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Poultry and Pets => Pets without Feathers => Topic started by: Oliveview on March 01, 2015, 10:20

Title: Oranges - do your dogs eat them?
Post by: Oliveview on March 01, 2015, 10:20
All our dogs, except Lola, love oranges,  Jumbo has just eaten a whole orange- peel and all.  He picks one up (wind fall) and walks around happily with it for a while and then sits down and eats the whole lot-  healthier than a biscuit I guess!

Title: Re: Oranges - do your dogs eat them?
Post by: 8doubles on March 01, 2015, 10:58
Next doors Jack Russel loves oranges, satsumas etc but has them peeled for him !

Aside from him i have never known a dog to enjoy citrus fruit.

I would think that eating oranges + peel would give any intestinal worms an unpleasant shock ! :)
Title: Re: Oranges - do your dogs eat them?
Post by: teamspotty on March 01, 2015, 12:31

I have a russian blue cat who loves melon...not tried the woofer with oranges though (they can cause the squits).
Title: Re: Oranges - do your dogs eat them?
Post by: GrannieAnnie on March 01, 2015, 12:33
Penny loves all fruit, but oranges have to be peeled and segmented!  Lol
Title: Re: Oranges - do your dogs eat them?
Post by: Eblana on March 01, 2015, 15:53
Not sure about oranges but mY two were in the kitchen on their own on Tuesday and ate half a lemon, they don't seem to have been put off either because one dropped out of the shopping bag yesterday and Archie grabbed it and had a good chew before I managed to get it off him.  They both love Tomatoes.
Title: Re: Oranges - do your dogs eat them?
Post by: compostqueen on March 01, 2015, 21:24
My jack russell would eat satsumas but not oranges  :nowink:
Title: Re: Oranges - do your dogs eat them?
Post by: bravemurphy on March 02, 2015, 15:58
No not oranges but they love Pumpkin  :)
Title: Re: Oranges - do your dogs eat them?
Post by: jaydig on March 02, 2015, 18:16
Our two year old granddaughter asked for an orange from the fruit bowl the other day, which she then brought to me and asked me to "pee it pees nanny".  Having peeled the orange for her she then left me with the orange in my hand and happily ate the peel!
Title: Re: Oranges - do your dogs eat them?
Post by: Lulu on March 05, 2015, 22:48
Indie likes carrots but not onions or tomatoes.  Not tried him on oranges, though apples are liked.
Title: Re: Oranges - do your dogs eat them?
Post by: Oliveview on March 13, 2015, 17:39
Our two year old granddaughter asked for an orange from the fruit bowl the other day, which she then brought to me and asked me to "pee it pees nanny".  Having peeled the orange for her she then left me with the orange in my hand and happily ate the peel!

EUGH   Eat the peel!!!!  I hope it does not make her poo bright orange as Jumbo´s poo is!


Title: Re: Oranges - do your dogs eat them?
Post by: snowdrops on March 13, 2015, 17:47
Sons dog likes a satsuma or similar, but sees it as a ball & plays with it until she pierces the skin & then won't go near it. She's very funny when she plays with it as she'll put her head down on one side & 'spy' on it  :lol:. I'd forgotten she did this as a pup until I looked after her one day. I had an orange to eat & she started whining which is not like her, then I realised she wanted one to play with. Only thing is I had to wait until she had given up as she's trained not to get anything by making a fuss.
Title: Re: Oranges - do your dogs eat them?
Post by: Diddy Gardener on March 24, 2015, 10:34
Indie likes carrots but not onions or tomatoes.  Not tried him on oranges, though apples are liked.

Don't forget onions are extremely poisonous to dogs though  ;)
Title: Re: Oranges - do your dogs eat them?
Post by: Snoop on March 24, 2015, 10:52
Our dogs love segments of oranges and satsumas, but not oranges. On the onion front, they will eat it cooked. But as our dogs are so large, I'm not overly concerned: they'd have to have about 200 g apiece for it to have ill effects.