Which Hen ???? Help Please

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Which Hen ???? Help Please
« on: April 12, 2011, 23:03 »
Hi all,

Im looking to buy my first two hens this weekend.
They will be allowed to free range during the day.
My question is what type as theres many I like the look off.
A localish hen breeder as suggested I go for  French Marans.
Though their eggs by the looks of things are particulary dark, would this not make them a particulary rich egg?
Any road suggestions and comments welcome
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 23:19 by Houndsman »



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Re: Which Hen ???? Help Please
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2011, 01:14 »
Hello Houndsman and welcome! 

I can't advise you on which hens to keep, as ours all walk upside down on this side of the world.

However I can say that the colour of an egg's shell does not affect the nutritional value of its contents.  Whether eggs are white, cream, light or dark brown or blue (!) the 'richness' of the contents is not influenced by shell colour.

The hen's diet does determine how nutritious an egg is, so well-kept backyard hens with plenty of greenery in their diet will produce lovely, healthy eggs for you and your family.

By the way it might help if you add your location into your profile.  That way people can advise you on local breeders etc



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Re: Which Hen ???? Help Please
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2011, 03:25 »

Hello Houndsman  

I can't advise you on which hens to keep, as ours all walk upside down on this side of the world.

However I can say that the colour of an egg's shell does not affect the nutritional value of its contents.  Whether eggs are white, cream, light or dark brown or blue (!) the 'richness' of the contents is not influenced by shell colour.

The hen's diet does determine how nutritious an egg is, so well-kept backyard hens with plenty of greenery in their diet will produce lovely, healthy eggs for you and your family.

By the way it might help if you add your location into your profile.  That way people can advise you on local breeders etc

Welcome to the mad mad world of chicken keeping Houndsman!

Don't believe a word Lindeggs tells you it comes of being on her head all of the time and drinking apple cider vinegar.  I bought my first Lindt Easter egg today and the lady in Tescos definitely told me the dark chocolate ones were richer so why shouldn't that apply to Marans?

However French Marans are great if you can find a good strain but there's lots of poor ones around which lay a tinted egg which are nothing like a real French Marans egg.  Your choice is between a pure breed chicken such as a Marans or a Hybrid layer such as a Warren or Amberlink.  Below is a cut and paste of some previous post of mine which gives a bit more detail to base your decision on.

"If you are trying to choose it all depends on what you want from your chx.  The fact you are asking this question suggests you are asking about layer chickens and not Broilers so I will assume that.

If you want lots of eggs and some interesting pets and aren't interested in the social side of chicken keeping choose hybrids.  They lay lots of eggs particularly in their first 2 seasons and make good pets too.  However if you want to keep chx as more of a hobby or want spectacular looking birds, or bantams, or want to breed birds, or engage in the social side of breed clubs, or get into showing etc then choose Pure Breeds.
It's like the difference between mongrels and pedegree dogs really.  Most people start with hybrids because they want eggs and hybrids are readily available from garden centres and breeders.   Once they get to know a little more they want to get more into the hobby angle and want specific Pure Breeds.

Hybrids are created at each generation from breeder stock to have prolific laying qualities though these days looks and egg colour are also bred for.  However hybrids aren't standardised and don't breed to type and many small breeders have their own specific types which can't be replicated across breeders.  You ONLY get hen birds as cocks are useless being no use for breeding from and no use for the table either so are culled early as soon as sexed.   Pure breeds are standarised and breed true to type.  Both cocks and hens are bred as adult birds.  The type standards are set by the Poultry Club of GB.  Pure breeds can be layers, utility or purely showing breeds.  Utility are useful for laying or the table, layers for eggs like hybrids but not so prolific and usually lay for a few more seasons than hybrids.  Show breeds are purely for fanciers for looks, breeding and showing alone.  Most pure breeds have a bantam version which are useful if space is an issue.  They can be good layers but frequently they are show birds only.  Although I believe there are bantam hybrids I can't personally understand the rationale for these as they will only produce small eggs and are no use for showing or the table.

So there you are in a nutshell.  It's horses for courses and it's what you want them for. There's no best buy option!"


PS If you include your location in the UK I'm sure Lindeggs will be able to advise you on where to find breeders though oddly she can't even find chicken supplies in NZ.  And another thing she keeps me awake by always posting at night.  It's a funny old world :lol:
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 11:05 by hillfooter »
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Re: Which Hen ???? Help Please
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2011, 07:58 »
Morning Houndsman!

HF, pull your horns in and leave Lindeggs alone  :tongue2: You probably wouldn't be so grumpy if you were asleep in the middle of the night like normal people  :wacko:

Anyway Houndsman, French Marans are lovely, OK I'm a bit biased lol as I'm a member of the Marans club de France, and I've started a breeding flock of silver black and copper blue French Marans.

Marans originate in a particularly marshy area of France, and the hens have devised a method to prevent the eggs being waterlogged in the nest, and this is to add several coats of colour to an underlying white shell.  This colour is laid down in layers as is passes through the oviduct, and it can be scratched off as the egg is being layed. 

The very best hens will lay a very dark "extra-red" egg, which may also be speckled.  In the UK, the hens which produce the best colour eggs are Copper Black and Copper Blue, as they are the most popular (and therefore easier for the breeders to choose amongst).

Although each hen will lay a slightly different colour, if you are getting POL hens which are not yet in lay, I would ask to see some of the eggs layed by other hens in the breeding pens.  As HF mentioned (and this is one of the downsides to copper black and copper blue being popular), some breeders will not select for the darkest eggs, just to make money, and some "Marans" lay even a supermarket-pale egg which is not what we want in the breed.  the colour of the egg doesn't affect the taste ;)

French Marans should have lightly feathered legs, both an abundance of feathers (like the brahma) and a lack of feathers is a fault.

