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Growing => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: NO GREEN FINGERS on August 27, 2008, 19:26

Title: seed potatoes
Post by: NO GREEN FINGERS on August 27, 2008, 19:26
do i need to buy seed potatoes for planting?

or could i use a bag of shop bought potatoes that have started to go to seed.

is there any real differenc or advantage to buying specific seed potatoes

over potatoes that are turning or have allready turned to seed.
Title: seed potatoes
Post by: gobs on August 27, 2008, 21:25
Potato tubers don't turn to seed, nevertheless, they all can be used to grow potatoes.

If they are grown for seed as opposed to gone past eating it, they are likely to produce a better, healthier quality crop and that's without stating that seed is screened for disease.
Title: seed potatoes
Post by: cacran on September 01, 2008, 19:40
what are the tomatoe looking things that grow on the potatoe plant? Is that where they get the actual seeds from in the first place?
Title: seed potatoes
Post by: richyrich7 on September 01, 2008, 20:17
Quote from: "cacran"
what are the tomatoe looking things that grow on the potatoe plant? Is that where they get the actual seeds from in the first place?

It's the fruit of the potato deadly poisonous, the humble spud is a relative of the tomato,and also deadly nightshade.

a "seed" potato is a small tuber grown specifically for the purpose of planting to provide a crop. I'm not even sure if the seeds in a potato fruit are viable.

I used small spuds out of the farmers sacks we buy for years with no problem, but since we had that bad blight attack last year I've bought only certified seed potato's.