Repeated fails of a plot holder

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cardoon queen

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Repeated fails of a plot holder
« on: July 10, 2023, 09:08 »
I would be really interested to know what other sites do with a plot holder who every year seems to get a notice about the state of his plot - sometimes the weeds are 6" high and has very little area under cultivation.  Once served a notice he does a mad push clears all the weeds roughly and then grabs summer crops like pumpkins and sweetcorn and covers the plot successfully.  We can't be the only site that has repeated "offenders" so to to speak - do you include any sort of 3 strikes and you're out policy somehow?  His poor neighbours have had 10 years of it ....
if in doubt, let it grow ...



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Re: Repeated fails of a plot holder
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2023, 10:04 »
We have a two strikes and you are out policy. It's always been two strikes one after the other. Mind you we are looking at three strikes of just above the weed covered patch where the plot holder is doing just enough to avoid falling into the two strikes situation.

It depends on the committee mind. Methinks that any committee worth its salt would have seen through this ploy and looked at the rules in the tenancy and any other options open to them. Doesn't take 10 years to move on or cure a tenant who is a bit careless with the cultivation.



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Re: Repeated fails of a plot holder
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2023, 16:49 »
It's unfair to everyone to behave like that.  Where I am you get a verbal warning, a written warning and then unless you have a good reason you are out.

There's a waiting list of almost 3 years.


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Re: Repeated fails of a plot holder
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2023, 19:20 »
Our council used to be like that with ‘weedy’ letters.  People would get away with it for years as they never had any effective follow up system.

We now have a new guy in charge who takes a more pro-active approach and emails people with fairly strict deadlines on when he expects to see improvements.  It is too soon to judge if this is going to be effective yet, but we do have site reps on most sites in my area now and he does use them to ask for follow up pictures so he can build up a record of what is, or is not, going on.

If your site is just the council and then direct communication with plot holders, it may be worth asking if you could act as a site rep for them.  It takes ages before they get used to the idea of trusting you, but eventually they get to like the help and you can actually get things done :)



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Re: Repeated fails of a plot holder
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2023, 15:07 »
Hold on!  Hold on!  Hold on!  I feel I need to push back on this thread.

I’m one of these guys whom you’re complaining of. My allotment is not the neatest on the allotments. I grow the sweet corn, squash, Asparagus, Raspberries etc. Low maintenance plants that produce high value tasty food (oh, and the pumpkins are great as weed suppressors).

Why? Because I have to work for a living! If I’m not working, my kids potentially aren’t getting fed. Even on a minimum wage, 1 hr of work will buy more potatoes in Aldi than if I grow them. I don’t have the time to put the dead straight rows of veg and keep the all the weeds out. The allotment is not there for feeding the family. The allotment will never be an efficient return on investment. It will however, teach my kids where their food comes from, how it grows, how to grow it, and that milk doesn’t get magicked into Tesco by some fairy.

Give the guy a break and walk a mile in his shoes.

P.S. Hopefully I’ve not offended anybody too much here. A little is acceptable. Though I’m not a great fan of the old “Major Blyth, Mrs Bucket” style of Parish council allotment management. This forum is great because as a complete beginner a few years ago I’m learning a lot from the “older, experienced guard” with still an awful lot left to learn. Long may it continue.



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Re: Repeated fails of a plot holder
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2023, 19:53 »
No offence taken.

But what you are describing as a productive plot that has plants growing to keep the weeds down, is very different to the plots described in this thread. Those plots belong to gardeners who cultivate very little except weeds that cause ongoing nuisance to neighbouring plotholders, and only take a little action in response to regular letters.

Those sorts of tenants - which you clearly are not - are the bane of my existence as someone who works full time, has their own plot to keep on top of, and is also a site secretary of a site with 200 or so plots. We are not expecting straight rows and not a weed in sight in the style of the stereotypical gardener from decades ago. But we do expect a plot to be maintained to a basic standard.
I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days all attack me at once...


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Re: Repeated fails of a plot holder
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2023, 19:55 »
I’m one of these guys whom you’re complaining of.

I am not so sure that you are. Cardoon queen is talking about someone who only clears and plants their plot once a notice is issued, not someone who is trying to maintain order while holding down a job and so whose plot is cultivated, just a little rough round the edges at times. 

Lots of plot holders work (me included) and mine is not the neatest plot either. Yours sounds fine to me and it would be an unfair council (in my opinion) that served you a weedy notice.

There is the other side to the story as well.  Our site has a waiting list of nearly 150 people.  We are only a small site, so plots don’t come up that often.  Last year I met, showed round and got plots allocated to more newbies than the council had managed to let plots to in the last 5 years.  We are now full  :)  Having said that we still have several plots covered in tall weeds and totally unused, or just about scraping through as under control, but not a single thing growing as a crop.  I’m not Mrs Bucket, but that seems unfair when so many people have no allotment at all. 



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Re: Repeated fails of a plot holder
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2023, 19:58 »
I was just going to say the same as an ex site rep. Plots that are growing crops, but sometimes get a bit weedy, are acceptable,  plots that grow weeds and nothing else, are not....



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Re: Repeated fails of a plot holder
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2023, 12:18 »
Thank you.

Maybe I'm just being a little too sensitive on my plot. However, perhaps, going back to the original question: there could be a number of approaches. It depends on how the plots have been managed and the committee and the "community" within the allotments.

