Thank you Mr Harrison

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Thank you Mr Harrison
« on: May 01, 2018, 12:27 »
A few days ago i was doing some weeding and deposited said weeds , including dandelions , onto the compost heap , having left them a few days in between. Thinking to my self ' The heat of the heap will take of them' .  I then read the following on my email. 

"Drown Perenial Weeds!

Proper hot composting involves planning the content mix and turning, which is quite a bit of work.

Most of us, if we're truthful, don't have a compost heap. We have a pile of dead weeds and green waste that eventually rots down. Fair enough, it will rot down eventually although any weed seeds will be ready to germinate.

This also means that any perennial weeds like dock, dandelions and bindweed come back from the dead, happily growing away in the pile.

The simple answer is to drown them. Just put them into a bucket or barrel of water for six weeks. The mush goes onto the heap and the liquid can be treated as a weak liquid feed."

Thank you for sending out the email, John , I took my eye off the ball and forgot a very useful piece of advice. I have removed the 'offenders' and they are now embarking on a 6 week swimming lesson!!

we also rescue rabbits and guinea pigs, grow own veg


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