Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel

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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #195 on: May 01, 2016, 19:28 »
Sorry to hear about Mabel passing, New Shoot, but it does sound as though "Millie" is coping alright thank goodness. Comfrey flowers.. whatever next!!

I never would have thought of giving chooks duckweed. Thank you for the idea. Our daughter's Chook-Babes will benefit hugely from this.
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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #196 on: May 01, 2016, 21:08 »
Lovely photos and love the name Beyonce! I bet she can strut her stuff. Sorry to hear about Mabel but not a bad way to go, all in all.



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #197 on: May 05, 2016, 08:32 »
Just read this from start to finish! Absolutely love it! It should be published.
Given me lots of life enriching ideas. Great to understand things from Foghorn and Alfie's viewpoint.
Totally inspired, can't wait to get my new girls. :D
Happy days.


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #198 on: May 05, 2016, 08:42 »
Thank you Flowerpower  :)

Its just a bit of nonsense to read and smile over.  Foggy is a bit standoffish about being photographed, but there is always something going on with his gang.  Alphie knows exactly what the phone is and runs over to pose whenever he sees it  ::)  :lol:   It writes itself really  :)

Enjoy your hens.  They are great fun to have around  :D
« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 15:15 by New shoot »


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #199 on: June 05, 2016, 21:20 »
Alphie's diary The diabolical exploits of Wilf

Time to let you in on a secret  ;)  As you know, I'm the best behaved out of me and Foggy and can usually be trusted to wander round the garden without being too norty  ...........  but boys will be boys and sometimes I drive mum to distraction.  I get called my alter ego name then - not sweet little Alphie, but the hooligan Wilf  :lol:

Today was one of them days and I got shouted at so much.  Didn't stop me though  ;)

Mum says her potted plants are not pecking platforms, pretending to just be looking out to sea doesn't fool her one bit and she saw me kicking all the grit off the top of the pot not 2 seconds earlier.

Likewise she says the bench may be old, but it really is not improved by chicken poop or by me cleaning my muddy beak on it.  And by the way, a muddy beak means you have been digging something up, so don't try the 'who me?' look on me Wilf  >:(

Finally tormenting Foggy at the wire of his run is extra norty and have you forgotten all the times he has managed to peck you already.  Yes you were fighting, so don't look at me all injured innocence  ::)

By the time we got back to the run I was knackered and spent the most of the rest of afternoon dozing in the sun.  Mum said she knew how I felt having had to chase me round the garden endlessly.

She wasn't too cross though, 'cos we got an apple to peck  :D

Foghorn's diary

You know diary, one of the best bits of mum being a veg grower is the cast offs.  Today it was the remains of the peas shoots and some oriental salad leaves that had bolted.  I did get some in the end, but I always find it safer to stand back a while when the girls spot food heading their way  :lol:

That didn't fill them up for 5 minutes, so we kicked up a stink until we got let out into the garden.  With all the rain this week, there were slugs and worms galore.  We have also all decided that our new fad is mum's wild violets and when we spot them, they get a good pecking over as well.

Mum sighs a bit.  We've never bothered with them before, but all of a sudden they are flavour of the month.  She says at least they seed themselves all over, so despite our best efforts, she may get to keep some for next year  :lol: 
« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 14:33 by New shoot »


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #200 on: July 06, 2016, 20:55 »
Alphie's diary

Mum got home from work a bit early today so she set about pruning some shrubs in the back garden and we got out to help.  Mum was working hard and was ever so grateful that we joined in.  There were branches to investigate, leaves to kick about and we made sure we stood right under where she was working to offer advice and support  :D

Dunno what was up with her though  ???  We got told to get out from under her feet and stop making even more mess, so we took ourselves off and .....

Pfffffftttt says New shoot and butts in ............ OK my lad, enough of your tales.  Let's see what you were really up to while I was busy.  Evil Wilf and his girls in the mega dust bath of all time and heaven help the poor plants in that spot  :mad:  Even better was covering me in soil while I was trying to tell you off  ::)

Now talk your way out of that one ....... stomps off and slams door behind her .....

Uh oh - guess I am in trouble diary  :lol:  It was such a good dust bath though and the girls let me join in and everything.  I suppose it was a bit of an own goal to shower mum with soil.  I was enjoying myself so much, I forgot she was there  :blush:

Best behaviour required for the next couple of days I think.  Well maybe  ;)  :lol:

« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 14:05 by New shoot »



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #201 on: July 07, 2016, 19:01 »
The trouble is, in his mind, he really is in charge!! I think you'd be better off re-siting your primroses as Alphie will not be persuaded to dust bathe somewhere else, now, will he???? 😂😂


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #202 on: July 08, 2016, 10:30 »
Alphie will not be persuaded to dust bathe somewhere else, now, will he???? 😂😂

I'd be willing to lay money on the fact that if I move any plants, that will suddenly become his new favourite spot  ;)  :lol:



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #203 on: July 08, 2016, 17:50 »
Alphie will not be persuaded to dust bathe somewhere else, now, will he???? 😂😂

I'd be willing to lay money on the fact that if I move any plants, that will suddenly become his new favourite spot  ;)  :lol:

Given Alphie's fondess for anything precious to you ... most likely!!!


