Member's Diaries

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Re: Member's Diaries
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2008, 11:13 »
Well here goes mine will be rubbish compared to everyone elses lol  
I am currently based in Middlesbrough in the North East of England, its been cold and blooming horrible for months. Now we have sun yay!!!!!!!!!  :D

January:-  Cleaned out yard and began to fix the drainage. Failed miserably.

February:- Same as above, failed miserably again due to rain. Sowed tomatoes, carrots,parsnips, radishes lettuces, salad leaves, beetroot and chillies into peat pots and seed trays on the poor beaten table near a shaded window.. All working well till cat jumped and killed them all grrr. Bought and set up mini greenhouse. Constantly broke due to gales.

March:- 1) Replanted all lost seeds as stated above (grr stupid cat).
                Fixed Mini greenhouse, and bought small cold frame from lidl
             2) Refixed the Mini greenhouse and taped up the cold frame due to                    the bad weather. All seeds growing nicely apart from the chillies :(
             3) Sowed mint, basil, chives and coriander into peat pots. Bought a propagator for the chillies. Acquired containers for veggies from the Pound Shop and Wilkinson's. Replanted more seeds as well as broad and runner beans and garden peas, because the cat struck again.
               4) Applied for Allotment and did ton's of University work. Tomatoes and Chillies still not showing they little heads. Must be the cold.

April:- 1) All seeds showing whoo hooo!!! They is life. Refixed all cold frames and drainage. Just hoping for a bit of nice weather.
           2) Same as above
           3) Received reply from Middlesbrough Council regarding allotment told it could be years before i can an allotment. So unimpressed considering all the abandoned plots.  Sowed cherry, tiger, moneymaker tomatoes in an old salad container with a lid. Sowed broccoli calabrese and onion seeds into peats pots.
           4) Fixed the stupid greenhouse to the wall with the help of my OH, he got a big drill i'm not allowed to use grrrr. Six inch screws what more could you ask for. Transferred cucumbers and tomatoes into the mini greenhouse in larger pots. Hopefully they'll live.
 Put the runner beans, garden peas and broad beans into square containers and left them outside in the yard.

May :- 1) Bought and planted some spuds into a growbag. Drilled holes into a dustbin and also out some spuds in.  Tomatoes and cucumbers all doing well. Peas and beans growing nicely. Sowed spinach seeds into a little round container.
              Fitted four hanging baskets up on the walls in the yard and one near the front door. Planted about eight cherry tomato plants into three of the hanging baskets and some strawberry seeds into the fourth one.
Spinach growing already within a week they all about 4 inches tall (very pleased. Put Broccoli Calabrese into containers as well carrots, parsnips and lettuce. Planted out beetroot, fennel and celeriac.
Just sowed more dill, basil, coriander, thyme, oregano, mint and parsley in to old milk containers with the tops chopped off. Sowed some more celery, salad leaves seeds into old milk containers. All growing well so far.
took a trip to B & Q and acquired more compost and a gooseberry bush which i think is dead  :evil:  i mean how do you kill one of these!!!!
 2) Made an attempt at bay leaf cuttings, found lettuces dead. Quick note to self replant beetroot asap.
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Re: Member's Diaries
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2008, 11:27 »
;March & April

Dug new beds for potatoes.  Put in shuttering for new paths and weed control fabric; then layered with bark chippings.

April 12th:  Planted 1st Earlies Lady Christyl in the first bed also planted
4-5 tubers in potato grow bags.  Added potato fertilizer (looks like growmore) to soil.

April 21 Down to plot for digging expedition.  Heavy clay; dug in sharp sand and hay (given by Alf opposite) which is supposed to help soil composition!

April 23/24 Rain stopped play.

April 25 Planted Dahlias and Lilies.

April 26 Planted Charlotte - 2nd Earlies.  Alf fixed the guttering; and my water butt whilst I made him tea and biscuits.

End of my weeks holiday. Achieved some success.

May 3rd  Finished digging 3rd potato bed.  Added compost and fertilizer.

May 4th  Dug trench for french and runner  beans.

May 6-10 Planted Desiree (late potatoes)  Started `Munty`style frame; finished next day.  Planted french climbing beans `blue lake` and a n other! forgoten name.  Planted sweet peas up trellises.(3 of)

Suddenly we had a hot week; got up to 26C one day.  Sunburnt upper body as only had a vest on.  Lessen learnt to keep sun cream in bag.

Got attacked by mozzies as Furzton Lake is other side of lottie.  They homed in on me on purpose as I was fresh meat for the taking.  Lesson number 2 learnt keep mozzy spray in bag; and keep self covered up. At least until they dissapear.

May 17/18

Planted runner bean seeds in any gaps and also the other side of frame to make a double row.  Planted sweet pea seeds near to plants in case of failure.  Plus a few different varieties to give extra bulk and colour.

Cut back some hawthorn stems around the edge of the car park and planted them into soil in corner of plot next to runner bean frame.  Soil had been dug and leveled with rake first.
Planted petit pois plus a n other type of pea (larger). Banged in some stakes into each corner and middle and put chicken wire all around the edge to protect from wildlife. Don`t know if it will do any good - time will tell.

Planted Jerusalem Artichoke in a corner; hoping they will grow, tubers had some roots on.  

May - on dry days after hot spell watered plants until they settled in.  

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Re: Member's Diaries
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2008, 20:53 »
End March. Got tennancy agreement for a half-plot (5 rod). Seven months pregnant, though, so can’t really do more than about 2 hours work a day to get the place cleared. Luckily the plot is in fairly good nick, and needs just a little clearing.

28 Mar. Planted herbs in seed trays at home: sweet basil, red basil, rosemary, mint. It all got snowed on a few months later.

3/04. Planted parsley in pots at home.
5/04. Area 1. Finished makeshift raised beds. Planted potatoes – 6 rows of 6: 3 rows Homeguard (earlies); 2 rows Desiree; 1 row Robinta.
6/04. Area 1. Planted 1 bed of onions – half white, half red.
8/04. Planted mint in yogurt pots at home.
12/04. At home, planted pots of chives, pak choi, romaine lettuce, broccoli, cantaloupe.
17/04. Area 1. Planted lettuce and spinach in front bed, seedlings passed on by kind allotment neighbours!
Area 1 before:

Cleared and starting to make some makeshift raised beds:

Just planted:

18/04. At home, planted basil, sage, coriander in plastic pots. Dwarf french beans and cauliflower in paper pots. Rocket and leaf salad in plastic pots. Windowsills FULL.
20/04. Put 20 sweetcorn seeds and runner beans for chitting. First shoots on the mint plant from March, finally.
22/04. Planted the chitted corn in paper pots and loo rolls.
26/04. Area 2. Planted 1 row of broad beans.
27/04. Beanpole. Planted runner beans along 2/3 of beanpole, leaving space for purple climbing french beans on rest of pole.
30//04. Area 2. Planted out the rest of the sweetcorn.

