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Growing => Grow Your Own => Topic started by: hermon on July 05, 2007, 16:17

Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: hermon on July 05, 2007, 16:17
this damn rain has caused the slug and snail population of surrey to come to my plot and munch its way through 70% of my plants!

i have lost untold cucumbers/french beans/courgettes to them because it is so wet. last year i am sure i was harvesting things not resowing!

i have got threw 3 packets of courgettes and i have only 3 plants left! :cry:
last year was my first year and was great this year is a total waste of time!
when is it going to stop and be warm?! :?
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: GrannieAnnie on July 05, 2007, 16:46
I dug up my early spuds Sunday because the foliage was looking decidely unwell, and some of my cougettes are rotting, but otherwise, touch wood not too bad, just late because I had germination probs so hd to re-sow almost everything.

And my maincrop are turning yellow on the lower leaves, but they shouldn't be ready yet, too early!!
Title: crops lost
Post by: slowcompost on July 05, 2007, 17:20
Worst year i can remember.
there will be a potato famine i reckon. Everyone seems to have blight where i am. And main crop are nowhere near big enough to lift.
Runner beans are struggling to go up poles.
Slugs are rampant.
I think the main problem is all this rain is stopping the soil from warming up.
Roll on next year.
Funny though ive had my best crop of rasberrys and black currants ever.
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: sladefungus on July 05, 2007, 19:54
yeah its kinda disappointing start for us newbies.  that hot period in april made my leafy crops bolt, pigeons ate my brassicas and the rain and slugs have pretty much done for the rest.   :cry:
my french beans are starting to flower when theyre only 6 inches high!  a last ditch attempt to procreate before they die i think.  ho hum.
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: Aidy on July 05, 2007, 20:19
so far nothing, for once this sandy soil is a godsend.
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: shaun on July 05, 2007, 20:36
3 courgettes are dead
a dozen garlic have drowned
and a few onions have got hypothermia
cant really tell about the rest until the tide goes out

my plots slope from one corner across to the opositte corner so every thing on the higher ground is ok its just about 10-15 square yards in that one corner that have had standing water for about 3 weeks now
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: Aidy on July 05, 2007, 20:38
you can put grass carp in there next year.  :wink:
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: bigsprouts on July 05, 2007, 20:43
have begun to loose lettuce,melons are looking poorly, cauliflowers are rotting too before i can eat them :( blast that rain!!
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: shaun on July 05, 2007, 20:47
Quote from: "Aidy"
you can put grass carp in there next year.  :wink:

i have 8 ton of the finest topsoil waiting to be barrowed in mate  :wink: anyhow the carp wouldnt live in there cus the slugs would eat em  :roll:
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: SkipRat on July 05, 2007, 22:16
Due to flooding I have lost potatoes, runners, french beans, tomatoes, lettuce, cauli,s and cabbage. Also ruined the engine in my van, but i,m still one of the lucky ones here in Hull.
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: shaun on July 05, 2007, 22:18
it was on the jeremy whine show today about hull did you listen to it skiprat
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: SkipRat on July 05, 2007, 22:26
No didnt see it Shaun. But a lot of people have lost everything, the council estimate that around 200 million pounds will be needed to put right. Some people will not get back into their homes for 18 months to 2 years. Luckily my home wasnt touched but a lot of my mates etc have been very much affected by the floods.
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: shaun on July 05, 2007, 22:32
it was on radio 2 they were saying that hull has never had the coverage that sheffield did or something like that.
if you listen to talk sport in the morning i think gaunty is going to have a talk about it,
to be honest i never knew you guys had it so bad until this week
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: GrannieAnnie on July 05, 2007, 22:41
Being in Lincolnshire, our BBC News is Look North, so we've heard a lot about Hull, and that poor young man drowning, and the others.

I really feel for all of you at this time, some of the pictures of the state of the houses and all the furniture out in the garden ruined, its such a shame.
And my OH complains about the big puddles in the garden and on the frontdrive, mind you, hope it doesn't get any wrose, as our house is a lot lower than the road, about 4 foot I would say, but we've got loads o dykes and land drains around here, so not too bad, just very muddy.  In fact, I got stuck in the mud today, and couldn't get out, and I was only in the veg patch!!!
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: yummy on July 05, 2007, 22:42
I was listening to Jeremy Whine too for the greyhound racing debate that was on just before the discussion about flooding in Hull.

We lifted a potato the other day and found that they were only the size of grapes.
Carrots mysteriously eaten even though covered in fleece barrier.

Lost three lots of runner beans to random frosts and flooding.

