Growing > General Gardening

Chrysanthemum Question


Elaine G:
I picked up a chrysanthemum plant in the reduced section of the supermarket. It didn’t do well on the windowsill so I divided it into 4 plants which are now in the greenhouse.

I have no idea of the variety.

Would these possibly be hardy enough to go outside?

Any clues gratefully accepted.

Thank you.

New shoot:
If you have 4 it is worth trying. If the original plant came from a supermarket you can bet it was grown in a Dutch greenhouse, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t hardy. Be warned they do often treat chrysanthemums with growth retardants to keep them houseplant sized, so it may grow a lot taller than you were expecting.

The only place I know that offers any kind of variety for the home gardener to grow  is the Sarah Raven on-line shop. She has a growing guide for them

Elaine G:
Thanks New Shoot, I will Harden a couple off and see how they get on outside.
Little to loose as I only paid 89p!!


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