2/05. Kolya is born!

14/05. Chitted the rest of the sweetcorn (about 20 seeds) and purple climbing french beans.
16/05. Area 2. Planted out the sweetcorn (only about 12 took, though), and some purple climbers.
Stuff growing in paper pots:

Everything growing in Area 1:

End May. Nikolai built my shed! woo hoo! Now have a place for baby to sleep while I dig.

Everything’s a bit late. The weeds have run wild, but I want to get more stuff planted, not go weeding!
At home, we can't eat enough leaves to keep up with the pots on the balcony.
9/06 . Area 3. Dug up a small area and planted 12 strawberry plants.
Area 2. Planted ½ a row of mange tout peas and 1 row peas.
10/06. Planted 6 tomato seedlings – 2 Moneymaker, 2 Gardener’s Delight, 2 [need to check the name]
Chitted the rest of the purple climbing beans
Somewhat optimistically sowed a few crown pumpkin seeds and watermelon seeds in pots on a windowsill.
11/06 Area 3. Planted 5 x alpine strawberry plants. Pulled out the broad bean plants which had been decimated by blackfly:-(
13/06 Area 3. Planted three melon plants found growing on an abandoned compost heap.
Area 2. Planted 1 row carrots, 1 row beets.
14/06. At home. Sowed two big trays of herbs – basil and parsley.




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Re: Member's Diaries
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2008, 22:49 »
Well heres my take on my allotment!!!

May - Allotment - first earlies planted and growing well
                          tomatoes under cloche
                          courgettes planted and growing well
         Growhouse (at home) - sweetcorn, peppers, spring onion, herbs
                                           lettuce, leek, mangetout, shallots
         On Holiday end of May - bad winds back at home, hence growhouse
         somersaulted up garden, all I could rescue was mangetout, shallots
         and peppers

June - Allotment - potatoes still doing well
                           tomatoes dont look that good!!! will read up on why
                           courgette plants have gorgeous yellow flowers
                           mangetout planted
                           never ending onion planted
                           shallots planted
          Growhouse - peppers are growing well
                             2 sweetcorn (off market) doing well
                             brocolli (off market) doing well, ready to plant out
                             cauli (off market) doing well, ready to plant out
                             pumpkin, doing well
                             runner beans, doing well
                             lettuce, doing well
                             parsnip - slow...

To Do in June/July - Roundup half allotment not using, plastic sheets down, design outline, order manure, get plot ready for end of season. Rhubarb - replant. runner beans
July - Allotment - round up done          
                         courgettes now growing
                         potatoes ready too
                         sweetcorn, lettuce, swede, pumpkin, peppers planted
                         mangetout netted
                         all food fed with poultry manure pellets exc toms
                         toms are now producing! :)
         Growhouse - sprouts replanted (given to me)
                            sweetcorn replanted
                            all looking good and nearly ready to plant out
                            more lettuce, runner beans, broccoli, cabbage potted

August         allotment
                   to do...
                   area made for compost bins and water butts
                   dig beds and string off where paths will be
                   left side and right side path down middle                  

                   always have lettuce on the go!
                   cauli, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, runners (again)




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Re: Member's Diaries
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2008, 21:31 »
June was spent finally sorting out my brassica bed; planted red cabbages; white cabbages, broccolli, and brussels sprouts.

Tomatoes all potted up and fed regularly once in flower.  Sweet corn only two plants given by lottie neighbour are in pots next to Munty frame.

Peas are looking great and podding up nicely; looking forward to picking them very soon. ( Was quite late planting them and as they seemed slow appearing planted more again; now have made up for lost time)

Runner and french climbing beans are quite disappointing; although they are starting to flower now and beginning to climb; some seem to have been attacked by blackfly; sprayed with soapy water a couple of times, that seems to have kept it in check for now. Managed to rub a lot of it off with a damp soapy rag.

Very happy with my sweet peas; put up three trellises adjoining bean frame.  Absolutely Gorgeous; they are flying up the frame and as quick as I pick them (2 or 3 times a week) they keep multiplying.  I have learnt that to get the nice long stems I need to pinch out the tendrils to stop them curling around the flower heads and stems and squashing them up.
Usually feed all my flowers about every 10 to 14 days.

My dahlias are beginning to bring some lovely colour also; and I put in a couple of delphiniums and Marguerites in with them.  Also added a few white geraniums and am very pleased with my flower bed near to my shed when I`m having `elevenses or two-thirty tea breaks its great to sit and admire my handiwork; nice to know that when things start to take shape all the back breaking work is behind me.

Last summer went to RHS Wisley in Surrey.  Picked up a product called `Rootgrow` friendly mycorrhizal fungi; as it says in the blurb `a second root system evolved to enhance your plants.`
This product has been like gold dust to me I used it in the base of the holes for my potatoes which have done incredibly well.  Even the three bags I planted up gave excellent results.  Shame is I used Rootgrow up this spring on most of my crops (brassicas do`nt like it apparantly) and I tried to buy it locally to no avail. Every garden centre and establishment did`nt have it - fed up looking.  Good old google found the supplier and have bought a large bucket full that should keep me going for a long time; mind you it was`nt cheap.

Talking about potatoes - Lady Christl my earlies I planted back in April; have yielded a lovely crop; have been digging them up for the past month giving them to family and friends.  Dug up the last of them this weekend as I had bought some new strawberry plants and I needed a bed for them.  Took 28lbs into work for the lads to enjoy!
Soon be ready for the second earlies!

One sad note came back from a few days visiting family in Ireland and our German Shepherd `Jazzy` was taken ill and we had to have her put down; she was only four she had an inoperable spine problem and within a few days she was paralysed.  Incredibly upsetting.  Everyday we think about her and feel upset.  :cry:



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Re: Member's Diaries
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2008, 19:28 »
Here goes.  An attempt at keeping myself more organised.  

30x40 foot plot.  10 raised beds (12'x4') covering nearly two thirds with 2' wide slab paths between. Geoff Hamilton said so and I didn't argue.  Last third contains shed (only just, if it leans any further it'll be in John's plot), waterbutts (x6), compost bin (14'x4' divided into 3 bays).  Raspberry row / sweetpea frame / comfrey bed / gooseberrys x3, red currant, jostaberry and strawberry x10.  Getting to be a squeeze.

06/08/08 : 2 hours : Rain  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:
Runway 2 put in! Got completely and utterly soaked.  Bag of peas, some broad beans and big bunch of sweetpeas for Joan as thank you for borrowing Dieter to rescue slabs and lay path.

