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Chatting => Frugal Living => Topic started by: big green bloke on June 10, 2007, 20:45

Title: liquid plant food
Post by: big green bloke on June 10, 2007, 20:45
the cheapest plant food is easy to make and free .  :tongue2:
one    get four plastic 2lt pop bottles cut the bottom off one keeping the top and the cap cut the top and bottom of the other three ,

 two   tape the three with the top and bottom cut off in to long tube with good tape and the tape the last bottle with the top still on to the rest with the top and cap pointing down .

three   get a one liter bottle and pop and fill with water and put the cap on tight .

four stand the bottle some where away from the back door on a fence post or some thing simlar

five fill the tapped bottles up to the top with comfery and nettles .

six fasten a long piece off good strong string to the one liter bottle and put it inside to act as a weight as the plant materails rot down a thick strong plant food will collect at the bottom of the bottles . when you need any plant food take of the cap and drain into and empty bottle . the ratio is one plant food to ten water and is will feed any plant and good for toms
have a go it cost nothing  :D
Title: liquid plant food
Post by: Beanzie on June 28, 2007, 02:07
Comfrey I don't have. I suppose that you could use almost any plant material. Even grass would give a nitrogenous liquid
Title: liquid plant food
Post by: big green bloke on June 28, 2007, 20:35
try nettles they are god but watch how you pick them  :twisted:
Title: liquid plant food
Post by: wildeone on July 10, 2007, 08:35
is this comfrey tea??? I've heard a lot about the sucess of using this on plants and veg but didn't know what it was!!!
Title: liquid plant food
Post by: WG. on July 10, 2007, 10:07
Quote from: "wildeone"
is this comfrey tea??? I've heard a lot about the sucess of using this on plants and veg but didn't know what it was!!!
Yes it is