Foghorn's diaryDear diary ....... will you be quiet girls! I'm trying to concentrate here, just settle down and roost will you

Had a great day. Mum was home so after she came back from the allotment, we got out for a bit this afternoon. Mum was weeding, so we all rushed over to help. I dug a plant up for her and she must have been pleased, because she promised us a treat. Yes she did girls, I heard her say 'Paxo for you lot'. No I don't know what it is either, but sounds more exciting than pellets.
Alphie, the whippersnapper, was straight up the wire of his run hurling abuse at me. His 2 girls are broody, so flaunted my gang of lovlies in front of him and hurled a bit of abuse back.
Mum remembered some grapes she had taken for her lunch yesterday and not eaten. They were very ripe and a bit squashed - my favourite

I'm a mummy's boy but don't usually let the girls know that, however, did go and take grapes out of mum's hand - well it was grapes! Alphie was going mad, but he had to wait because I'm mum's favourite.
Back to the coop and all snuggled up for the night. Life's good diary, life's good
Alphie's diaryDear diary ....... Naomi and Eva are still broody

but mum was home, so got spoiled a bit. She had to let Foghorn and his lot out or he sulks, but then when they went back in, we got out for a run.
Mum sat on the bench having a coffee so went and sat on the arm the other end and crowed a few times to cheer her up. She had grapes and had saved the best ones for me and the girls as I am her favourite. She gave them to me so I could hand them over and get some respect from those snooty supermodel girls of mine. My girls are so much better looking than Foghorn's ragtaggle bunch, plus he's got the three old matrons to contend with and boy are they grumpy old girls

All had a lovely dustbath under one of mum's shrubs and then back home. Life's good diary, life's good