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Poultry and Pets => The Hen House => Topic started by: Gezza on August 09, 2010, 12:10

Title: bullied hen !!!
Post by: Gezza on August 09, 2010, 12:10
Hi, I'm new to the forum although I've used the help pages to solve problems in the past.We have kept hens for 3 years and have not come across this problem before.We have 5 hens,all different breeds and all bought at the same time from the same breeder.One of them has gone into moult and the others started attacking her,injuring her leg.We took her to the vet who said that she had a temperature and was feeling quite poorly and that her leg was'nt broken but was a pulled muscle.He gave us "Metacam"and "Baytril" for her and she seems a lot better now.We separated her from the others as they still attacked her.Will we be able to re-introduce her to the others when she is well again ??
Title: Re: bullied hen !!!
Post by: trish25158 on August 09, 2010, 15:39
Hi I'm new too, but have had problems with bullying. I think once your hen is back to strength she will regain her place in the 'pecking order' and calm will be resumed. I found that time spent with a water pistol just out of sight worked wonders when I introduced two new hens and one of them was bullied, however I don't think you'll need to do this. Hope your hen is soon feeling better and back with the others
Title: Re: bullied hen !!!
Post by: Gezza on August 09, 2010, 23:23
Thanks for the advice trish.The water pistol sounds a good idea.Will try it once Henrietta is better.
Title: Re: bullied hen !!!
Post by: Jeanette on August 10, 2010, 12:00
Dont keep her seperated for long, the longer she is seperate the more she will be bullied when she goes back. When you put her back give her plenty of hiding places i use buckets turned on its side then the chicken can get inside.
Bullying is horrible but it is natures way of sorting out the weakest. Unless a girl is really beaten up it is best to leave them alone and have purple spray ready to cover up any red or bleeding wounds.
I know all of that sounds awfull and i do really love chickens but sometimes we have to take a step back.
Title: Re: bullied hen !!!
Post by: Gezza on August 10, 2010, 23:04
Thanks for taking the time to reply Jeanette.The chicken has'nt got any open wounds just a very bad limp and is in moult.Have you any idea how long we should keep her separated??
Title: Re: bullied hen !!!
Post by: Jeanette on August 11, 2010, 13:57
Only 2/3 days.
Title: Re: bullied hen !!!
Post by: Gezza on August 11, 2010, 22:59
Thanks Jeanette,I'll let them into the garden together and see what happens.