Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel

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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #210 on: March 28, 2019, 20:22 »
'pretending to just be looking out to sea doesn't fool her one bit'

Howling with laughter......

Do you just have girls now


Yup just 4 girls, of which 2 are very elderly, but on the look out for more  ;)



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #211 on: April 17, 2019, 12:18 »
My lone slightly grumpy girl will go broody at some point (and I'm away for a bit end April) so in May I'm looking for hatching eggs or 8 week chicks.  I'd be interested to hear if you find a wonderful place from where to buy or if you might adopt a boy we've hatched.  Reading is an hour's drive. Will be Pekins.  xxxx
One grandma and 4 baby Pekins.


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #212 on: April 17, 2019, 20:31 »
Try this lady Nerdle.  She gave me Foggie and Alphie and has lots of Pekins as well.  You can buy POL or sexed growers, that avoid any problems with unwanted boys.


... And talking of which.  I picked up 2 very small, but very pretty birds from another lady very close to me, who has just started breeding again and was desperate to home a lovely little lad she had hatched and was very fond of.  He came with a friend, who has a question mark on him at present, but might well also be male. 

The diaries have at least 1 new keeper and perhaps 2, so they are settling in and having a read, just so they can see what big clawed shoes they have to step into  ;)



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #213 on: April 18, 2019, 15:03 »
Thank you! :D



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #214 on: May 14, 2019, 09:08 »


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #215 on: June 10, 2019, 16:27 »
Drum roll please - we have a new diarist, although he's still settling in and trying to ingratiate himself with my ladies.

Meet Eddie, who came as a pretty but fairly nondescript little black chick with a bit of a quiff and a few white feathers appearing here and there, but who has grown into a very handsome lad indeed.  He was named Eddie pretty quickly due to his resemblance to Eddie Tudor-Pole (of Ten-Pole Tudor fame). He has similar dance moves when he thinks you are approaching with treats and is  deffo one of life's eccentrics as well, just like his namesake  :D

He's been warned he has some big clawed shoes to fill, but I have no doubt that he is up for it.  You have been warned  :lol:
« Last Edit: June 10, 2019, 16:35 by New shoot »



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #216 on: June 10, 2019, 17:38 »
Loving the hair-do  :lol: Such a smart fella!


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #217 on: June 16, 2019, 19:37 »
The amazing adventures of Eddie

Hi I'm Eddie.  Eddie is the name.  Did you get that?  - it's Eddie here...

Ooohhh I've got a great close-up there.  If I peck here mum, does that post it??  Bet everyone can't wait to see it.

Oh, did I mention it was Eddie ...
« Last Edit: June 16, 2019, 19:38 by New shoot »


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #218 on: June 16, 2019, 19:40 »
Goodness me Eddie, calm down.  No give me my phone back and listen a second.  You can't just babble at people like that.  Now, let's start again like we practiced ...  ready?  Deep breath and take 2 ...

Eddie's diary

It's Eddie here and I'm happy to say I'm settling in and getting into the routine.  The older girls are not too keen on me yet, so I have Millie living with me in the Eglu and the grumpy grannies Beyonce and Naomi, together with moody maiden aunt Patsy are in the big run. 

Millie thinks I'm great though and we go everywhere together.  What are you muttering there Millie.  What do you mean in I'm in my own little bubble?  Oh, you don't make any sense sometimes.

Anyway, as I was saying Millie worships me and won't budge from my side.  Well you can't blame the girl.  What now mum?  What do you mean - I think she's voted with her feet there mate?  Look I'm trying to strike a pose and you lot keep distracting me.  Look behind me where .....  ???

This diary lark is all very confusing you know  :wacko:
« Last Edit: June 16, 2019, 19:44 by New shoot »



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #219 on: June 17, 2019, 09:05 »
Well hello there Eddie.. good to meet you with your Diary. Love that feathery quiff... tres chic.Yes, that is chic, not chick, I know you are growing up nowI
look  forward to hearing more about your antics interesting life over the next few weeks. Do be careful to keep Mum  (otherwise known as The Bearer of Treats) happy. She does have high standards of behaviour you know  :nowink: Mind you, I expect by now you have noticed that  :D :D :D
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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #220 on: July 15, 2019, 10:05 »
Gosh so handsome - swooooon!!!!!! :blush:


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #221 on: July 27, 2019, 16:23 »
Eddie's Diary

Well things have moved on and I am now living in the big run with Naomi, Patsy and Millie.  We have lots of access  to the garden, but often have a time out in our own place.  There is no place like home, especially when you have your girls congregated round you  :)

Mind you it is a different story when we are confined to barracks.  I have a stern word with mum when she gets in along the lines of 'Just where have you been and when am I getting out of here!'.  I'm at the run gate as soon as I hear the front door and shout until she comes to see me. 