08/08/08 : 1 hour 30 mins : Dry  :o  Wow
Cleared Bed 5 of the last of the Anya (x3) and International Kidney (x7).  Fantastic crop off each of the Anya, Int Kidney not bad either.  Only one Int Kidney had a hole in it.  Fantastic result.  Weeded Bed 6 around the sweetcorn.  Now almost shoulder high and looking great.  Environmesh taken off Bed 9, 3 carrots from 8 packets doesn't really need covering.  Will be washed and put to better use over brussels and PSB when planted.  Bed 3 weeded around white onions.  Bed 7 weeded around red onions.  Grass edges cut.  Swopped with Bob, bag of Int Kidney for a 2 courgettes and some toms.

09/08/08 : 15 mins : Rain :evil:  :evil:  :evil:
Bunch of sweet peas to mum to take to crem for Gran with 1/2 bag of broad beans and the 1st Choggia beet picked for mum to try.  Early B.Bean sowing coming to an end.  2nd sowing of crimson flowered filling out nicely.  Rain all day stopped play.

11/08/08 : 30 mins : Damp
Cut grass all around edge of plot.  Weeded parsnips, leeks and swiss chard.  peas will be ready to take out at the weekend.  Going to collect some pallets from freecycyle tomorrow. fingers crossed they will fit in the car.  Picked some sweet peas for work.

12/08/08 : 10 mins : Damp
Dropped off a pallet.  Picked a few peas. Freecycle pallets wouldn't go in car.  Really too good for lottie more like decking.

14/08/08 : Collected pallets from Freecycle with help of friends trailer.  Straight to home and down in the garden as decking.  Excellent.

17/08/08 : 20 mins : Damp
Mooch about and trimmed edges.  Bit of weeding and hoeing.  Big bunch of sweet peas.

22/08/08 : 15 mins : Dry
Picked a huge bunch of sweet peas and my first UFO shaped squash.  Baked with tomato, hot Mazano chilli and soft cheese.  Delish.

23/08/08 : Allotment Show : Master Composter Session
Lovely sunny day.  Missed the deadline to enter so no prizes for me.   :oops:  Must be better organised next year.  Really good turn out.

24/08/08 : 2 hours :  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  Sunny and hot!!!!
Cut off the broad beans and collected a bag full, left the new shoots on some to grow on (free crop).  Cut down the peas and collected a bag full of dried pods for sowing next year, will shell them in front of TV later.  Lifted all the red and white onions (lost some due to the weather with wind rock but all in all not bad for £1 from Wilkos).  Tidyed up the tomato plants, seed saved banana cream have a superb crop, best of all of the 4 types.  One G.Delight starting to turn red.  Cut some swiss chard.  UFO squash not quite ready for picking.  Sampled a few raspberries.  Bunch of sweet peas for home where onions laid out on patio to dry off, grass cut, edges done etc etc.

13/09/08 : Dull but dryish
Quick look over.  Squashes have really taken off in the last week.  

17/09/08 : 3 hours  Dry !!!
Dug up the last of the potatoes, ground very wet.  Sarpo Mira lookk good with some whoppas but only a small crop from 6 plants.  Got up the rest of the Mayan Gold, lots of little holes.  Rocket spuds a disaster, holes or slush.  Cleared the carrot and french bean beds and planted 120 leeks.  Picked big bunch of sweet peas, slowing down but still going strong.  Two flying saucer squashes picked.  Bowl of raspberries for later.  Loads more to do tomorrow but back complaining.  Soil a bit too heavy for digging .

21 Feb : Sunny and dry : First day back on plot since car accident.
Dug over beds 6 and 7.  Planted five rows of garlic in bed 7 by surviving swiss chard.  Attacked the gooseberry bushes - much much better now.  Pruned autumn raspberries.  Dug out blackberries.  Dug out sweetcorn roots.  Shed on more of a lean but still standing.  Compost bin overflowing with tidy up. 
« Last Edit: February 21, 2009, 18:55 by birmancats »



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Re: Member's Diaries
« Reply #21 on: August 24, 2008, 21:36 »
I thought I would have a go at this.  My plot is in Matlock, Derbyshire.  It is slightly sloping and is south facing.  We have a shed, a dilapidated greenhouse, 3 enormous compost heaps and loads of canes - all left by the previous occupant and welcomed by us (we have nothing!)

18 August 08 - signed the tenancy agreement for allotment - I am a joint tenant with my dad and I think it will be a family venture with him, my mum, my hubby and two very reluctant girls (aged 6 and 8).  I have been waiting for over 2 years to get a plot so am now really excited.  The plot is about 150 sq yards.  

19 August - went to have a good look at the plot.  It is very overgrown as the man that used to have it died last year and although his wife wanted to keep it on it was too much for her.  He actually had two full plots that have been halved.  The plot to the left of us has not yet been taken and the one directly in front belongs to someone who made a start on it last year but has never been back.  They are all in a very bad state.  The one in front to the left belongs to a woman about our age (40) and this is her second summer on it. We have some huge sunflowers and some raspberry canes.  No work today - just a photo shoot!

23 August - started pulling up the weeds.  They are coming up very easily and the soil is really easy to dig.  Apparently the old chap covered it in over a foot of manure every winter and had done for the last 30 years.  It is much easier than we expected.  We are hoping to get as much done as possible whilst my dad is away as he thinks he is going to have to do most of the hard work but as he had a triple heart bypass back in March we dont really want him doing that much. Today we discovered some strawberries, some more raspberries (one lot of summer and one lot of late fruiting), two redcurrant bushes and one white currant bush.  We planted the girls pumpkin out that was growing (not very well) in a pot.  We dont actually expect it to do anything but the girls wanted to plant something.  We also have two fairies in the plot - little plaster of paris ones, carefully hand painted by the 6 year old!  (3 hours spent).

24 August - children are bored of the allotment already and spent the day at Grandma's.  Maybe not so much a family affair then!!  Managed to clear all but one small area in front of the rather delapidated greenhouse.  Hopefully we can get that bit finished off tomorrow as dad is back on Tuesday.  Spent time planning what we are going to do - we would like to get rid of the old greenhouse and get a proper glass one.  There is alot of wasted space behind it so it would be idea to put it there.  We would also like to put up a second, small shed that we will use mainly as a playhouse for the children - they are going to be spending alot of time there so we have to find something for them to do.  If there is enough room outside the shed we will put their old, small sandpit on it too.  (5 very tiring hours spent - but the bulk of the work is done).

Came home and went onto the internet and ordered:

20 purple sprouted broccoli plants
20 January king cabbage plants
20 Curly curlies borecole brassica kale plants

They have all come from a place called Farmer Arnolds Barn on ebay of all places.  They were recommended by people on the money saving expert website.  They are all field grown from somewhere in Cornwall.
I always find that work gets in the way of life.



