in our original patch. Perhaps theres another way we could try? just looking for a good soloution to the problem