Generally, Marans are a very hardy breed, and a good dual pupose bird (cockerels make a good roaster at about 24-26 weeks)

I heartily recommend them *nods*



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Re: Which Hen ???? Help Please
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2011, 10:09 »
HF I agree - you should be asleep when I post!  It's the only way I can get the jump on the rest of you and be the first to welcome new members like Houndsman.   :blush:

Not only can I not find poultry supplies here, but we don't even have the Marans breed in NZ.  :(  Nor can we get beauties like your Vorwerks, we don't have Forsham coops (or Eglus for that matter) and I can't find anyone who sells Flubenvet.  I think the rest of you just talk about these wonderful things to taunt me.  :tongue2:

Excuse me, I'm off to cry myself to sleep in my upside-down bed. 



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Re: Which Hen ???? Help Please
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2011, 17:56 »
I have many chickens and love all the breeds i have. But if you are looking for a good egg layer the Rhode red Island is definitely the chicken to choose. As all the time I have had mine she has not let me down a single day and has produced a egg every day I have had her.

If you are looking for a type / breed of chicken that is easy to tame and friendly then I would recommend a Skyline. As it took me only a couple of weeks to make her tame and willing to be picked up, and now she is jumping on my back when ever I bend over !  :lol:

Although i have picked out these breeds of chickens all the other breeds are still great to keep. So what ever breed you choose im sure you will find in all of your chickens that they have great bubbly characters and are fascinating  to watch ! :D
Good luck and I hope that you enjoy keeping chickens because I certainly do ! :D



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Re: Which Hen ???? Help Please
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2011, 23:16 »
Hi Guys,

Thankyou for very much on your replies to my post.
Great to be welcomed first time by Lindeggs Im sure we will chat again soon, HF I probably still go for a French Moran (but how would I know how to avoid a poor strain) and maybe a Hybrid or even a RIR seeing as they lay lots of eggs as mentioned by Frizzlemad - so I guess it dosent matter if I had 2 of different sorts?
HF you mentioned about a link to your previous relevant posts - buy i dont spy it Im afraid or am my not looking properly  :blink: 
I have another typical newbie question - flight , how high and far can they fly? I assumed they couldnt make it over my 6 foot fence but am I to be corrected here and should I ask the breeder / seller to clip their wings?
Thats all for now
Cheers all



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Re: Which Hen ???? Help Please
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2011, 23:20 »
Lindeggs - can you get hold of Flubenol see here:-

Staffies are softer than you think.



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Re: Which Hen ???? Help Please
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2011, 03:19 »
Lindeggs - can you get hold of Flubenol see here:-


Thanks Joyfull :)  I've certainly heard that it's available here but haven't been able to find anyone who stocks it.  My vet recommended Moxidectin so I'm giving that a go today - I couldn't make the poor girls wait any longer to be wormed.



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Re: Which Hen ???? Help Please
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2011, 03:31 »
Houndsman, generally heavy breeds are less likely to be 'flighty' than light breeds.  This can also depend on individual temperament, but seems to be true most of the time.

I'm sure a lot of hens would be capable of clearing a high wall or fence if they wanted to, but generally they tend to stay put within your property boundaries (unless they get a fright eg escaping from a predator).  Do keep them confined inside their house and run when you first get them - that way they learn where their new home is before you let them out to forage.

My six pullets seem to have no desire to get out of my back yard which is surrounded by 6-ft wooden fences.  I thought I would need to clip their wings but I haven't needed to.  Five of the six are very solidly grounded and only jump up on their perches to sleep at night.  Phoebe the Barred Rock is an exception and she goes around looking up to see what she can perch on to survey her kingdom, but has still never tried to leave the back yard.  The other Barred Rock doesn't show the same desire to get up on things so I just put it down to personality chickenality temperament.



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Re: Which Hen ???? Help Please
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2011, 05:04 »
Hi Guys,

Thankyou for very much on your replies to my post.
Great to be welcomed first time by Lindeggs Im sure we will chat again soon, HF I probably still go for a French Moran (but how would I know how to avoid a poor strain) Casey might be able to advise here as a Marans (not Maron) enthusiast but generally see the birds speak to the breeder and don't be affraid to ask about their egg laying qualities.  Breeders should know and be able to show you examples of their eggs.  Breed stockists will generally know little and are unlikely to have good quality hens.  Unfortunately stockists get their birds from commercial breeders and the breeds are often not described properly and often hybrids will be given names similar to their pure breeds from which they were bred (such as Sussex Stars aren't pure breed Sussex).  Ignorant suppliers may give misleading advice.  I've had many people come to me who told me their birds were this or that pure breed and in fact they were hybridsand maybe a Hybrid or even a RIR seeing as they lay lots of eggs as mentioned by Frizzlemad - so I guess it dosent matter if I had 2 of different sorts? No problem with mixing breeds.  Sussex chickens are similarly prolific as egg layers to RIR and Light Sussex are pretty easy to find from enthusiast breeders.  Many pure breeds are only easily available from amateur enthusiast breeders.  Details of breeders can be found on this site in the appropriate section which if you can't find no doubt Joyful our helpful moderator will help with.
HF you mentioned about a link to your previous relevant posts - buy i dont spy it Im afraid or am my not looking properly  :blink:  I actually pasted the relevant text but to find references by searching on keyworks you need to start from the Forum Home.  Joyful might help with this too
I have another typical newbie question - flight , how high and far can they fly? I assumed they couldnt make it over my 6 foot fence but am I to be corrected here and should I ask the breeder / seller to clip their wings?Don't clip their wings unless a last resort.  Properly homed birds don't try to escape as they are social and territorial.  There's lots of posts on the pros and cons of wing clipping too
Thats all for now
Cheers all

« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 05:06 by hillfooter »


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