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Re: Member's Diaries
« Reply #22 on: November 15, 2008, 09:31 »
This is our plot which we got in march. It was not that badly over grown as the top part of the allotment had been covered in black poly sheet. The bottom part still had things growing but no one had done anything for about a year on the plot.
So for the rest of March and April we had too clean up the plot, there was rubbish every where, loads of broken glass, rotten wood. broken plastic pipe, watering cans. The amount of rubbish was over whelming. Had to hire a van and it took 5 trips to the local dump to get rid of some of it (still have stuff to get rid of). There is a skip that come to the site the first sat of every month, but it is only a small skip and with a site with 250 plots its full very quickly.

There was a green house next to the shed but we had to take it down as we had two children and it looked like the glass was the only thing holding it together must of the wood was rotten and fall off. Again it was full of stuff that we could not use.

So we then managed to get a start on the beds, had to replace most of the wood on them.

Got the potatoes planted in the first bed, Planted king edwards from wilkos had a very good crop from the have just finished eatting them.

Managed to plant some onions(daughter) in 2 beds and got a very good crop still have loads. Do not know what type of oniones they where got them from the allotment shop for free as it was the last bag they had and it was getting a bit later to plant them.

did plant some cabbage and broc, but did not cover them so they got baddly damaged. Did get a good crop of beetroot and peas. Tied carrots but they did not grow that good. The best crop was our punkins, planted 6 plants and they grow everywhere, took over 2 beds (2 10x10) we had 12 punkins growing very big, Then one day in the begainin of sept went up to the allotment and all of the punkin plants had been damaged due the bad weather we had, very heavy rain and wind. so we had to pull them up left them in the house to ripen. they where lovely.

So now quiet a lot now for next year. Have done alot on the plot so will get some photos.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2009, 00:35 by john »



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Re: Member's Diaries
« Reply #23 on: November 23, 2008, 18:05 »
August 2008

I took over a really nice but overgrown plot.
All I can say is Cooch Grass and clay!
My husband and I started with securing the shed. It is a great shed but the hinges were rusted off so we got a riveting gun, hack saw, metal drills and got to work.
It took us ages but worked in the end and now everything is nice and secure.

We went on to start the clearing of the plot. The previous tenant had one bed with some diseased broad beans and some onions.

My husband was the one responsible for the strimming and I started clearing some ground.
As we went along we found 3 compost bins, 5 water butts, black currant bush and some artichokes.
One of the compost bins were filled with manure. Great!

I want to make raised beds to try to prevent the cooch grass to take over again.
I made two 3m x 1,20m beds and double dug these.

My sons nursery did some renovations of the playground and we ended up with some great wood.
I made two benches and another bed that is 3m x 1.20 but that is still waiting to be dug over

My 20 month old can't get enough of the black berries!

My husband built a fence to contain him in our plot rather than wandering down the lane.


Bad pregnancy month. Morning sickness, tiredness, gastro and husband is abroad! Oh joy!
Not much being done at all!
I found half a Wendy house in the street that I erected against the fence. We have been sleeping together and eating sandwiches in the rain.


Still bad pregnancy symptoms. I am due on the 5th of April so I really need to get everything in order now!


I got my strawberry plants on the 2nd. There are too many of them. I was planning on having them in the longer bed but they are now occupying 1 1/2 of my beds. This leaves me with no space for veggies.

Energy is back and I have dug over the third bed.

My mother gave me a goose berry bush and this is planted against the fence.
I have prepared the ground for two trees and have started on two more beds.
The black berries are being cut back and I hope to get the garlic down soon.

I found two more goose berry bushes growing at the top of the plot (or at least I think they are) and........ MORE STRAWBERRIES! I found 15 plants or so that I will plant out around the rhubarb before it grows too big.

22nd Was planning on going out to the plot but as I pulled up the blinds this morning it was snowing. Not too impressed!

February 2009

My husband drove me to the allotment with my compost buckets. We were out of space to put food in so I had started filling up brown paper bags with various green matter. He was not that impressed so it is a great way to get him involved I found!  :D
I was dreading the visit as this is the first time I have ever grown garlic and I must admit that I was soooo pleased when they were all growing away.
We only had time to dump the food waste and dig up a few jerusalem artichokes but he promised me to help out a bit after our work deadline on the 11th of March.

I have got all the seeds, the spuds are chitting away but I need to dig dig and dig some more before baby is due (in 6 weeks).

March 2009

Planted thyme indoors

Broad beans Stereo, Feltham First Peas, Sugar Snap and Sweet pea in root trainers on the window sill (outdoors)
Basil, Parsley, Holllyhock, Eterneller (don't know english name), Sun Gold, Red Alert, Pomodoro Red Cherry Tomatoes indoors.

I had two friends over digging.
They helped me "complete" this years plan of beds or at least the plans before baby is born.
I was weeding around the artichokes.

Put manure on the "new" bed dug by my two friends.
Doing two Hot Beds for Zuccini.
The Jerusalem artichokes arrived. Need to finish clearing their bed (currently inhabited by well established coch grass!
I am not prepared.
Got Tendonitis Creptianis in wrist from cutting grass by hand.
Found manure at the old stable where I used to ride.
Put down 3 rhubarb crowns. One with a bucked of bokashi underneath it and two with manure.

Picked up two more big boxes of manure.
Sneaky fox had dug up the rhubarb with bokashi underneath it. Replanted it.
Planted 12 Jerusalem Artichoke tubers. Will give the rest to my mother. Figured that it was not worth the effort digging a bigger bed. Enough is enough.
Manured bits and bobs.

Broad beans still not germinated (planted on the 11th)
Planted 4 more broad beans and 8 more Feltham First peas.
Potted on some tomatoes, basil and hollyhock.
Sowed some oak leaf lettuce and All year round on bathroom windows windowsill
Sowed indoors: komatsuna, forget me not, sorrel, spinach, and some more basil and hollyhock

My friend offered to come out again to dig, we prepared the potato bed.
Planted main crop Nicola together with broad beans. Put plastic bottles over the beans.
12 tubers but I cut one of them in half to see if it would work so 13 in total.
Planted out the peas, also with bottles over them.
There is a frost warning so not sure of timing was perfect.
Baby due in 7 days or so.

April 2009

Planted out Lettuces, Oak Leaf and All year round.
Planted out spinach between rows of peas.
Husband clearing brambles and son chasing worms.

Sowed carrots, Early Nantes with spring onions around them.
Cut away lots and lots of brambles. Got space for a whole new bed behind my two existing ones. Prime sun spot!

Sowed Spring Onions between the strawberries.
My mother is here helping with the weeding. We cleared around the artichokes some more.

Nathan is born

Nathan's first trip to the allotment.
My mother did a wonderful job with digging in manure in the "new" bed and divided it into three smaller beds.
I planted some beetroot.

