Defra are looking into bird owners registering the birds not just chickens

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Defra are looking into bird owners thats not just chickens its every thing,ducks geese turkeys and i think other aviary birds aswell, you can have your say by the end of May,i don'think the web site is even built yet or how its going to be fund it.
Do you think good idea or bad??.



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Does that mean if you just have a few hens in your back garden you have to register them? Can't just see what that will achieve at the moment.
I work very hard so don't expect me to think as well.



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They are undecided at the moment they are asking peoples thoughts on registration weather you have 1 or many more birds, have your say look at the form see what you think.
They don't even know how its going to be funded either it may not even get off the ground.



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That could be a nightmare for allotment site committes.



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The website is open - follow the link here to voice your opinion on it before the change in the law is finalized


New shoot

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I guess if they have a way to contact all bird keepers directly, they can send out info on bird flu quickly.  It is not going to go away and I think we will see more and more regulations around it.

Given dog licences proved to be ineffective at dealing with bad owners, will it make a difference  :unsure:  I think the jury is out on that one.

It does look to be covering all birds, including pigeons and aviaries.


Aunt Sally

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New shoot

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The survey does seem to be floating the idea of registration of all birds.

We are seeking your views on our plans to make it compulsory for all poultry[1] and other captive bird[2] keepers[3] to register their bird(s) with the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).

[2] “Other captive birds” in England and Wales means any bird kept in captivity which is not poultry and includes a pet bird and any bird kept for shows, races, exhibitions, competitions, breeding or for sale; or

 In Scotland “other captive bird” means any bird, other than poultry, kept in captivity including any bird kept for shows, races, exhibitions and competitions (such as ornamental birds and racing pigeons).

Whether it comes to that is another thing.  I can’t see how a bird inside your home is at the same risk as poultry outside in your garden  ???
« Last Edit: April 10, 2023, 09:51 by New shoot »


Plot 1 Problems

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So yet more government intervention at cost to the taxpayer and entirely unenforceable? Surely DEFRA should be more concerned about making sure our farmers are funded properly to ensure UK food supply rather than trying to micromanage every home with a couple of chickens in the back garden?

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