As many have mentioned, pure breeds tend to live longer. If you want layers, go for something like an Australorpe. The hybrids - black rocks, and such, the ones you usually see sold as Point of Lay- tend to lay more eggs, but they don't lay for anywhere near as long, nor are they as long lived. Most proper breeds tend to have been developed over quite a long period to survive in a free range environment and so tend to be hardier, where the hybrids have been bred for particular farming methods. We hatch ours ourselves and handle them from day one. They soon get used to people and are generally pretty friendly. We have had POL hens and even ex-battery hens, and it is lovely to see how they come along with a bit of love and kindness, but nothing beats seeing the birds come into the World.
If you have children, I'd recommend Salmon Faverolles, they are beautiful, friendly souls that look like balls of feathers almost.