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Growing => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: JennyD on March 17, 2009, 16:11

Title: Broad beans and peas v. mice
Post by: JennyD on March 17, 2009, 16:11
In the winter of 07-08 I lost two entire plantings of broad beans to mice -- nothing left but a row of neat little holes.
Then I lost the next planting of either mice or pigeons -- or even perhaps squirrels? -- healthy plants more than 2" high just nipped off at the base.
Then I started the seeds in loo-roll centre, planted them out when they were 6-8 inches high.  That worked fine.
I didn't get any in over the past winter, so I am planning to dip some seeds in paraffin before planting them in the ground.  Not soak them, I think, but just put them in for a couple of minutes.  Any one got any guidance or experience on this, please?
Title: Re: Broad beans and peas v. mice
Post by: Greengirl on March 17, 2009, 16:20
I always used to dip my pea seeds in paraffin before sowing ( didn't bother to dip the broad beans) & always got good germination - don't know if it was the paraffin or not though. Last year I had good germination of peas without paraffin, but my broad beans didn't grow at all. They were both covered with fleece to keep the birds off, the soil was warm & there were no signs of mice & even with further sowings of a different variety, I didn't get any bean plants at all. My allotment neighbours had hundreds of the b*****s.
Title: Re: Broad beans and peas v. mice
Post by: HLS on March 17, 2009, 16:27
An allotmenteering friend recommended sowing beans and peas with a holly leaf to deter mice - does anyone know whether that works, or is it an old wives' tale?  I'm sceptical myself, but on the other hand, my next-door neighbour has a holly tree that's poking into my garden, so it wouldn't be too difficult to try.
Title: Re: Broad beans and peas v. mice
Post by: Stripey_cat on March 17, 2009, 17:19
Paper pots?  Or modules - my broad beans get started in 24 per tray modules - or guttering?  Anything to keep the seeds out of harm's way until they're off.
Title: Re: Broad beans and peas v. mice
Post by: Salmo on March 17, 2009, 23:43
Mice are not interested once the beans have germinated. Start them in modules and plant them at any stage from just chitted to big plants.

If you want to plant them directly in the ground put them at least 3 inches deep and firm the ground so that the mice cannot easily scratch them out. Cover with net or fleece and set mouse traps under it.

Jackdaws pulled a row out last year just as they were poking through. Just pulled them out and left them lying there.