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Growing => General Gardening => Topic started by: catllar on April 18, 2015, 13:08

Title: When to prune Star Jasmine
Post by: catllar on April 18, 2015, 13:08
Trachespermum Jasminoides  is getting out of hand - it is over 20 feet high, that's not the problem, but  it  is getting leggy with all the new growth on the ends of the very twiggy branches and vines. it flowers on the new growth. If I cut it back to the main framework do you reckon I'd kill it? It doesn't seem very keen on putting out new shoots except where it thinks it will. If it were a honeysuckle or a clem. montana I'd not hesitate to hack it back... but....??!!
Title: Re: When to prune Star Jasmine
Post by: mumofstig on April 18, 2015, 13:16
RHS says
Renovation, if necessary, consists of cutting all shoots back by two thirds, to a side shoot or flowering spur. This should encourage new shoots to break from the remaining branches and from the base. Some thinning of new shoots may be required.
Title: Re: When to prune Star Jasmine
Post by: catllar on April 18, 2015, 13:42
Thanks for that MoS, I had a quick look at the link (why didn't I think of that rather than bother you folks on here?) and apparently my trachy is doing what it is supposed to do! Who knew? A cascade of long flowering shoots is what I've got - and there's me thinking it is supposed to stay tight to the frame !