Advice on ducks - indian runners & chickens before i get

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My mam and I are both getting some chickens, however i quite fancy a duck. I've been looking at indian runners and have totally fallen for them, but up to now have not found any really good information sites on these. So here are my questions if anyone is able to help.....

(Idealy i would perfer only 3/4 birds)

Can you keep ducks and chickens together - in the same house/coop? I am getting one made, which is 3ft by 3ft would this be big enough??

I was going to get a silkie hen as they are supposivley very broody (and i think they look fantastic as well as reading that they are taim and friendly) and let her incubate some duck eggs - is this ok to do?

(Or if its not ok to let them incubate eggs (i know this would be pot luck any way as i would prefer femails), I was going to buy a duckling)
How would you introduce a duckling to a chicken? And at what age is this advisable?

What age are ducklings allowed outside, and where would you keep them before this (if i were to buy a duckling)?

And if its ok to keep ducks and chickens, could i keep 2 chickens and 1 duck? Or do I need more than 1 duck??

Do you need different feed for the duck or can you have the same feed as the chickens?

I want these birds for pets (with added bonus of eggs) are indian runners good layers? And the same question goes to silkies?

What do you put food in for ducks? Or are feeders for chickens also fine for ducks to use?

I know indian runners do not fly but are they noisy?

Caring for a new chick once it hatches - is it rocket science or can some one who has no experience (like me!) do it?

What does a new hatchling feed on? - I know the yolk is enough for about 3days or so - but what do they eat after that?

I also have a giant rabbit that will soon get free range of my garden once all escape routes have been delt with. Will it be ok to let him out with some silkies and a duck(s) or will they attack him or visa versa (he's a very very friendly boy)?

Thats it for now untill i think of any more!



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Advice on ducks - indian runners & chickens before i get
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2008, 16:42 »
Hi sarah,

I can help answer a few questions  however I am very new to ducks myself!
Firstly I have 4 runners, they are quite fascinating! real timewasters! :lol:  :lol:

My little broody hen managed to hatch them without any problems at all in fact she is still in the run with them although they dont need her anymore.
They also wander around with the chickens so far they sort of ignore each other.

I think you possibly could house together but I think IRD need a lot of room cos they are rather messy,head height as they are tall  their pop hole would need to be large as well as a gently sloping ramp to help them in.I am looking to get a duck house around 3x4 just for them. If I had them in together would probably opt for a shed.

Feeding I have had mine on chick crumb until they were 3weeks then gradually switched them to duck growers and will probably keep on until about 16 weeks or so.

As the weather has been good they have been out in a  small covered secure run more or less from day one,although they are ducks you have to make sure their fluff doesn't get waterlogged as they coould catch a chill-I have to say mine spend ages in the water without any probs and i reckon in about a week will be more or less fully  feathered.

Hope this helps -there are some experienced ducky people here that will be along shortly with advice! :lol:


Kate and her Ducks

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Re: Advice on ducks - indian runners & chickens before i
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2008, 18:39 »
Hello, and welcome to the site. Pretty new myself but there's loads of helpful advice about. I just keep ducks but can let you know what I know from mine. Don't have chickens but there are loads of people who keep both and don't have too many problems. I'm sure Vember will be along later and can let you know how hers get on :)

I have an incubator but I hear that silkies are good mothers and can be used to hatch ducks amongst others. You can buy sexed day old ducklings if you go down that route and that way you know what you're getting. I think if you're getting ducklings and chicks of about the same size they would be ok in together but if the size difference is too great someone will get picked on and it can be pretty vicious.

Ducklings are pretty sturdy little things but without a mum to cuddle up to need heat and protection from drowning till their preen glands are working. I kept mine under heat (fancy term for a table lamp) till they were about a week. In this weather they are outside during the day (in a covered run to protect them from ariel attack - magpies can kill surprisingly big ducklings) and back in a big box inside at night. By a month to 5 weeks they were out all the time and in their ark with the others overnight. They ate organic chick crumbs available from the day they were born (don't tend to eat much the first day) till 3 weeks and then went onto growers pellets. They have it in plain feeder or bowl.

Don't have runners but they used to be the best laying breed till the development of the Campbell. Think they are quite noisy but not sure about that.

Hope you have fun with them, I adore mine. I don't know how happy a duckling would be with just chickens for company but they definately need company of some type as very sociable.

Be like a duck. Calm on the surface but always paddling like the dickens underneath.



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Advice on ducks - indian runners & chickens before i get
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2008, 19:19 »
Hens can incubate or foster ducklings very well but don't expect them to teach their children anything related to water! The hen will be scandalised by the way they throw water about and we tend to remove the hen after two weeks or so so prevent her having a nervous breakdown.

Melton Mowbray market won't let you sell ducklings without a mum or foster mum under two weeks old so I guess that is a significant date.

The ducklings need lots of water to drink but do be careful to prevent them getting water logged. They can go outside from 2 weeks on (weather permitting) but if they are fostered don't let them on a pond until they are fully feathered as they will sink! Once they start to get feathers they will need water in a bowl deep enough to allow them to get their heads under water to prevent eye infections.

I don't know about keeping ducks and hens together. The main problem I can see is water. You don't want the hens to get too wet.

We give our hens layers pellets and corn mixed but the ducks just have mixed corn but both free range during the day and also get scraps. We tried the ducks on special duck feed. It was mighty expensive and they didn't like it! We give ducklings chick crumbs and they love it. They also love lettuce, but do cut it into thin strips when they are little. Chives also go down well with chicks, ducklings and guinea fowl poults.

Indian runners are wonderful. They lay well and are so funny. Added advantage - they can't fly.

We put the corn into a cat litter tray (clean!) and cover it with water. Ducks do need their food wet and need water nearby when they are free ranging.

Indian runners aren't at all noisy. If you want noisy - get some guinea fowl. When they are doing their 'last thing at night bicker' you can't hear yourself think!

You will LOVE being a poultry keeper. Hours of fun.

I found Katie Thear's books a huge help. She got one called Starting with Ducks and several hen ones.

No idea about the interaction with the rabbit but my two cats avoid the poultry but have been known to catch a pheasant. How they know the difference I don't know. (Or maybe the pheasant was road kill and they were trying to trick me into thinking they are great hunters!)

Happy poultrifying!



Kate and her Ducks

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Advice on ducks - indian runners & chickens before i get
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2008, 11:33 »
Would agree with DL that Katie Thears book is good but Storeys guide to Raising Ducks by Dave Holderread is my bible.



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Advice on ducks - indian runners & chickens before i get
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2008, 13:38 »
Oh right! I'll look both them up at my library (then decide whether to buy both!!)

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