How was your year?

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Re: How was your year?
« Reply #30 on: October 27, 2010, 15:52 »
I had a great year seeing that this is really only my first time. Last year I only done a few salad items, 2 strawberry plants and a rhubarb plant,  but this year I made nine 1metre squared crates with apex lids covered in clear plastic and started very early and also dug a couple of small areas in the garden. I don’t have an allotment, just a back garden which is lawned, hence the crates.
I did a mixture of salad and veg of all types including:
Leeks – still in the ground; Broccoli – poor crop; Sprouts – which are still growing;
Cauliflower -  fair crop; Cabbage -  good crop; Parsnips -  super crop; Carrots – super crop;
Onions -  good crop; Red Onions -  an excellent crop; Butternut squash -  good crop;
Runner beans – excellent crop and still going strong; Dwarf French beans- excellent crop;
Peas – excellent crop; Rhubarb – excellent crop; Strawberries / raspberries – excellent crop;
Tomatoes – excellent crop; Garlic – good crop; Spring onions – fair crop; Radish – good crop;
Lettuce -  excellent crop; Bell peppers – good crop; Chilli peppers – good crop; Turnips – excellent crop; Swede -  not so good; Potatoes -  fair crop; Cucumbers -  excellent crop; Beetroot – excellent crop;
I now have some more parsnips, carrots, celery, beetroot, lettuce, spring onions, winter onions and garlic all going strong in the crates undercover.
The large chest freezer is full. I also go foraging and have plenty of fruit pies in the freezer.
My hobbies include fishing and shooting and I have also stocked plenty of bream and bass and rabbit and pigeon in the freezer. I don’t think I will go hungry for a long while. Cant wait until next season.


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Re: How was your year?
« Reply #31 on: October 28, 2010, 10:52 »
Looks like a really good start! :D :D



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Re: How was your year?
« Reply #32 on: October 28, 2010, 11:33 »

Not a bad year overall, potatoes, onions, garlic and beetroot were our poorest crops, not great yields and king edwards weren't big enough for jackets, onions and garlic didn't get very big and beetroot only got to the size of marbles.  Oh well, on the plus side our sweetcorn was fabulous, most plants producing three huge cobs on each plant  :D runner and french beans were prolific and i've taken about 15 butternut squash from four plants.   Tomatoes weren't great but we've got far too many cucumbers  :unsure: 

Courgettes, carrots, lettuce, caulis, broccoli, pumpkins, peppers all did ok  :)



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Re: How was your year?
« Reply #33 on: October 29, 2010, 11:01 »
For our second year it went quite well, apart from the runners and the sprouts. Squashes grew well again, as did the potatoes (better than last year). All of the greens are very lush; good crops of beet, carrots and parsnips. The chard and peas were brilliant.  The beans just never got going - very disappointing. The sprouts have blown - someone reckons I overfed them.  The onions were not as good as last year but I did get them in rather late.  'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again'.
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Re: How was your year?
« Reply #34 on: October 29, 2010, 12:08 »
We took on another 1/2 allotment that no one had been on in living memory and have managed to reclaim maybe 50% of it so far.

Given we weren't around from mid-may to mid-july we can't really complain, but it was disappointing that the cast iron guaranteed bankers - potatoes and onions - both failed in the extreme heat/dry; on the other hand, courgettes were a real positive surprise, we got loads of raspberries from some random canes a woman down the way gave us, the squash went big and went tasty and there are a few portions of green beans in the freezer for good measure. All in all not a disaster, but a little short of what we'd hoped.

But the scary thing is blocking out a plan for next year and thinking that with all this extra land, it's just not enough. If only we had a little more...



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Re: How was your year?
« Reply #35 on: November 02, 2010, 20:53 »
Great to read how everyone has done.

We only took over our allotment plot in mid-June.  It hasn't been fully cultivated ever to our knowledge.  It took us two weeks to find the carpet buried under the weed growth.  Luckily, we were able to set up some nettle tea from all the nettles which did well as plant food on top of the manure we piled in.  We couldn't get a spade in the ground it was so hard!  So, we decided to take the plunge and set up two lasagne beds.  These were a great success yielding at least 6 courgettes/squashes per week and we were still harvesting courgettes and squashes two weeks ago (then the frost got the plants).  It also produced four large butternut squashes.  The other bed yielded a pretty decent bowl of strawberries on new plants, huge cabbages, great beetroots which are now pickled in jars, celeriac and chard which is still going strong.

We have almost cultivated all the plot now using the traditional dig and weed method, although I am seriously considering using the lasagne bed method to build up the beds so they can eventually become raised beds.

