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 :ohmy: Oh sorry to read this Alank, a big impact for you I’m sure, fingers crossed you get it back up & running ready for the new season to start 
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What's the weather like where you are? 2025
« Last post by Alank on Yesterday at 18:24 »
Thanks Yorkie
I will be making a start tomorrow and it will take a good while to turn it all around but at least I can get it sorted  :D
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What's the weather like where you are? 2025
« Last post by Yorkie on Yesterday at 17:42 »
Wow, sorry to hear about your impacts Alank. Good luck with the rest of the clearing up, and hope you can salvage / rescue most of what might have flown a little.
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What's the weather like where you are? 2025
« Last post by Alank on Yesterday at 16:39 »
Well I've cleared the polly tunnel debris from the access road.
Looks like I will be busy on the evenings after work for a good while  :lol:
At least the nights are starting to draw out a bit :D
Three polly tunnels destroyed and two sheds moved, fencing damaged and everything that was in the tunnels is spread all over.
This is north west of county durham.
Hope everyone else is OK a lot have had it a lot worse than we have.
:ohmy:  :( :( :(
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What's the weather like where you are? 2025
« Last post by John on Yesterday at 15:29 »
Three polly tunnels destroyed and two sheds moved, fencing damaged and everything that was in the tunnels is spread all over.
This is north west of county durham.
Hope everyone else is OK a lot have had it a lot worse than we have.
Oh no! That's really tough - sorry chum.
Chatting on the Plot / Re: What's the weather like where you are? 2025
« Last post by Alank on Yesterday at 15:04 »
Three polly tunnels destroyed and two sheds moved, fencing damaged and everything that was in the tunnels is spread all over.
This is north west of county durham.
Hope everyone else is OK a lot have had it a lot worse than we have.
Welcome to the Forums / MOVED: Radicchio
« Last post by New shoot on Yesterday at 13:36 »
Despite the horrendous forecasts, we got away with it here, it was nowhere near as bad as predicted TG!
I hope everybody else is ok..
Rather blustery atm but with some welcome sunshine. Heard the rain & wind during the night, hoping everyone is ok and no damage. I’m off to the chickens in a minute, hoping no panes of glass have come anywhere near my tunnel like in the last storm. Someone lost a panel of glass and it land a few inches from my tunnel & broke into shards, was a very close call, I think had it of ripped into the skin I’d have lost the cover :(
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