Put on nematodes.
We haven't got running water so started to panic about water levels in butt. What is worse? Slugs now or drought later? Got no car access either so lugging water around is not an option.
Put on soil on the hot beds.
My mother dug over and added newspaper to the french bean bed to be.
Sowed Summer Savory indoors.
Planted 2 Zuccini seeds indoors. Had some spare sea weed that I added to the bottom of the pot.
Sowed french beans and nasturtiums in root trainers on outside windowsill.

Added sea weed to the potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes.
My friend started digging the herb bed. He complained about the roots of the brambles but I told him that at least the soil felt a lot better there than the rest of the couch grass/clay area!
Husband and friend put on edges on new bed.
I sowed mizuna, mibuna, rocked, corn salad and some All year round lettuce.

Can't remember what I did when after this date.
Sister In Law started the tomato bed.
Rhubarb doing really badly, got holes in the leaves and looks slightly yellow.
Got flowers on the strawberries.
The herb bed is finished but now looks too small.
My tomatoes looks too gangly from being too warm.
Found black fly in broad beans

May 2009

Earthed up potatoes and put some more manure on.
Got flowers on broad beans and on the peas.
Kept on digging and digging in manure on the tomato bed.
The soil really is just clay with no organic matter at all here. It will be a couple of years before I expect it to be better. I am still so surprised that things are growing.
The garlic looks like it is doing great.
Strawberries are forming.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2009, 08:07 by HelenaK »



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Re: Member's Diaries
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2009, 19:54 »
Here we go then, starting January 2009. I've had the allotment since mid December 2008. It cost £20 ingoing, then £7.50 per year plus £14 for water. It's a brand new allotment sited on a wheat stubble field. No weeds, no rubbish dumped, just stubble and straw on the ground.

January Week 1

-Dropped off some well rotted manure on the allotment, ready for digging in.
-Bought a cheap 6x4 shed from B&Q. Not brilliant but a good feature for my 2 sons to chase each other around! I managed to level the base and build the shed in a couple of hours with a little help from my 12 year old.

-Started digging. :wacko:
-Got hold of some 4inch x 5'6'' pointed & treated fence posts at £1.61 each. So I knocked one post in at each corner and roped off the allotment to stake my claim!
-Continue digging. :wacko:
-More fence posts knocked in.

-Digging. :wacko:
-Built a gate by cutting up a pallet, great. Ordered some veg seeds from an internet site, choosing the earliest varieties of everything.
-Digging. :wacko:
-Built a compost bin using a pallet, some 3x2 and some old weldmesh. This has quickly become essential to dump muck, weeds, straw and guinea pig cage contents. Veg seeds arrived a couple of days after ordering.
-Lots of digging and thinking about a rotavator! :wacko:

January Week 2

-Planted some Rhubarb with a thick straw mulch. Bought a propagator and some seed compost.
-Got some more manure. Couldn't dig due to frozen ground.  :nowink:
-Lots of digging. :wacko:
-Noticed the shed was swaying in the wind, so I knocked in 2 strong fence posts and screwed the shed to them! The boys picked all the stones turned up by digging and dumped them on the increasingly muddy access track. Completed digging exactly one quarter of the allotment so far. The old geezer next to me has totally completed digging his plot today!!! :wacko:

January Week 3

-Strong wind, last night, took the roofing felt off a neighbours shed, so I knocked a load more clout nails in today to make mine extra secure.
-Decided to try a few seeds in my propagator, broad beans, peas & spring onions, in cells. Couldn't wait!
-Got another propagator for garlic, more peas, beans and spring onions. Also got some wood for raised beds.
-Did a bit of digging. :wacko:
-Lots of digging today, very easy after the recent rain. :wacko:
Noticed my Rhubarb has come through, so I mulched it with some straw.
-Got hold of a rotavator and got it running. Bought some seed potatoes, challots and onion sets from Wilkinsons. Did a tiny bit of digging, but got rained off.
-Rotavator got ill yesterday, fixed it today and got 2 hours use from it before it died. Made a small raised bed, 6x3, for the kids to grow sunflowers and pumpkins in. I noticed that my peas are poking through in the propagator.
-Loads of digging. :wacko:

January Week 4

-Got some cloches and loads of seeds 75% off, from Wilkinsons.
-Dig, dig, dig........ :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:  finished all the digging I need to do, at last! It gets easier and quicker the more you do! Banged a few fence posts in. Bought some thick single strand wire from B&Q and another prop to start more beans and peas. Got a whole load of Aquadulce Claudia bean seeds from local garden centre £7-25 per kg. Started building raised beds. First batch of garlic, peas, beans and spring onions are well through now.

-First raised bed completed today.
-Started putting up some rabbit netting on the fence posts I already knocked in. Adjusted my "pallet" gate a bit higher and raised the soil level in the gateway as a puddle appeared there every time it rained.

February Week 1

-Very cold this morning. Transplanted some garlic into a raised bed then had a look around the allotment site. It was quite interesting to see everyone elses efforts. Some are a complete mess, others are well dug over and others quite bemusing with triangular beds and such like. Snow is expected later today. More snow sent me trotting off to Wilkos for bits and bats, cheeeap!
-Snow and shift-work is keeping me away from the allotment, but still fiddling about with seeds in trays at home. Got some cheeeap fruit plants from Aldi, Gooseberry, Raspberry & Black Currant.
Called in at the allotment for 10 minutes this afternoon, as usual it turned into 30 minutes. Not much to report other than my neighbour had erected some rabbit wire on the posts I knocked in along our boundry. Great! Garlic still looks ok in raised bed despite the snow. Rhubarb looks as if someone has stood on it! I should get down there again tomorrow for a bit of fencing.
-Been today. No chance of doing any fencing, the ground is frozen solid and the snow is heavy. My garlic is still there, some of it is 4inches high. I collected some fleece to protect the stuff in the conservatory as a stiff frost is forecast.

February Week 2

-Snow and frost are keeping things quiet.
-A quick visit today and I found the ground quite wet after the thaw. Garlic is holding on, just! A neighbour had left me a few bags of shredded wood that I may use for paths. Bought a mini greenhouse from Morrisons, £10, great!
-Visited for a couple of hours today and relocated my compost bin. Had a word with the resident fruit expert about the fruit plants I bought at Aldi and got lots of good advice. Still very wet and muddy after the thaw.
-Been today, ground frozen again and snow lingering, so I refilled my relocated compost bin and spread a few wood chips in front of the shed and areas where it gets muddy. A bloke turned up at the allotments asking if anyone wanted 2 plastic "dalek" compost bins for free!! Thankyou very much!!!

