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Growing => Growing in Greenhouses & Polytunnels => Topic started by: Kimberley04 on April 09, 2013, 22:15

Title: Growing in the greenhouse
Post by: Kimberley04 on April 09, 2013, 22:15
As it's been so blinkin' cold outside, I've started off most of my plants this year in modules in the greenhouse.
I am now really unsure on what needs to be in there for a while longer, and what can be hardened off and make its way outdoors. 

Currently, I have the following as teeny tiny seedlings:
Sweet peas
Black Eyed Susans
Red Cabbage
Summer Green Cabbage
Yellow Mange Tout
Bolt resistant early Pak Choi
Boltardy Beetroot
Purple Sprouting Broccoli

What could be making its way into the open air?
Title: Re: Growing in the greenhouse
Post by: Kimberley04 on April 12, 2013, 22:33
Any ideas?  I'm running out of space inside the greenhouse.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated x
Title: Re: Growing in the greenhouse
Post by: DD. on April 12, 2013, 22:36
Bearing in mind that I'm not an expert on some of them, (flowers), I'd be getting the lot outside!
Title: Re: Growing in the greenhouse
Post by: mumofstig on April 12, 2013, 22:47
Black Eyed Susans - climbers or daisy flowers?
The climbers are killed by frosts, the daisy one is a bit hardier.

I haven't even sown my nasturtiums yet as they are half hardy - so frost will kill them as well!

I'm also a bit worried by the discription teeny tiny seedlings - just how small are they to cope with the outside?
Title: Re: Growing in the greenhouse
Post by: mikeimp on April 14, 2013, 11:39
Have three pots of different lettuce set about 3 weeks ago in the greenhouse.They have germinated ok but have just stuck at the moment and wonder whether to re sow.I haven't got a cold frame or I would use  that to put them out into at the moment.