It's been a long time since I was on this site but I'm hoping there's someone in the Milton Keynes area who can help me out. After 16 yrs keeping hens without any problems, we've had a fox attack, and all except one hen were slaughtered. They were pets, all too old to lay, enjoying their retirement free ranging in the garden. They would put themselves to bed at dusk and be securely locked in their run and coop at night. This must have been a daytime attack, poor things were ripped to pieces and dragged off, it was very distressing finding what was left. One little Light Sussex managed to escape (we think she hid), but now we can't let her have the run of the garden, and she's calling for her friends. She's safe in a large fully enclosed run but she's so lonely, it's heart breaking to see her on her own. We had already decided as the girls died off from natural causes we would not get any more due to my increased disabilities, but we weren't expecting this. Does anyone have space to take in this old girl? she's about 6 or 7 years old but still quite lively though hasn't laid for at least a year. At the minute she's sitting on my daughter's lap watching TV and bok bokking quite happily, obviously enjoying the company. Please let me know asap if you can add her to your flock, I'd hate for her to die of loneliness.