Greenhouse V Polytunnel?

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fallen angel

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Greenhouse V Polytunnel?
« on: February 08, 2016, 17:41 »
I'm looking at buying a walk in plastic greenhouse to use in addition to my glass greenhouse then I saw plastic polytunnels and started to wonder what would be better?

Is there much difference in it?

Many thanks.



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Re: Greenhouse V Polytunnel?
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2016, 17:48 »
The cheap green-checked polytunnel covered greenhouses don't last as long as a plastic greenhouse, but they are cheaper.

Neither of them last as long as a glass greenhouse, though.

To me, it didn't seem that there was much difference between growing in a poytunnel and growing in a plastic greenhouse.


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Re: Greenhouse V Polytunnel?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2016, 17:53 »
That was what I was thinking mumofstig to me it seems just the same but having never done either I thought I best ask the experts  :D

Many thanks.



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Re: Greenhouse V Polytunnel?
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2016, 11:07 »
I'm looking at buying a walk in plastic greenhouse to use in addition to my glass greenhouse then I saw plastic polytunnels and started to wonder what would be better?

Is there much difference in it?

Many thanks.

please describe the "plastic" greenhouse as I may disagree with mum (sorry)  If it is rigid plastic (polycarbonate), then yes it would be better than polytunnel but if you mean like this THIS ONE then no, it will not stand up to wind if it is not in a well sheltered area, the frame is cheap and easily buckled and the cover blown off (my walk in greenhouse lasted just 3 days and had to be binned not to mention it collapsed on top of all my plants inside)  My cheap green checked polytunnel on the other hand, has 25mm galvanized steel frame so is much more sturdy, and the cover is now into its 3rd year (would probably last longer if I removed it at the end of the growing season)  I actually like my polytunnel for a number of reasons especially as it seems roomier.  Cost is also a factor - a proper greenhouse can cost a good couple £100+ whereas a green-checked polytunnel is much cheaper (prices vary - when people starting thinking about early spring growing, I noticed the price goes up by a third but at the end of the growing season the price drops)  If you spend a bit extra and get the 25mm rather than 19mm galvanized steel, you'll find it can last for many years and you just need to replace the cover.  A polytunnel is relatively easy to set up too but a greenhouse can be more work putting the frame together.  I bought my first polytunnel 3 years ago, then decided to buy another last year with a cover that has doors at either end and butted the 2 together to make one very long polytunnel so I found them more versatile than a greenhouse.


fallen angel

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Re: Greenhouse V Polytunnel?
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2016, 12:48 »
Hi yes I was looking at one like your link so think I may go with the polytunnel instead thank you.



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Re: Greenhouse V Polytunnel?
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2016, 14:44 »
The one linked at Homebase might possibly be ok if its in a very sheltered position - but my experience with similar is that the metal is too thin and lacks strength. The zips are particularly troublesome. If you can get them cheap enough then maybe its worth it if you are lucky and get 2 or 3 seasons out of them but I've never managed more than one season. I live in a windy coastal area and have found that even the knee high cloches made from similar materials won't last.
My plot is off a road called Windmill Lane - as you may guess the wind up there is one of the major problems we have. I've spent all Winter pondering GH vs PT... still yet to come to a conclusion. There are a few PT's on the site but they are a fair bit sturdier than the Homebase one and cost £70 -> £120
We're  not allowed glass on the plot - my current thinking is to pick up a second hand GH frame and then use polycarbon sheets or clear corrugated plastic sheeting.  There would need to be plenty of additional bolting down etc...

Pip pip,


fallen angel

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Re: Greenhouse V Polytunnel?
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2016, 14:54 »
I find it all to confusing if I think about it too long lol I only want one in addition to my glass greenhouse so I can grow (hopefully) loads of tomatoes for sauces, cucumbers for pickling and not forgetting loads of peppers/chillies.

I'm sure I remember something about not growing something with something else in the greenhouse can't for the life of me remember what but figure I could try and have one for toms one for cuces and try and squeeze peppers in somewhere lol



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Re: Greenhouse V Polytunnel?
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2016, 09:02 »
I find it all to confusing if I think about it too long lol I only want one in addition to my glass greenhouse so I can grow (hopefully) loads of tomatoes for sauces, cucumbers for pickling and not forgetting loads of peppers/chillies.

