Picking this afternoon for garden clubs show tomorrow so
Beetroot, more than I need but got 2x 3 usable for the show out of them
Tomatoes by the 100 but as above
Cucumbers almost as above
Peppers , 3 for the show couple to eat now
Blueberries,most I’ve ever harvested this year ver the last 2 weeks
Longest runner bean
2 x gladioli for members only new class, 2 entries
Forgot the French beans
Tray of courgettes but managed 2 for show
Loads of runner beans but not putting them in, need to check what our show growers enter
Few dahlias, but broke a couple of stems so not going to enter any, plus I ran out of steam by 9 pm as I’ll be there from 7:30 a.m til gone 9 p.m. tomorrow
A large melon
polish my halo