February Week 3

-A better day today. Got some wood for fruit cage from B&Q, noticed the free daleks I got yesterday are £36 each! Wifey and kids accompanied me (for a change). I managed to erect some rabbit wire along the front of the plot where the access path is located. The top straining wire pulled the gate post over just enough so the gate catch wouldn't close, so I knocked in a diagonal support and that cured it. Wifey picked up all the stones I had turned up and dumped them on the muddy access road. Kids ran riot in the stubble field next door to the allotments. Sorted through my "Aldi" fruit plants. They look like twigs really, but I'll give them a try.
-I had to go to work today but managed to get to Wilkos and spend some more money. I got more seed potatoes (rocket) some more seed trays, growmore, bonemeal, pack of Early Onward peas, cabbage seeds and broccoli seeds. Then to B&Q for fibre pots, compost and a padlock for the allotment gate. Then home to fiddle about with seeds and seed trays, etc. The Rockets were already starting to chit, so into the conservatory in trays to give 'em some light alongside my Maris Piper & Pentland Javelin.
Work again today, but wifey reports seeing some big trucks putting down stone on the access track  :D
-Checked today and sure enough, 200 to 300 tonnes of stone laid and compacted plus a water pipe laid too. Unfortunately, no tap near to my plot! I put a padlock on my gate to keep out the wanderers!
-Got a new cold frame from Aldi. Raked over an area ready for a bit of planting.
-Went today and found the new access road has now been topped with tarmac planings. Aquired a few barrow loads of good topsoil which the bulldozer had heaped up.
-Two more raised beds constructed and partially dug over today. Neighbour put posts in on our boundry so I'll put rabbit netting up tomorrow and that will see me fenced in on 3 sides.

February Week 4

-Fencing this morning. Great weather. Planted broad beans, peas, more garlic and gooseberry bushes.
Not much time today, got some more wood for another raised bed. Dug over a small area around my gooseberry bushes, had a general tidy up. Beans, peas and garlic planted yesterday are doing really well... peas are almost double size already, with more foliage. Another plot holder was there with a full size tractor on his plot!
-Wet and foggy today. Didn't get much done. Just shuffled things around and started building my last raised bed.
-Cabbage and Calabrese started at home in seed tray.
-Finished my last raised bed.  :) Planted Blackcurrants. Planted new Rhubarb. I noticed one or two pea and bean plants have gone for bird food.  :mad: Garlic still fine. One of the other allotment holders came by and mentioned he had been reading this diary. Small world isn't it?
-Cabbage and Calabrese are through. Sprouts started at home.
-Fencing this morning. That's all four sides finished. Beans, peas, garlic, rhubarb and fruit bushes all seem to be doing fine. Frost coming on Sunday night, so I'll see what effect that has. This afternoon saw my shallots planted and raspberry canes planted into a large raised bed.
-Sprouts through.
-Rasps checked and pruned correctly, Rocket F1 carrots in, more peas, Early Onward, in. Noticed somebody has planted potatoes already!

March Week 1

-Early morning visit off nightshift. Woodpigeons, magpies and other birds seen feeding on various plots. Started some F1 Parsnips at home on damp kitchen towel. Half a row of radish in this afternoon.
-Another early visit found Woodpigeons and Magpies on site again. A hard frost on everything. Afternoon found the frost gone and everything seems to have survived. Did a bit of raking.
-Rain today.
-Fine today, found my new cold frame had been acting like a kite and wandering around a couple of allotments. Brought it home for repairs. Did a lot of raking because it's easy after yesterdays rain.
-Short visit today to see the effects the snow and frost. Picked up loads of stones and dumped them near the access road. Rain came, so went home.
-Quick visit today. Fitted a new hasp to the shed door. Everything seems to be tickety boo.
-Aaaaaaahhhhhhh! Lost loads of entries when the site went dicky!!!!!

March Week 2

-Aaaaaaahhhhhhh! Lost loads of entries when the site went dicky!!!!! As far as I can remember, onion sets in.
-Checked today and everything seems fine.
-Early visit today. Windy and dry. Pre-chitted parsnips, spring onions and more broad beans and rhubarb put in. Water turned on and I used a couple of cans full to try to perk things up.

March Week 3

-Lettuce started at home in fibre pots.
-Lovely weather this afternoon. Went with the boys who took great delight in watering everything with the watering can. Radish are through today, great. Got some 999 Growmore from BATA @ £10-24 for 25KG, bargain.
-Been today, picked up a load more stones, checked everything. The boys used a water pistol to water my veg!
-Lettuce through this morning.
-Great weather today. Put in 1 row of Beetroot (Ruby Queen), I row carrots(Amsterdam 2 amice, 1 row of onion sets (Stuttgarter). Started a trench for potatoes to be planted tomorrow. Noticed lots of peas, broad beans and radish have popped up today.
-Sunny and warm today. Two rows of 18 Rocket potatoes planted this morning. Collected some fresh chicken muck from my pals house. By it stinks. Added to my compost bin. Shed tidied up this afternoon.

March Week 4

-Rain shower this morning at last! Went to plant some more peas and forgot to take the seed with me! Back this afternoon. Planted some peas and left when the hail stones started! Got some Nicola seed potatoes for £1 per pack from B&Q.
-Quick visit today. The recent rain has done a bit of good. Most things growing nicely. Onion sets are peeping through. Wind has damaged Rhubarb a bit.
-Been to Aldi again, got Strawberry and Tomato plants plus cauli, cabbage, lettuce plugs, cheeeeaap! Planted Strawbs and a few lettuces into raised beds. Hope they survive. Re-potted Tomato and plugs into conservatory. Noticed there are more onion sets through today. Still very windy.
-Got my half yearly rent and water bill  :wacko:
-Planted 2 rows of Nicola potatoes in the wind and rain. Fleeced my Lettuces. Strawberries look a bit wind blown
-Nice sunny day. Planted another row of potatoes (half Vivaldi and half Osprey) and a few hundred onion sets in 3 rows, some Red Baron and some Turbo.
-4 more rows of potatoes planted, 2 Pentland Javlin & 2 Maris Piper. Total so far 9x 20ft rows, only another 5 rows to plant. Planted Calabrese Broccoli, Langedijk 4 Cabbage & Evesham Sprout seeds, 1/3 of a row each.

April Week 1

-Sunny and windy today. Only a quick visit and found everything fine. Garlic, Rhubarb, Lettuce, Radish, Peas, Broad Beans, Shallots, Onion sets and fruit bushes all seem fine. No sign of potatoes, Brocolli, Carrots, Parsnip, Beetroot, Spring Onions, Cabbage or Sprouts yet. Started some Early Purple Sprouting Brocolli at home.
-A quick visit this frosty morning. Looks like my carrots and spring onions are just poking through today.