I'm sure I remember something about not growing something with something else in the greenhouse can't for the life of me remember what but figure I could try and have one for toms one for cuces and try and squeeze peppers in somewhere lol

with chillies and peppers, it's a good idea to increase humidity (eg spraying the leaves) to prevent red spider mite infestation, but tomato leaves on the other hand go mouldy.  I don't grow greenhouse cucumbers (I find the outdoor type like Marketmore do so much better outside) but I seem to remember something about wetting the floor (presumably to increase humidity for similar reasons as chillies but I can't be sure)

With regards to polytunnels, I bought mine from Amazon but the same can be found on ebay (just a case of comparing prices and free delivery) or from KMS Direct  I had a peek and prices are currently low (my 4M x 2M x 2M one is about £85) but within the next few weeks expect prices to rise sharply (I've seen the same model from the same place at about £120)  The replacement cover is about £45.  You'll also need a set of anchors and anti-hot spot tape but you can shop around for those (again, Amazon or ebay) - to be fair, there was a delivery problem with the first and the anchors went missing/delayed so as I was eager to get it set up quickly, I used old tent pegs (lots of them LOL) and it was fine, and with the second polytunnel I forgot the tape so used a flexible polystyrene (like you find as sleeves for protecting electronic equipment)  Anti-hot spot tape helps to prevent chaffing in the wind so protects the cover better, as well as from the heat absorbed in the frame.  As regards delivery, do please be at home that day!  It is usually within 2 days of ordering by Royal Mail - I had a total disaster with the first and spent days trying to get it delivered and in the end had to collect it from the depot (the parcel is VERY heavy)  With the second I had it delivered to my works address and opened the box and took the pieces out to load the car.

Good luck with whatever you choose, but as you might guess I prefer the polytunnel.



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Re: Greenhouse V Polytunnel?
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2016, 09:30 »
Depends how much you want to pay of course but I picked up a leaflet for a Keter greenhouse, it's like a poly tunnel but covered in a bubble like plastic, it looked very good. I'll take a look online & see if I can post a link, can't remember how much it was though & I'd already bought my rhino greenhouse by then

Sorry would appear I have the wrong name, I can't find what I mean, I think I've thrown the leaflet out. If I remember it I'll come back
« Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 09:34 by snowdrops »
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Re: Greenhouse V Polytunnel?
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2016, 10:09 »
Ah! - I thought Norfolk greenhouse
 - when I read plastic greenhouse  ::)
I have one of these, which I bought after the cover failed so quickly, on my polytunnel.

After a few more years I got a glass greenhouse as well   :lol:




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Re: Greenhouse V Polytunnel?
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2016, 16:22 »

This has just come to my inbox, Keder was the name I was trying to think of. Lots to win, I'll post in frugal living as well. Good luck


fallen angel

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Re: Greenhouse V Polytunnel?
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2016, 23:09 »
Thank you  :)



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Re: Greenhouse V Polytunnel?
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2016, 20:49 »
I have just sold my avairy 20'x15' its now gone and i'm having a new feather edge fence put up along the end
of the garden, i've got a concrete base down 25'x10'  i'm puting a shed on the slab up high enough so my jack russell can get under it, then my tunnel im going to put [its 12' wide] 6' on the  slab 6' on the garden so the 6' on the slab i can deck out with staging and the floor will be easy to sweep or wash down,
i will be running lecky from my work shop to a fuse box in the shed that will give me light and heat in the tunnel,
i have trawled the net looking at tunnels and im going for Premier Polytunnels its going to be £300-4oo for what i want ,,AND ITS FREE POSTING TO  THE ISLE of WIGHT,,,,,some others want £200 p&p, but before this happens the fence guys have to do there magic they have already put up 120' down one side of my garden, will post up how things are going,,,,, :)



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Re: Greenhouse V Polytunnel?
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2016, 19:02 »
sounds like a big project - hope it goes well  :)

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