One of our cats has taken to peeing outside my bedroom door. Great stepping in a puddle at 6am! Long story short, took her to the vet yesterday. When a cat suddenly starts peeing where she shouldn't it's worth checking there isn't a physical cause.
They gave her a full MOT - good news is that her bloods are good but she has a severe UTI. So running the tests and some medicine cames to ... £383.00 OUCH. She's going back for another test on the urine to make sure the medicine is working - doubt that will be cheap either. Our vets are particularly expensive but they are generally good and they're local. In an emergency we don't want to be increasing the journey time from 10 minutes to half an hour.
Anyway, if you've a pet cat or dog that suddenly starts behaving out of character it's worth ruling out illness with a vet.