We have planted fruit bushes and we have put in large posts to support wires for training espaliered trees on.  We managed to get a salvaged greenhouse which we successfully dismantled and reconstructed on our plot with only the loss of four panes!

We lost our runner beans to the slugs who went through three separate sowings - eating out the growing shoots every time so we are now fully fledged mollusc murderers now!  We have learned the hard way about the ferocious appetite of the birds and lost our first onion setts as a results, but have garlic, onions, broad beans and peas in now ready for next year.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2010, 21:01 by angelavdavis »
Read about my allotment exploits at Ecodolly at plots 37 & 39.  Questions, queries and comments are appreciated at Comment on Ecodolly's exploits on plots 37 & 39


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Re: How was your year?
« Reply #36 on: November 04, 2010, 14:51 »
Great thread this,

As some of you may know we wrecked a beautiful ornamemtal garden with lots of lawn bushes trees rockerie etc to have a vegetable garden and chicken garden.
Do we regret it??/ Like hell we do :lol: :lol:

As this was our first year of ever growing veg in our lives it was a great year as everything was new to us.

Taking into account that we rotivated the garden at the end of May so everything was late planted or sown.

Here is what we grew:-

Carrots --- all weird curly shapes small and had by the root fly -------- cheaper to buy in the supermarket

Broccoli  ------- seeds planted and I am still waiting for them to show their heads above the soil ------- they obviously didn't work

Second ealry potatoes Maris Peer ---------- quite a few from what we planted and beautifil taste ---- will def plant them again.

Maincrop potatoes  Desiree ------------- another good yeild and some monster sized potatoes --------- will def plant then again

Cabbages --------- all had catterpilla holes but they were not wasted as they were all eaten by our 7 chickens who thought every day was their birthdays.

Sprouts -------- just picked them today and there are loads of them.

Beetroot lettuce radish all produced loads and I am still growing some in the green house.

Raspberries although produced quite a few they were all breaking up easily and I found that the chickens like them too  :blink:

Goosberries were poor  Rhubarb was first year so left that alone.

Tomatoes quite good and still got loads coming in the greenhouse but taking ages to go red.

Runner beans and Dwarf French beans were fab though our munt frame was collapsing towards the end.

Swedes are still in the ground but not what I was hoping for seems lots of us have had problems with these.

Leeks still in the ground but have been picking the odd few for a stew and they are amazing in taste if not in size.

Can't think if there was anything else. Oh nearly forgot the tons of apples our neighbours let us have that I stewed and froze and there are still loads of apples we can have just got no room in the freezer now lol.

Roll on next year  :happy: :happy:



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Re: How was your year?
« Reply #37 on: November 04, 2010, 18:36 »
You lot give me hope!  I keep thinking I'm lazy and disorganized  :(, but maybe it was just the weather  ??? ...
Potatoes - small and light
Garlic - small
Red onions (one lot from seed, one from sets) - going mildewy as soon as you look at 'em
White and japanese onions, shallots, leeks - great
runner beans, climbing french beans, sugar snaps, sweetpeas  - excellent
courgettes, winter squash - brilliant
carrots - waste of space, even the carefully guarded ones for salad.  Fly  >:(
Parsnips - seem okay.  Haven't had one yet
Turnips (early and late) and swede - disappointing.  water and thinning required
salad leaves, radishes and herbs - excellent
sweetcorn (first year) - wow!  do them again 
first year soft fruit - good.  Going to be great
Greens - ho hum.

Plans for next year - going great guns.  seed order in and thinking about potato varieties. :D
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Re: How was your year?
« Reply #38 on: November 05, 2010, 18:23 »
Beans and peas by the bucket load. Plenty of herbs, lettuce, strawberries, raspberries, apples, plums, pears, rhubarb, marrows, courgettes.

Grew far too much kale and didn't water the brussels enough so most of them have blown but we have some. Onions and garlic just fine and plentiful. First ever attempt at cauliflower was good.

Carrot failure for the first time ever and the beetroot were small (lack of water I suspect). Put the calabrese too close so not much of a crop. Parsnips small but edible and swedes better than usual along with the kohl rabi (funny but these aliens are growing on people). Broad beans were reasonable but I'll do better next year now that I have experience. Didn't put enough fertiliser under the celeriac but that was the first time tired and I will do better next year. Put that down to lack of experience.

It's been a good year all in all. The plot has kept two households going up till now and donated to two more - kale for pet rabbits and guinea pigs. And as ever - experience added to the sum of knowledge. Left to myself I would grow flowers but they are not edible.


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