Happy New Year, everyone!
I didn't ventilate my cold frame when it was empty - so it has grown a good crop of mould.
Since taking the photo I have cleaned the cold frame with a bleach wipe. I can still see where the mould was but hopefully the mould itself is dead.
I'm concerned that there may now be higher-than-normal levels of mould spores in the soil, which might affect the lettuces that I am going to plant. Is this a likely issue, or am I worrying too much?
Presumably the soil contains mould spores anyway - but I suspect that they will have multiplied. Should I do anything to treat the soil? (I aim to garden organically). I'm considering scraping off the top layer of soil, microwaving it, then sprinkling it with cinnamon. Would this work, do you think?
Is there anything else I should do to treat the mould, please?
As a new cold frame owner, I'd be grateful for any advice on cold frames, mould and controlling humidity.
P.S. Cold frame recently painted, hence the masking tape!