Beyonce is living in the Eglu right next door.  We can chat across the gap and often go visiting when we are out.  She is getting on and doesn't like much fuss, so the big run is a bit too much.  Mum has let her out to see if she wants to come back with us, but she resolutely heads to her own pad every time. 

She's not been enjoying the heat much either.  Mum has been treating her with grapes every morning.  She and I get up straight away, while my lot loll about in bed for ages.  My run gate is usually open at that time though, so I cottoned onto the grapes and we share breakfast every day.  Well I say share - she actually isn't that keen and scolds mum every time she sees a grape piece coming my way.   I still get sneaked a few though  ;)
« Last Edit: July 27, 2019, 16:26 by New shoot »


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #222 on: August 20, 2019, 12:00 »
Eddie's diary

Exciting news diary!  I've discovered there is more to my domain than just the garden here at home.  There is this whole other world called the allotment, where magic foods appear from  8) 

The girls all seemed to know about this already.  Whenever mum appears in the back garden with carrier bags of stuff and starts unloading it onto the garden table to deal with, they make a beeline for her.  Well this week we had sweetcorn  :D  It was apparently the half full and small cobs that we get, but boy oh boy was it good.  Me, Naomi and Patsy were huddled around 1 piece, but Millie went straight to the source and couldn't get in in her beak fast enough.

There has also been a bit of an uproar and - oh this is embarrassing - but me and mum fell out a bit.  She needed to go out to work and I wanted to stay in the garden and mum refers to it as a teenage moment, but I ended up losing my rag and pecking her, plus scratching her hand  :blush:  It was only a little peck, but it drew blood and ...

.. 'and it hurt quite a bit my lad and bled for quite a while!'  interjects New shoot.  'What happened to the cute little chick who arrived here, even if he was a bit daft and spent most of his time sat on his feeder.'  That was just me Mum - I was just that sort of kid you know  ::)

I was very sorry about it and the next morning I was creeping around trying to stay under the radar.  Mum opened my gate as usual and was giving Beyonce her morning grape treat.  I peeped round, then sidled up to see if I got any.  Sure enough I got my treat as well, but I'm watching my manners now I can tell you.

What added insult to injury was that mum was already nursing a puncture wound to her shin.  She has a cat friend up at the allotment and he loves playing with string.  She was tying up fruit canes and he thought it was a game.  First she knew he was there was when he latched onto her leg while trying to get a bit of dangling string.  She says he was all contrite as well and spent ages rubbing his head on her and saying sorry.

I told her 'That's what's you get for being friends with a cat.  Me and the girls all know they are nasty, don't we girls?'  But when I looked round for support, they had all cleared off and were intently pecking grass down the other end of the garden  :ohmy: 

Then the slap down came.  I got a look and mum said 'Well we all have our moments, don't we Eddie'.  Oh gosh, I guess I'm in the doghouse a while longer  :blush:
IMG_2806 copy.jpg
« Last Edit: August 20, 2019, 12:02 by New shoot »


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #223 on: September 05, 2019, 11:48 »
Eddie's diary

I've been busy out in the garden most days recently. Mum says I seem to have picked up some bad habits very quickly.  The girls all quietly chuckled, but I have no idea what she is on about.

For example, mum says I have mastered the 'Who me?' look completely.  I was only standing there doing nothing honest, but she was having none of it.  They are her lily of the valley that seem to get a constant pummeling and can I please find another bit of garden to play in.  Yeah whatever  ::)

The girls love pecking the seeds out of the wild violets and they have also been targeted before according to mum, but now they have discovered the verbena seeds.  I wasn't too sure but pulled one off anyway.  Mum says the wild birds eat them, but they can perch on them without damage.  Us lot are a bit of a different story ...  She said I may as well eat it now I had destroyed it.  My lovely long locks get in the way a bit, so I have to aim from below to see what I'm getting sometimes.  Still tasted good though  :D

Finally mum just laughs when we arrive at the back door.  It is usually when she has been home in the afternoon and we get to the stage where we feel it is time to head to the run.  We like to be back in around tea-time, but there is no harm in hanging about a bit and angling for treats.  Other times of day we get them to entice us to go back home, so even if we are heading that way anyway, it is worth a try  ;)  Mum says the 'Hi mum, look how cute we are' pose is nothing new you know Eddie, but she usually ends up caving in and we get our reward :lol:
« Last Edit: September 05, 2019, 11:52 by New shoot »



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #224 on: September 05, 2019, 16:56 »
Oh you are a card aren’t you Eddie 😂 your mum does very well to tolerate you in the garden, I don’t think I’d be so generous with my garden. My poor girls just get their pen on the lottie, can you imag8ne what mischief they would get up to if I let them out 😱
A woman's place is in her garden.

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