April Week 2

-Windy this morning. Took my cold-frame back to the allotment and pegged it down properly this time! 2 more rows of Maris Piper planted, only 3 rows to go! Took most of my plants from home to put them in cold-frame to harden off.
-It rained overnight. 1 row of Maris Piper and 1 row of estima potatoes in. Half a row of Spring Onion and half of organic Radish (French Breakfast 3) in. More Lettuces planted out into raised bed with fleece protection, fleece taken off the Lettuces that I planted out a couple of weeks ago. Built a support frame for Peas and Broad Beans. Early Purple Broc through at home.
-Got some Parsnip (Tender&True), Leek (Autumn Mammoth2Snowstar) & Cucumber (Marketmore) seeds from Focus.
-Quick visit today, after a weekend away. Broc, Cabbage & Sprouts that I planted at end of March are through as well as Beetroot & loads of Spring Onions & Carrots. Lettuces are holding there own.
-Fleece removed from more Lettuces. Planted more Peas (Kelveden Wonder), Beetroot (Boltardy), Onion sets (Stutt&Turbo), Carrots (Chantenay Red Cored 2) plus first lot of Leeks (Musselburgh) and direct sewn Lettuce (Little Gem).

April Week 3

-Sweetcorn planted in cells at home. Made a large riddle out of chicken wire and riddled all the soil in one of my raised beds. Hard work but the soil is great afterwards. Finally repaired the hole in my coldframe.
-Planted some Dwarf French Beans (Annabelle& Tendercrop), Leeks (Musselburgh) and Red Alert Tomatoes in cells at home.
-Sunny day but frost forecast tonight, so I've been down and put fleece back over my Lettuces. Noticed the sunshine has boosted everything to grow and another half row of Radish (organic) are through.
-Potatoes are through, so I banked them up a bit. Planted some Iceburg Lettuce seed in raised bed, along with some Little Gem Lettuce plants. Planted 5 Cauli and 5 Durham cabbage plants. Fleece taken off Lettuces. I found a slug under a tray in my coldframe, first one I've found which explains the damage to some of my plants.

April Week 4

-Slug pellets deployed :closedeyes: Tried to set up a hosepipe water supply, just need to check with my neighbour that it is ok to run the pipe down their fence, then it'll be sorted.
- Frost again this morning, caught me unaware. Everything seems ok though. Planted more cabbage and caulis, 10 of each. Planted some swede (Marion) and a few Early Purple Broc.
-Cucumber & more Lettuce in plugs at home. Repotted Sprouts and primo Cabbage grown in plugs at home.
-Sweetcorn through. Hosepipe set up.
-Just faffing around with hosepipes and putting up a shelf in the shed today. Noticed some Iceburg Lettuce poking through in raised bed. Had a downpour this afternoon but it wasn't enough by far. More potatoes are through. Took most of my plants from home to put them in cold-frame to harden off. Peas are starting to flower! I pulled up and ate a Radish, first produce!
-Hosepipe now up and running. :D Plot watered. Kids planted Sunflowers. Growmore spread all over. Potatoes banked up some more. Fitted some homemade cardboard Cabbage collars. Parsnips are through, but very hit and miss. Dwarf French Beans (Annabelle) are through, no sign of Tendercrop yet! Tomatoes into troughs today.
-Red Alert Tomatoes through today.
-Lots of rain at last.
-Put some short rows of seeds in raised bed - Leeks, Beetroot, Carrot, Parsnip, Spring Onion mix, plus a few left over onion sets. Leeks are through at home.
Oh dear, I've reached my 20,000 character limit. Can't post anymore here, I'll have to start a new thread
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« Last Edit: May 15, 2009, 21:55 by out4nowt »



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Re: Member's Diaries
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2009, 15:56 »
OK - here is my summary so far - so i can look back next here and see what I forgot!!

October 08

Given "new" plot as compensation for having to hand back the "wrong" plot :(
Told it had carpet on it somewhere (never found it as yet!)
Boys enjoyed lopping down shrubby weeds on 1 patch and burning them in incinerator kindly donated by friend who was giving up allotment.
begin forking over and moving turfs to compost heap newly made from pallets

November 08

Continue to "dig" and "dig" and "dig" ! Too wet for bonfires so boys not so keen now :(
Seed potatoes ordered from T & M plus a few other seeds from various sources

December 08

Brrrr - it's cold - well untill you start digging. Strawberries cambridge favourite and Autumn bliss raspberries and Blueberry bush arrived. So did seed potatoes  >:( thanks a lot T&M ! Will try international kidney despite it's poor ratings on here; Arran Pilot, Wilja and Sarpo Mira. Gathered seaweed while visiting grandparents, hoping it might make int kidney feel a bit more at home  :lol: Chitting in garage to slow them down a bit; garlic planted at home as soil better suited, a bit clayey at allotment. Also given some blackcurrant & goosegog slips by neighbour who is row rep, so heeled in at home to see whether they take or not. Bought some redcurrant at Lidld, rest of fruit was cr&p, no roots at all. Put up raspberry supports as hoping to grow some summer fruiting rasps later on; planted out strawbs under membrane; bunged in a few spare garlic to take their chances

January 09

Still digging - colleague at work told me where to get free manure, that he's used before and is aminopyralid free - so thanks Robert :D Plan to dig in 2 bags a week as soil is a bit heavy.Bought some asparagus crowns, heeled in at home until I have a bed ready. Dahlias salvaged from last plot in trays in garage, waiting to start them off in April.
Sowed gartenperle toms & yolanda peppers and some other peppers i forget the name off ! Also some sweet peas which i will probbaly regret. Mum says I can have their cold frame, just need to find time to go down to bristol to collect, then i can harden off in it.
Sowed some Nantes frubund, herbs & Little gem lettuce in plastic unheated greenhouse - see how they go - have insulated with bubble wrap * loadsa gaffa tape :lol:


Still digging  :)  Sowed leeks Autumn Mammoth and more toms, in propagator on windowsill - will grow toms on at home in pots so i can keep an eye on them, and peppers indoor on windowsill.  Carrots peeking through, lettuce also doing well.
Have a link a bord bed which I'm going to take up lottie so 8YO can have his own plot. Mum gave me some elsanta strawbs so bunged in next to Cam. fav.
Covered bottom 1/4 of lottie with Tarp untill i can get round to clearing it. Compost bin now full, so making a turf mound next to it for now, hopefully Compo will rot down a bit in Spring so i can add to it in Summer



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Re: Member's Diaries
« Reply #26 on: March 01, 2009, 15:00 »
Set out plan on paper for this year.
Cleaned out greenhouse.
harvested a few parsnips from the raised bed.

Nothing done due to weather...will it ever end?

Finished off path. Can now work all over plot even if sodden  :D
Sown chillies into heated propegator. Set to 27deg until seedlings emerge.
Put some Broad beans in.
Harvested some parsnips.
cut back old rasberry canes.

Cleaned out and washed greenhouse. Lovely and warm in there :-)
Put some onion sets in. Sorrento and some were the labal has come off, interesting.
Dug over Deep bed.
Sown some Serrano peppers, got them for Christmas. attached to a stick and push into compost (
Sown some California wonder peppers.
Cayenne and Hot wax chillies have emerged in heated propegator:-)
Tidied up shed -  What a mess!

