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Growing => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: bedifferent on August 01, 2008, 18:14

Title: A couple of questions - can anyone help?
Post by: bedifferent on August 01, 2008, 18:14
I am growing some dawf berlotti beans, the instructions did not say that they needed to be on canes but they are growing well and are sending up shoots rather like runners that appear to want something to run up :?:

My other question is potato related. My spud plants are growing fruit on the greenery !!! Is this normal? and more to the point can i eat them  :?:

Thanks in advance for all your advice.
Title: A couple of questions - can anyone help?
Post by: Lee1978 on August 01, 2008, 18:50
1- i too have dwarf beans and i tend just to leave them to do their own thing, they don't normally need support.

2 - the fruits on your spuds are perfectly normal, they are poisonous so do not eat them!!

Hope this helps :)

Title: A couple of questions - can anyone help?
Post by: Runnerbean on August 01, 2008, 19:03
The fruits on your potato plants are tomatoes, well sort of.  The potato plant is genetically very similar to a tomato plant, but the 'tomatoes' are not edible and are poisonus!  
If only they were proper tomatoes!!!  A dual purpose plant would be great!!
Title: A couple of questions - can anyone help?
Post by: FCG on August 01, 2008, 19:29
A lot of people are finding 'tomatoes' on their potatoes around this time of year. They are poisonous but you can cut them off when they are done and put into a large pot and you can get a crop of 'new variety' potatoes from them. This is where new variety's come from actually.
Title: A couple of questions - can anyone help?
Post by: gobs on August 02, 2008, 02:22
Your 'dwarf' Barlottis' will be dwarf for a climber, they will still make 2-3 feet, depending, which one, they are not a bush. So staking can be usefull, unless you want them running around on the ground.

The fruit on your potato plants is not tomatoes, obviously, - potato berries - but as said, normal and very-very toxic, more like lethal, if consumed, leave them alone.