 A letter can feel rather aggressive, but is less confrontational. It may also be ignored and then we need to repeat until we get to the ultimatum stage, as discussed by Christine.

Another approach could be a telephone call. The caller however would require some soft skills to perform this without the conversation becoming heated. The aim being to ask what their plans are? For the caller though, it can be have some trepidation and be rather stressful. Ultimately though, a letter of eviction so as to have a paper trail would be necessary.

In my opinion, talking is always better as you get a faster resolution with understanding on both sides of the direction of travel. Then of course the committee can get another off the waiting list far faster and into an active plot. Both approaches, if not handled correctly can end in bitterness from both parties.

I hope Cardoon Queen that my ten-peneth might help.




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Re: Repeated fails of a plot holder
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2023, 16:43 »
I don't know about everywhere, but as Rep I never had telephone number/address of plot holders, so unless I saw them actually on their plot, there could be no personal conversation.
The council would rather communicate by letter, so remedial action required is in black and white, and not open to discussion (unless illness, bereavement, or something similar was the cause.)
Without these, the council would give a few weeks grace for plot clearance to begin, if little, or no progress was made, on inspection - the next step was notice to quit.


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Re: Repeated fails of a plot holder
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2023, 20:57 »
Same experience here as MoS.  The council like everything recorded and on the record.  They used to just issue letters after a site visit, but nothing ever got followed up, so some people got letters every year for an awful lot of years and got used to ignoring them.

Currently I am in contact with everyone on the site via one means or another, because they have given me contact details or joined our WhatsApp group, but the enforcement of the tenancy agreement (which says you must cultivate the plot), lays with the council.  They are sending ‘weedy’ emails, rather than letters, but we are at an early stage and if they do decide to evict, it may move to posted correspondence.

It seems harsh, but if they are getting it in the neck from people waiting or plot holders next door to a weed patch, you can see how a system of recorded warnings make things simple for them to move people on and/or say ‘Look - we are doing everything we can’.  A bit cynical perhaps, but that is the reality of it with most councils.



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Re: Repeated fails of a plot holder
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2023, 22:38 »
I agree with others - there has to be an audit trail, for a site where there is council or similar governance at least (duty to keep proper records etc.).

Conversations can quickly become out of control, with no way of recording what was said and how. Letters might be impersonal but are consistent and free from bias.

With 200 plots, it's impossible to deal with plotholders equally and fairly. On smaller sites, a different approach might be possible.



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Re: Repeated fails of a plot holder
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2023, 07:52 »
I wish our council would be more proactive with plotholders who don’t do anything. The woman behind me got her plot early 202o asked me about paying by direct debit! Turned out she thought the £26 rent was per month !! Should have been a warning there. Did a fair bit at first, then hardly picked anything, mainly visiting with friends & sat with a can or 2 of beer. Left it to grow & grow, November’21 covered it all in thick black plastic, & I mean everything straight over the plot from one end to the other over raised beds & all. Never came back at all in 2022, & the council let her have it again this year, she finally uncovered half of it in May, came with her son he put the spade in & she dropped a potato in ( I was on my plot at the time, when we spoke & she said she was going to crack on I said little & often, they went after 10 minutes, I very nearly shouted I didn’t mean that little) & she’s not been back & done anything since.
Apparently our person at the council likes to have an informal telephone chat before sending a letter, & we have no idea if they do ‘plot inspections’
Thing is there’s a waiting list of over 60 for the 2 sites with 40+ for ours, there’s at least 5 more plots not being done at all, not done and then the weeds have caught up with them etc. Then they have the cheek to write in the newsletter you get with your invoice “ if you have more than 1 plot (I do, 2 x 1/2 plots) please consider giving up 1 to shorten the waiting list!
Photos are of plot neighbours plot last week or so
A woman's place is in her garden.

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Re: Repeated fails of a plot holder
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2023, 13:22 »
Thanks to everyone who replied.  We are a Ltd Co so we have very clear Company rules and also Site Rules regarding importance of cultivation and weed control, rubbish etc. We have a clear inspection form that is a like a traffic lights system highlighting certain criteria - he was given yet another Serious concern notice with offer of another meeting and targets set for the next 4 weeks. Trying to make a claim that he didn't understand what we meant by "cultivate" just won't wash after 10 years of chats, letters, notices etc.  We aren't fascist at all and try our best to support our 130 plot holders - if they're ill we cover over their plots until they come back and run very community based work days when we fix paint weed etc.  His poor neighbours have suffered for 10 yrs from horrible mess, weeds from months of absence, astroturf/couch grass mix on the path next to his plot ... and there is always an excuse delivered in a charming way. He is a scour and burn gardener and then makes some holes and plonks things in. We want to change the Site Rules so that we have a strategy for dealing with plot holders who regularly fail PI's.  They did have a 3 strikes and your off policy apparently years ago but somehow it got lost when the site was made a LTD so the Council would save money.  It's a real headache as the council provide no training to Committees on how to deal with all the things that come up like theft, trespass etc. and we're only volunteers who work for a living!!!!  Moan over......
« Last Edit: August 04, 2023, 13:27 by cardoon queen »


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Re: Repeated fails of a plot holder
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2023, 08:43 »
A rule change sounds like an ideal start.  If you can get in it place over the winter, at least you can go into next season with a plan and some teeth to back it up.

You are doing great work and all on your own time for the good of the site and all the plot holders.  Don’t beat yourself up over things you have had no training for.  Imagine how bad things would be without people like you  :)

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