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Chatting on the Plot / No committee
« Last post by Truffle on Today at 12:33 »
Hi there, after some info and hoping someone has some insight.

We are about to have our AGM and many current committee members are looking to step down which will leave us with no Chair, vice or Treasurer etc. No members seem interested in taking up the role.

Our land is owned by a diarchies' miles and miles away. The only info I can find relates to council owned land so does anyone know what happens if we don't have a committee?
General Gardening / Lavender's gone black
« Last post by Sleepingpopman on Today at 11:32 »
Morning all,
We have 4 lavender plants which I trim back each year, no problems in the past but I noticed
today that they've gone black, :( we had a hard frost 4 days ago, is that what has coursed it
& if so what can be done to save them ?
I welcome any replies. ;)
Chatting on the Plot / Solar panels
« Last post by jezza on Today at 10:10 »
Hello I've just had a company turn up yo connect solar panels up,gave me a load of spool about how it would cut costs to run AirSourced heat pump ,I said about the panels providing power when theres a power cut ,,you dont get power in a power cut ad the panels need power to work, why are we being told by the powers to be that it is an alternative power source and renewable energy if they dont work in a power cut
Grow Your Own / Re: Best salad potato.
« Last post by Potty Plotty Lotty on Today at 06:10 »
If you're wanting to purchase a variety I've used this supplier in the past. They sell per kg.

If you're just after Charlottes often B&Q have them in stock.
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What's for tea 2025?
« Last post by Lardman on Yesterday at 17:47 »
Im thinking tuna pasta bake tonight as it's low effort  :blush:
Grow Your Own / Re: Best salad potato.
« Last post by Goosegirl on Yesterday at 16:04 »
Where's the best place to get them as D T Browns has become a real faff as I can't place an order unless I enter a 6 digit code which they haven't sent me, and you only get 8-14 tubers anyway. I didn't have this trouble last year.
Grow Your Own / Re: Best salad potato.
« Last post by greenjay on Yesterday at 13:14 »
I'm a Charlotte fan to.
Equipment Shed / Re: M1 rotavator hard to start
« Last post by Tubbytiller on Yesterday at 10:28 »
Sometimes you will get water (condensation) in the fuel when it`s left for a long period. Could try with some fresh petrol?

Apologies i should have said it was new fresh petrol.

Grow Your Own / Re: Planting onions between the cabbages?
« Last post by pdblake on Yesterday at 09:44 »
Supposedly, if you plant them between rows of carrots the carrots deter the onion fly and the onions deter the carrot fly.

I've never had onion fly but I still get plenty of carrot fly though.
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