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Growing => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: MichelleC on August 27, 2011, 09:27

Title: The best container grown Tomato Plant that I found.
Post by: MichelleC on August 27, 2011, 09:27
Thought I'd share this but apologies if you already know. Hundreds and Thousands seem way to big for a hanging basket or tub. Tumbling Tom I found the same. And both look exhausted very early on. But the best I've found so far is Tomato Venus. They don't seem to have a huge root system and start producing fruit really really early and ripen early. They are the tinest of compact plants with dark green thick leaves. They produce yellow/orange cherry type and taste much stronger/sweeter than others I've tried. The plant at only 6 inch high and had several fruits on which looked really weird. They are now only still under a ft high and width and still producing. I definately will put these in tubs and baskets again. They look healthy all season. x :D
Title: Re: The best container grown Tomato Plant that I found.
Post by: Nobbie on August 27, 2011, 10:15
I find Tumbler works well in pots for an early crop, although I need to stand the pots on an upturned pot as they do tumble a lot. I tried tumbling tom this year, but like you found it too vigorous and not as early fruiting.
Title: Re: The best container grown Tomato Plant that I found.
Post by: shokkyy on August 27, 2011, 13:11
Last year I planted my Gartenperles in an average sized sort of hanging basket, and they started to look very sickly. I bought the biggest baskets I could find, I think they were 45cm, and moved them into those, and they did extremely well in them.