Foghorn's diaryThe summer bolted season is here

Bolted is our favourite veg. It varies in how it looks and tastes, but when we ask, mum just says 'it's bolted' and sighs a bit.
She was up at the allotment at the weekend and we got a bumper helping - we're not sure what the allotment is, but it must be the magic kingdom of bolted. Mum says the other people there give her their overgrown courgettes and other kinds of bolted, so loads of people are growing it for us. How cool is that

Anyway, I staked a claim right away on what was supposed to be a mini cucumber, but had hidden and grown into a tough skinned brute.
Even when Beyonce looked like she was making for my bit, I stopped her dead in her tracks with a hard stare. She knows not to just grab, but to flutter her eyelashes and ask nicely when I do that

We were in 7th heaven, but mum didn't seem that excited about the great crop of bolted

, so we made up a little poem for her to show our appreciation.
Bolted is our favourite food
It tastes great, whatever your mood
Leafy greens just can't be beat
Added soil and roots are just sweet
Monstrous cukes, gigantic courge?
We don't mind, we love it all
Stuff too overgrown for humans to take
Bring it on, deliveries taken at the gate
It made mum smile and say, well I guess bolted has its uses

This bolted was extra good because it had some wheat in it. Mum uses the bark from our run as a mulch as the bits we miss grow into fresh green wheat snacks