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"Nature Watch (other than birds)"

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As requested  ;)

Thank you MOS. This will stop me from going off topic in the birdwatch thread.  Well maybe.  ;)  It would be really lovely to read peeps comments on the flora and fauna that they find on their lottie or in their gardens.  :)

Even though the weather has been horrible recently (with constant rain and winds) there are still signs that spring will eventually arrive. My trailing Aubretia is starting to bloom and is providing nectar for the occasional bee. There are a few crocus in bloom but no sign yet of any daffs. We have even had a few ladybirds about on milder days.

Our badgers are still making an appearance now and again - I just love the way that they amble along. Have given up trying to count the rabbits - although they look lovely are such a pain in veggie patch.

New shoot:
My little 'wild' crocus that seed everywhere round the garden are just starting to bloom.   I also noticed that some of the snowdrops are nearly ready to flower  :D

The daffs are pushing through leaves now for me, but they have a way to go before flowering  :)

I am really enjoying the little mouse family living in my compost, they are so tiny and very cute. I love to see them scurry to hide when I open the bin. Plenty of grey squirrels of course, I have discovered that they are rather partial to cake and the berries on the Gaultheria. Lots of foxes too, who are also partial to a bit of cake.   :)

Oh the little mice are probably wood mice - they are lovely.  :) I have such mixed feelings about foxes - I can admire how handsome that they look but as a chicken keeper I am always wary of them.


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