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Eating and Drinking => Cooking, Storing and Preserving => Topic started by: mrs bouquet on December 10, 2008, 20:04

Title: Savoy Cabbage.
Post by: mrs bouquet on December 10, 2008, 20:04
I always keep Savoy in the fridge, because I like it  raw with red cabage and grated carrot, as a winter salad.
But when I cook it, I add some finely chopped red onion, it looks really nice and is tasty.  Do more than you need and the next night fry it up, delicious. Mrs Bouquet
Title: Savoy Cabbage.
Post by: Ice on December 10, 2008, 20:23
I love Savoy cabbage too and that sounds lovely.  Now it might sound strange but dry roast peanuts go really well with cabbage.  My vgetarian friends really like my cabbage with bechamel sauce and peanut bake.
Title: Savoy Cabbage.
Post by: Yorkie on December 10, 2008, 22:09
Can't remember the full details now (that's a fat lot of use, I know!) but I once ate a recipe with coconut cream (?) in it - and it was gorgeous, even though I'm not too partial to coconut.

Hmm, on reflection, that post could have more specifics in it :D