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #204 on: August 08, 2016, 10:57 »
Foghorn's diary

The summer bolted season is here  :D  Bolted is our favourite veg.  It varies in how it looks and tastes, but when we ask, mum just says 'it's bolted' and sighs a bit. 

She was up at the allotment at the weekend and we got a bumper helping - we're not sure what the allotment is, but it must be the magic kingdom of bolted.  Mum says the other people there give her their overgrown courgettes and other kinds of bolted, so loads of people are growing it for us.  How cool is that 8)  :D  :D  :D

Anyway, I staked a claim right away on what was supposed to be a mini cucumber, but had hidden and grown into a tough skinned brute.

Even when Beyonce looked like she was making for my bit, I stopped her dead in her tracks with a hard stare.  She knows not to just grab, but to flutter her eyelashes and ask nicely when I do that  :lol:

We were in 7th heaven, but mum didn't seem that excited about the great crop of bolted  :unsure:, so we made up a little poem for her to show our appreciation.

Bolted is our favourite food
It tastes great, whatever your mood
Leafy greens just can't be beat
Added soil and roots are just sweet

Monstrous cukes, gigantic courge?
We don't mind, we love it all
Stuff too overgrown for humans to take
Bring it on, deliveries taken at the gate

It made mum smile and say, well I guess bolted has its uses  :lol:

This bolted was extra good because it had some wheat in it.  Mum uses the bark from our run as a mulch as the bits we miss grow into fresh green wheat snacks  :)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 15:18 by New shoot »



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #205 on: August 09, 2016, 14:04 »
You are all spoilt for sure, chooks!!

 But you are right, bolted is perfect food for you and hopefully will lead to sooperdooper eggs from your girls



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #206 on: November 22, 2016, 23:59 »
Alphie's diary

Mum got home from work a bit early today so she set about pruning some shrubs in the back garden and we got out to help.  Mum was working hard and was ever so grateful that we joined in.  There were branches to investigate, leaves to kick about and we made sure we stood right under where she was working to offer advice and support  :D

Dunno what was up with her though  ???  We got told to get out from under her feet and stop making even more mess, so we took ourselves off and .....

Pfffffftttt says New shoot and butts in ............ OK my lad, enough of your tales.  Let's see what you were really up to while I was busy.  Evil Wilf and his girls in the mega dust bath of all time and heaven help the poor plants in that spot  :mad:  Even better was covering me in soil while I was trying to tell you off  ::)

Now talk your way out of that one ....... stomps off and slams door behind her .....

Uh oh - guess I am in trouble diary  :lol:  It was such a good dust bath though and the girls let me join in and everything.  I suppose it was a bit of an own goal to shower mum with soil.  I was enjoying myself so much, I forgot she was there  :blush:

Best behaviour required for the next couple of days I think.  Well maybe  ;)  :lol:

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Love this entry!!
And Foggie's poem :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 14:07 by New shoot »


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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #207 on: January 04, 2019, 14:45 »
This has been edited to load the photos in as they were previously on Photobucket.

Sadly I lost Alphie in March last year at almost 8 years old and Foggy went a few weeks before Christmas at just over 8 years old.  Not bad ages and I hope their diaries prove what happy lives they had  :)

The girls also aged and poor Eva died, so Naomi had to overcome her pride and make friends with the big gang. She moved in with Foggy while he was still around and now gets along fine with the remaining girls - Beyonce, Patsy and Millie.

So plans for this year are to get some new hens and if there is a little lad looking for a home, he will be coming back with me as well.  The Lilac Love Palace is waiting few new occupants and the diary needs a new author - watch this space  ;)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 15:18 by New shoot »



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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #208 on: January 04, 2019, 19:35 »
Oh sorry to hear about Foggy, think I missed that if you posted it elsewhere ☹️. Look forward to the new author & introductions all round 😊
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Re: Diary of a suburban bantie cockerel
« Reply #209 on: March 28, 2019, 18:06 »
'pretending to just be looking out to sea doesn't fool her one bit'

Howling with laughter......

Do you just have girls now

One grandma and 4 baby Pekins.

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