Lost some borlotto beans that were waiting weeks to be planted out (due to flooding).

Shallots were going mouldy so pulled em and ate them straight away.

Peas planted out about 8 inches high but were still eaten within days.

Onions were bolting just before this wet weather started.

I know it is only our first year and we have lots to learn, but it is frustrating  :cry:

Mind you also lost about 50 parsnips and a row of chard bright lights but that was nowt to do with weather and more to do with random and unannounced activites carried out by well meaning relations.
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: Ann on July 05, 2007, 22:45
I've lost my melons which was disappointing as it was my first attempt at growning them.  Lots of tomatoes but they are outside and not rippening and everything else is very slow.
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: Beanzie on July 05, 2007, 23:36
Not too bad in the West of Scotland
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: John on July 06, 2007, 00:00
My first ever failure with runner beans, it looks like but most else seems OK where Ive managed to get it out.

Need to get some spuds up though. Fingers crossed Saturday will be dry. I've leeks to get out and more brassicas.

Loads of broad beans and peas to harvest as well. Think Mrs John will be drafted in.
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: crowndale on July 06, 2007, 08:03
So far the only major casualties I have seem to be the maincrop spuds which are looking suspiciously like they have the dreaded blight, must go take a good look when the rain stops!  Everything else looks ok and fruit is growing great though the strawbs are not as sweet as they cold be, the raspberries are doing well for a first year in the ground and the peas are going wild!  The french beans though are being very slow but still mostly intact so there's hope yet.  Not bad for a garden that was under a foot of water last week.
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: Annie on July 06, 2007, 09:50
Will probably loose some potatoes but have more of a problem getting things to grow outside in the first place!
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: Little Miss Muffet on July 06, 2007, 10:45
i have lost my swede,turnip and caulioflower row due to the slugs there was a thread some where on here  which i have been trying to find but its a great thread on slugs and different ways to get rid of them if any one can find this link i would be most gratefull.
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: diggerjoe on July 06, 2007, 13:01
Same here in Coventry - I've loads of stuff still in pots, nero cabbage , fennel, beans, seems i might be better off leaving them in there as the plot is still too muddy to walk on - thinking hard about raised beds next year. still we'll appreciate the sun when it does make an appearance. :)
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: splodger on July 06, 2007, 16:38
i feel for all you guys and gals that have had a hard time this year - i am feeling guilty that i haven,t lost anything - my sugar snaps were slow to get going - but are going great guns now.

i did protect everything though - to reduce rain and wind damage - and my slug population enjoy john smiths too much to bother my greens :lol:

i have made a hot bed outdoors (with a roof) so my cucumbers, melons and squash are doing well also - albeit a bit cramped.

the only thing lost - has been dahlias - they have eaten to the ground - but they are not crops - so i don't mind - and i've got hundreds of em

the summer is on it's way though folks - so don't despair  8)
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: gregmcalister on July 09, 2007, 13:26
I have lost all cabbages, red cabbage and romanesco cauliflower.  My sugar snap peas were eaten as soon as they emerged.  One French bean out of about 40 sprouted then completely stopped.  I've got an occasional carrot and parsnip and my borlotti beans didn't appear.  The potatoes and onions don't seem too bad and my courgettes are holding in there although I have lost about 3 for no apparent reason.  Globe artichokes are growing although I've kept a lot of spares as the slugs seem to like them.  The chillis have just completely shut down.  The last time I checked the beetroot was doing alright but generally it is a bit of a disaster.  I've been growing a few things in my garden and these are doing far better than anything on my allotment.
Title: No real casualties here ...
Post by: wellingtons on July 09, 2007, 13:51
Some things are looking a bit rain spattered and were in need of a bit of warm weather, but the weekend's sunshine has been very gratefully received.

Although I'm very close to the river, I do have the sandy soil that goes with it, so things are quite nicely balanced for me at the minute.

My green squashes could do with a bit more sunshine, as could my butternut squashes.  

But casualities are zero ... for now.
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: starmoonlilly on July 09, 2007, 22:02
First crop of lettuce got  hammered by slugs, as did the first lot of carrots....that was in April. Since then everything has done very well, my sympathies to everyone who has had flooding and a poor harvest or complete lack of.

Think back to Dec and Jan....more sun in those months. We sat outside in Tshirts more often than not. Maybe we should call global changing
Title: how much of your crop have you lost?
Post by: wildeone on July 10, 2007, 07:57
Mind you also lost about 50 parsnips and a row of chard bright lights but that was nowt to do with weather and more to do with random and unannounced activites carried out by well meaning relations.

i'm intrigued !!!