Spring has arrived and brought the rain :( nothing doing on the plot)

sown some sweet peppers and chillies along with melons.
Prepared tomtoe and melon areas with better cane supports.
sown some lettuce.
planted out some cauli into raised bed and cloched.

sown apache chillies.
sown Dill, Marjoram, basil, F1 nelson carrot into pots and placed in greenhouse.
Spinach sown outside.  
Planted out potatoes Blue Danube, Accent and Pentlands
1st row of peas sown.

Sown Beetroot Bolthardy in deep bed. Harvested some forced Rhubarb. 2 new shelves in greenhouse. Tomatoes in growbag, moneymaker, alicante. 2 tumbling toms in hanging baskets all in greenhouse.
F1 Nelson carrot into raised bed. 30 minutes of weeding.
potted on Chillies in propegator.
planted victoria plum tree
sown nightshade, sweetpea and yellow poppies into trays.

planted out Asparagus crowns into prepared trench.
covered up sweetcorn in greenhouse due to frost report.

stuff in greenhouse survived.  Planted up some sunflowers into 3" pots.
Planted out some lettuce from tray in greenhouse.

Finished off bean frame.

Second row of peas planted. 2 more rows of carrots and beetroot. Moved chillies into greenhouse.

Installed new shelving and worktop in shed, cleared out rubbish.
2nd lot of beetroot sown.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 07:12 by archibtbm »



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Re: Member's Diaries
« Reply #27 on: March 03, 2009, 08:04 »
2009 New Allottment holder

Got New Plot 29th Cleared brambles from the surface of the plot and removed some branches from tree's at edge of plot

Erected shed and fencing dug pond out and put in place liner burned the bramble tops and branches and became the new owner of plot 46A as well as 40 so now we have 2 half plots.  Cleared anderson shelter of all its rubbish on plot 46A.
Started Chitting potatoe's in the porch.

4th March got my first 6x4 Bed dug over and removed Bramble roots.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2009, 15:49 by Rangerkris »


pol and mick

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Re: Member's Diaries
« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2009, 23:50 »
                                        Allotment Diary 2009
Dec 08:Potatoes arrived from Thompson & Morgan.
20 tuber pack Kestral.
20 tuber pack King Edward - Exhibitor grade. Total cost £7.68

Jan30th:Purchased 10 one year Asparagus crowns.Connovers Colossal £6.98
Planted 70 Japanese Onions.

Feb:- - - -

March 3rd:Planted 42 bulbs of White Christe Garlic & 70 Japanese Onions

March 17th:Sown 3 rows of mixed lettuce.
3 rows of flyaway & early nantes carrots between my rows of japanese onions.

March 19th :9am - Received mixed bag of Onions from Thompson & Morgan today £3.99 . Dissapointed with quality.Refund on the way.

Daughter brought me 3 bags of seed & potting compost from Aldi today,makers brand Gardenline.and a pretty writing journal for my allotment. (Mothers Day pressent)

16.50 hrs- Sowed 24 Masterpiece longpod Broadbeans & 24 Nasturtiums in a unheated propagator, placed in an outdoor polycarbonate coldframe.

Hubby erected  a 99 x 43.5/31 x59.5cm polycarbonate & aluminium coldframe which i purchased from Aldi about 2 weeks ago for £20. Good sturdy coldframe.

March 22nd: Brought 1bag of red onion sets 250g size 10/24mm (red karmen) £1.25 ,1 pk of  hollow crown Parsnip seeds, 500 for 50p. 1 pk of early nantes 5 carrot seeds,1500 for 50p 1 pk black beauty courgette seeds,10 for 50p. All Wilko brands. 3 for 2 offer.
Hoping to sow onion sets at weekend along with garlic plants and a few Broad bean plants,if it doesn't snow :(

March 23rd: Sown 2 sunflowers seeds in pots for FCG Sunflower challenge  :nowink:

March30th:Sown 2 trays of French Marigolds.

April:16th: Transplanted 3 small rows of Masterpiece longpod Broadbeans.

        17th: Sown peas for the R.H.S Pea Trial. 2 rows of Sugarsnap pea (sugar Ann) & 1 row of Mangetout (Oregon Sugar Pod). I usually soak my peas in a spot of parrafin to deter the mice but thought i'd just sow without soaking today! beginning to wonder if i have made a mistake?
erected bamboo canes.Covered tops with plastic bottles,started placing pea sticks but didn't have enough,will take awalk tonight to source some more.
Had a fruitful walk looking for peasticks, but still need plenty more. When i've placed all my sticks will then cover with netting. Note to self,must finish this task by Monday.
feeling abit down now,as the weather forecast for the weekend is sunny & dry.Having to work a 12hr shift Saturday and working Sunday too. It always rains on my day off work :(
Note to self...must update my diary  more often & make notes of germination times.

End of April: Hubby made three raisedbeds 3ft x 3ft 3ins.
May:18th: 19.30pm. Placed 20 Lark Sweetcorn seeds in containers with damp kitchen paper to chit.Paced in cupboard.

May 19th: 6.55am Sown 12 cells with Dill seed.
                 7am- sown 18 cells of Boltardy Beetroot.
                 7.30am- Sown 7 cells with Leaf Beet, Bright Lights.
                 7.35 -8.10am-Sown another 12 cells with Boltardy Beetroot. 1 tray with Chamomile.

May 20th: Popped over to Derbyshire and purchased a 1000 ltr black IBC Container for allotment & 2 Blue barrels so i can make a comfrey mix & perhaps a nettle mix when required. Already have a  plastic dustbin with Ruhbarb leaves.
Had a peep at Sweetcorn.Showing signs of chitting.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 00:59 by pol and mick »


Robin Redbreast

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Re: Member's Diaries
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2009, 21:05 »
22nd april 2009: planted first and second early potatoes today and earthed up!
bought plugs in batches of twelve of sweetcorn,cabbage, purple sprouting broccoli, peas,
sprouts, was given a tray of carrots too all of which are in a coldframe to harden off.

26th april 2009: planted in seed trays 20 runner bean, 20 french bean, several leeks.
all were put in my makeshift greenhouse the caravan for now! :D

29th april 2009 planted ten of each broccoli,cabbage, and cauliflower plug plants!

4th may 2009 planted king edwards main crop bit late but better late than never!
also had 10 tonnes of topsoil delivered!

6th may2009 shovelled around 7 tonnes of topsoil out for a paddock for new pony brier! also filled 3 bath tubs with 50;50 mix of compost and topsoil after first putting gravel in for drainage. my back is broken in two!!!!
« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 08:42 by Robin Redbreast »
Little Robin Readbreast
Sat upon a rail.
Niddle, naddle went his head;
Wiggle, waggle went his tail.

Member's Diaries

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