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Poultry and Pets => The Hen House => Topic started by: beulah59 on January 20, 2010, 16:52

Title: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: beulah59 on January 20, 2010, 16:52
I’d just built up a supply of eggs when I used some and someone asked me for half a dozen and the egg skelter is almost empty again … so as we’re in the vicinity tomorrow, I’ve made a call to the breeder I had the Light Sussex from and we’re paying them a visit!

We’re not going to be able to keep them in the greenhouse this time round, so it’s in the coop after dark and hope for the best … at least I’ll be around on Friday and Saturday to oversee any squabbles.

And that really will be enough hens! No more!
Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: karlooben on January 20, 2010, 17:01
i cant keep up with demand for eggs either  :lol: my girls are on a go slow again so i am lucky to be getting 10 eggs out of 19 , i may have to get 4 more in the summer if i extend the run which i tend to do . also i may start selling them in 6 or 10s only as i have tons of 10 boxes so 12 will go out the window  :tongue2:
Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: IMOmimey on January 20, 2010, 20:04
indeed. What is this 10 eggs thing all about? i have loads of 10's, and even some boxes for 9 ::)
Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: karlooben on January 20, 2010, 20:50
the 9s are for those who are just totally annoying an want to disturb the balance of the 6 and 12  :lol: :lol: :lol: does that make sense .
Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: Caralou on January 20, 2010, 21:58
I'm having the opposite problem  ??? more eggs that I know what to do with - and that's after 2 of my layers and a young girl went to Grannie Annie last month! I hadn't been putting up signs to sell, just giving to direct neighbours and selling to a few people in the street, but now I'm having to pop a sign up to sell the excess which is great. Once the ducks arrive the egg sales may even pay for the feed  ??? maybe....  :D It does mean I have no excuses to get a cream legbar girlie which is what I would really love to join my group.
Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: Knight Family on January 21, 2010, 07:53
we have that problem, one second we over ran with eggs and we think, Oh good baking this weekend! Then all of a sudden were down to 1 or 2 eggs if were lucky.......

However when we move I think were going to be the opposite way round since I've seen a couple of houses putting signs up to sell eggs.

Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: Sassy on January 21, 2010, 14:48
indeed. What is this 10 eggs thing all about? i have loads of 10's, and even some boxes for 9 ::)

Dont know but is it anything to do with the fact that fridges only seem to have egg rrom for 10? ???
Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: beulah59 on January 21, 2010, 19:02
We picked up three Rhode Rocks this afternoon ... Clarissa, Delia and Nigella  ::) One of them is crouching ... one still has quite a small comb and I'm not sure about the third, or which is which ... yet!

Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: Roughlee Handled on January 22, 2010, 07:02
How many hens do you have and what breeds? Photos.
Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: beulah59 on January 22, 2010, 08:01
Current set of pics are here ... ( Will upload a couple of the Cooks on here when I get some.

Blog is here (
Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: Roughlee Handled on January 22, 2010, 09:06
Lovely thanks.  Looks like you have loads of room for them to roam. 
You may need a bigger coop though.
Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: beulah59 on January 22, 2010, 09:22
They only roost in it and there's plenty of room for that ... the current occupants all squish up together on the perch or in the nest box leaving more than half the loft area available!
Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: Roughlee Handled on January 22, 2010, 09:33
It is just my opinion and at this time of year they spend 14 hours a day "just roosting". 

"The minimum floor area is 1sq ft per hen."
Taken from
Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: beulah59 on January 22, 2010, 11:33
Thanks roughlee - the floor area of the loft would still be sufficient  :)
Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: Rubellite on January 22, 2010, 11:44
I love your blog, Beulah. Did you make the "chicken house"?
Looks like a good moveable run for chicks or ducklings  :)
Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: scrappydoo on January 22, 2010, 12:56
Hi Beulah59
               As I said earlier I got my four new girls yesterday to go with my existing eight, apart from an initial scuffle  :mad: between 1 new & 1 original things settled pretty quickley, and I got 10 eggs from 12 birds this morning :), very pleasing. I have so many requests for eggs now  :D that we eat  & use less eggs ourselves then when we used to buy them :(!

Best Regards

Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: bee on January 22, 2010, 17:03
Love the pics, and you have a cat just like mine, except yours doesn't look terrified of the chooks!
Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: beulah59 on January 22, 2010, 20:06
The black cat and the long haired cat are still young ... they've been chased by the hens a few times for putting their noses where they weren't wanted, but otherwise they are very accepting of each other  :)

Rubellite - yes, I made the small run myself ... could have made it any size, really. But this one is easily moveable with two of us.
Title: Re: Keeping up with demand!
Post by: lucylou on January 22, 2010, 22:33
hen heaven! what a lovely spot you have for them, they look so happy :D