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Growing => General Gardening => Topic started by: mrs bouquet on March 22, 2020, 17:12

Title: Cottage garden
Post by: mrs bouquet on March 22, 2020, 17:12
I am finding it difficult now to dig out and split a lot of my plants.   I am thinking introducing a cottage garden effect.  Things that are easy and cheap.  Cannot be tall, too windy here.   Perhaps throw around a few seed packets.   
I have looked through my course works when at horticultural college, but haven't got what I want, maybe we didn't cover it !
SHould I prep the soil with some muck .  And how can you tell what to pull up.    I have got "love. In a mist" which I keep under control.  Also I am not too keen on aquilegia.       My beds are quite small, so I have to think about things that last for summer.  Any help and ideas will be most welcome.
I don't know - how the mighty are fallen.     😌😌😌😌. Mrs Bouquet
Title: Re: Cottage garden
Post by: Yorkie on March 22, 2020, 18:13
Hardy geraniums are always good value for money and come in a range of cottagey blues and pinks
Title: Re: Cottage garden
Post by: MrsPea on March 23, 2020, 18:56
Mrs B, how about Osteospermum Geraniums Sweet Williams all fairly low growing but keep flower for months if dead headed.Or google Cottage garden plants. Good luck.  :)
Title: Re: Cottage garden
Post by: mumofstig on March 23, 2020, 19:29
Try Alchemilla mollis, Sweet woodruff (Galium odoratum) and the rockery Campanula Portenschlagiana is good everywhere except for in full sun.
Old fashioned pinks like Doris, Gran's Favourite, or Mrs Sinkins look and smell beautiful.